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1、赴美生子,美国医院入院常用 英语,绝对实用! 美国生宝宝常用语句 芳泉谷医院生产流程医院预先注册 Pre-register洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创Pre-register cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 I need to register/pre-register 我需要注册 What is your last name/Can I see your passport 你姓什么/可以看下你护照吗 Have a seat. We will call you shortly 先坐 一下。我们马上会叫你。 Go to room one/two/three/four 你可以 去第1/2/3/4号房间

2、。Pre Register office洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创Pre-register office洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 What is your address 你的住址 What is your phone number 你的电话 What is your expected due date 你的预产期是什么时候 What is your emergency contact name/phone number 有紧急情况我们 需要联系的人姓名和电话 Do you have an appointment with us 你已经有预约了吗 (生产) What time is your app

3、ointment 你的预约时间Pre-register office cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 Initial 姓名开头字母签名(名字字母在前,姓氏字母在后)Shi Jing JSShi Xiaojing - XS Patient Name - 全名(汉语拼音) Patient Signature 签名(汉语拼音,以后任何在医院的签名都要相符 ) Consent Form 同意书 Privacy Information 隐私信息 You are all set - 搞定了我终于要生了 洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创我终于要生了 洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 I have an appointment

4、 for C-Section 我有预约剖腹产 Have a seat outside/We will call you when it is ready 在外边稍等一下, 我们准备好了会马上叫你。我终于要生了 洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 At least 1 contraction every 5 minutes and it last for more than 1 hour 每5 分钟规则宫缩一次,持续一小时以上 Amniotic Fluid/Water broke 破水 Blood 见红 任何心理不安的时候,觉得胎动减少,担心胎儿和自己状况的时候 都可以去医院。Labor and Deliv

5、ery洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创Labor and Delivery洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创Which side do you prefer? Is either side ok? 哪边比较好 Fetal movement/Fetal heartbeat 胎动/胎心跳 Epidural 无痛 Breast feeding/bottle feeding/both 母乳/瓶奶水/都要 Cervical dilation 开指情况 I need more meds 多一些无痛Labor and Delivery cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 I need a Chinese translator/in

6、terpreter 我需要中文翻译 Your baby is still up high 宝宝的位置还是有点高 Scoot/move over a little bit 挪过去一点 Relax 放轻松 Fully dilated 开十指医生不会来护士不会帮你开始用力Labor and Delivery cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创We will start to push when you feel the contractions 当你感到宫缩的时候我们就开始用力Labor and Delivery cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 Take a deep breath Hold it

7、PushLabor and Delivery cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 Thats good/I will call the doctor now 很好/我现在就去叫医生Take a break/休息一下Labor and Delivery Vaginal 洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 One.Ten Cut the umbilical cord - 剪脐带 A lot of pressure - 很大的压迫感 Put baby on the chest/skin-to-skin contact 肌肤相处维持健康的体温, 调节宝宝的心跳, 血糖和呼吸, 增强宝宝的免疫 系统,减少宝宝对外界的

8、不适应。妈妈也会刺激产奶 Take all your belongings 拿好所有你的东西Labor and Delivery cont.洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 Take a shower for the baby 给宝宝洗澡 Postpartum hemorrhage - 产后大出血 On a scale 1 to 10, how much is your pain? 1 being a little pain, 10 being extremely pain 从1到10你现在的疼痛是多少,1不是很痛,10非常通Recovery Room洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 Birth Certific

9、ate/Social Security Number 出生纸/社会安全号 Birth Certificate 出生纸需要至少3个礼拜 Social Security Number - 社会安全号需要10个工作日,爸爸妈妈要亲 自去政府部门拿Medical Records - 妈妈和宝宝的病历Medical Records洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 I need my medical records 我需要我的病历 Just you? Or you and your babys medical records 只要你的/还是你和 孩子的都要 Fill out the form please - 请填表格 I will make a copy of your passport 我需要复印你的护照 It is 25 cents per page 25 美分一页 It takes 4 working days 需要4个工作日THANKYOU洛杉矶罗素医生诊所原创 该文档属美国尔湾芳泉谷医院罗素诊所原创 请在下载复制前得到原创允许方能采用 赴美生子品牌罗素医生诊所在此祝福孕妈身体健康、幸福快乐


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