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1、 专 业姓名联系电话准考证号档案号通讯地址邮编276826论文题目海尔多元化经营风险防范研究论文页数15指导老师签名指导教师评估签名评审意见签名答辩评语毕业考核成绩主考院校盖章年 月 日摘 要随着世界经济的一体化和国际化,我国开始涌现出了越来越多的大型企业,这些企业通过多元化经营战略从单体企业到企业集团的规模扩张。然而,多元化经营不是一蹴而就的事,如果不经过理性分析,盲目实施多元化经营战略扩张产业,只会给企业带来惨痛的负面效果。本文首先介绍了多元化经营战略研究的社会经济背景及意义,阐述了多元化经营及风险方面的基本概念与国内外的研究综述。随后在系统的概括了海尔多元化经营存在的风险状况,分析促使海

2、尔集团实施企业集团多元化经营风险的原因,并从规避海尔新进行业不可控风险,对海尔品牌有效延伸及塑造,加强海尔新增业务所在行业的核心竞争力,努力增强海尔自身实力底蕴与提升海尔全面的内控管理等方面,提出对海尔集团未来多元化经营风险防范的对策;最后对全文进行总结及展望。 关键词:关键词:多元化经营;风险防范;核心竞争力IAbstract As the world economic integration and internationalization, our country began to emerge more and more large enterprises, these enterpr

3、ises expand from monomer to the enterprise group through diversification strategy. However, diversification is not merely a overnight thing, without rational analysis, the blind implementation of the management strategy to expand industry more, will only bring heavy negative effects to the enterpris

4、e. This paper first introduces the diversification strategy, the social and economic background and significance of the study and expounds the diversification and the basic concept of risk and research at home and abroad. Later it sketches briefly situation of the haier diversification risk , analyz

5、es the cause of the haier group to implement diversified enterprise group management risk, and extends and shapes the haier brand by uncontrolled risks from evading haier new industry effectively, strengthens the core competitiveness of haiers new business industry, makes efforts to strengthen haier

6、s own background and the promotion of the internal control of haiers comprehensive management,and puts forward countermeasures for the prevention of diversification risk prevention for haier group in the future; Finally, it comes to the full text summary and prospect.Key Words: Diversification; Risk

7、 Prevention; The Core CompetitivenessII目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II1 绪论.11.1 研究背景.11.2 研究意义.21.3 研究方法.22 相关理论与文献综述.32.1 多元化经营风险相关理念.32.1.1 多元化经营的基本概念.32.1.2 多元化风险概述.32.2 风险管理的相关理论.42.2.1 风险控制的基本概念.42.2.2 风险管理概述.42.3 文献综述.42.3.1 国外研究现状.42.3.1 国内研究现状.63 海尔多元化经营风险概括.73.1 海尔资源问题.73.2 海尔品牌延伸问题.73.3 海尔核心能力问题.83.4 海尔多元化经营管理问题.93.3.1 多元化优势未能持续.93.3.2 未能在新产业领域内形成新的竞争力.94 海尔多元化经营的风险分析.104.1 海尔人力资源风险.104.1.1 海尔多法人风险.104.1.2 职业经理人与员工激励问题.104.2 海尔研发风险.104.3 海尔管理风险.11III4.3.


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