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1、 第四章第四章有关签字样本和密押表的信函有关签字样本和密押表的信函 (Letters about Specimen (Letters about Specimen Signature and Testkey)Signature and Testkey)Open Questions1. What is the function of specimen signatures?2. How much do you know about test key?3. Do you know how to test telexes and cables? Words & Expressionsin ones

2、possession 在某人手中,由某 人持有We would like to inform you that we are unable to verify the signature appearing thereon after comparing it with your Booklet of Specimen Signatures in our possession. referring to sth. 关于或提及某事Referring to the subject letter of credit, we confirm having advised it to the benef

3、iciaries through our Beijing Branch. look into sth. 调查某事Please look into the matter and supply us with the specimen signature on the captioned L/C Sample Sentences1.However, we would like to inform you that we are unable to2.Please look into the matter and supply us, or else inform us of3.Referring

4、to the subject letter of 4.Having , we realized that 5.As you are well aware, keeping and administering these documents would entail superfluous costs which could otherwise be avoided.6.For this reason, we would propose a cancellation of the existing test key arrangements.7.We expect your cooperatio

5、n in this respect and thank you in advance for your kind assistance.8.Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.E-C Translation1. Upon comparing the captioned two signatures appearing on the above credit with your Booklet in our possession, we find we are unable to verify them.译文1. 将上

6、述标题所列信用证中两个签名与我 们所持有的你行印签册进行比较后,我行 认为无法验证这两个签名的真伪。 2. As this credit involves a large amount, we cannot advise it to the beneficiary before receiving your confirmation by telex. 译文2.该信用证涉及金额巨大,在收到你行的电 报确认之前,我行不能将该信用证通知受 益人。 3. We acknowledge receipt of your telex dated June 18, 2002 informing us of

7、your payment of $2333.00 by debiting your account with us. But we would like to point out that the telex is not authenticated by a test. 译文3. 我行收到你行2002年6月18日电传,告 知已将你行支付的2333美元记入你行在我 所设账户的借方。但我们想指出的是,该 电传因未经密押而未予证实。 4. With reference to your letter of credit No. 384 for $20 000 in favor of ABC Bank

8、 of America, we wish to tell you that both signatures thereon are found out of their previous shapes compared with the specimen signatures in your authorized signature book. 译文4.关于你方以美国ABC银行为受益人,金额 为20000美元,编号为384的信用证,上面 的两个签字与从前所留样式不符。经比较 与你方授权印签册上的签字样本不符,特 告。 C-E Translation5. 我们认为,由于电传或电报涉及你行的 授权

9、或承诺,因此,最好使电传或电报经 过密押,以维护你方的利益。 译文5. We should think that for telexes or cables involving your authorization or commitments, it would be better to have them tested so as to safeguard your interest.6. 我们意识到密押在很多情况下使用得很 少,这意味着银行为了保留这些密押要负 担本来可以避免的不必要的费用。 译文6. We have noted that keys are seldom used by

10、banks, and this means that they have to bear superfluous costs of keeping these keys, which could otherwise be avoided. 7. 感谢贵行开出的上述信用证,但我方根 据所给的号码无法在有权人签字一览表中 找到。 译文7. Thank you for opening the above letter of credit. We cannot however identify the signatures thereon with your specimen signatures a

11、ccording to the number given. 8. 有关你方的密押表,如果在2005年12月 4日之前未收到你方的相反意见,我方将指 示我方往来行销毁他们所持有的你方密押 表。 译文8. As regards your test key tables, if by December 4, 2005, nothing is heard from you to the contrary, we shall instruct our correspondent bank branches involved to destroy your tables now in their poss

12、ession.Sample VersionDear Sirs,We have examined the test key arrangements we have with banks abroad, with the purpose of rationalizing them and consequently cutting down the relevant costs. We have realized that in many circumstances, test keys are seldom, if ever, used, and this means that keeping

13、and administering these documents would entail superfluous costs which could otherwise be avoided.For this reason, if you agree, we would propose a cancellation of the test key arrangements with your * branches. If, by October 1, 2003, nothing is beard from you to the contrary, we would suspend the

14、arrangements with your * branches and would instruct our branches to discontinue using them. Please destroy those test key tables of ours now in possession of your said branches and confirm that fact by returning the enclosed copy of this letter duly signed.Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


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