英语公开课课件 happiness

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《英语公开课课件 happiness》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语公开课课件 happiness(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Happiness Theme of the passage Structure of the passage Assignment: critical reading 土=What is happinessWhen most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countri

2、es, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richerBut when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community幸为(希望); 幸来(希望前来); 幸愿(希望).幸翼(希望) 幸,吉而免凶也。说文 Lucky, wit

3、h fortune Wish幸:fortune, wish礻+一口田=礻:祭祀 sacrifice福,祐也。说文The blessing of ancestors一口田Wealth and fortune福: Wealthy and good relationship with family members, and the whole society幸福: the wish for wealthy life, and good relationship with family and society Pursuit of happiness for the common good relat

4、ionshipfamily, friends, societywealthcommon goodmoneypublicElementsMoneysalaryincomeearnworkspendwealthpropertyeconomyrichwell-off= 礻+乚Relationship乚乚=乙Be respectful in the relationshipPublic individualismcollectivismweIour, ourselvesmy, myselfCritical Reading disagreereasoning evidenceand crimeanoth

5、er indicator of dissatisfactionis also much higher. (Line 6, Para 1) Since society as a whole cannot raise its position relative to itself, the effort which its members devote to that end could be said to be a waste(line 3, Para 5) So if one person improves his status, someone else loses an equal am

6、ount. It is a zero-sum game(Line 4, Para 6) That is why the rat race is so destructive: we lose family life and peace of mind in pursuing something whose total cannot be altered (Line 8, Para 6)AssignmentSummarize the main idea of each part of the passageWrite a passage with the title I Dont AgreeEND


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