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1、毕业论文毕业论文论文题目论文题目 行政伦理法制化的思考行政伦理法制化的思考专专 业业 名名 称称 行政管理行政管理 目目 录录摘要摘要Abstrast.引言引言1一、行政伦理法制化的概述行政伦理法制化的概述.1(一)行政伦理法制化的含义.1(二)行政伦理法制化的研究现状.3二、域外行政伦理法制化及借鉴域外行政伦理法制化及借鉴.5(一)美国的行政伦理法制化.6(二)韩国的行政伦理法制化.7(三)日本的行政伦理法制化.8(四)为我国行政伦理法制化提供的借鉴.9三、我国行政伦理法制化的必要性和可能性我国行政伦理法制化的必要性和可能性.12(一)行政伦理法制化的必要性.12(二)行政伦理法制化的可能性

2、.15四、我国行政伦理立法路径的思考我国行政伦理立法路径的思考.16(一)行政伦理法制化的指导思想或基本原则。.16(二)我国行政伦理立法模式选择.17(三)关于行政伦理立法的几个问题.19结结 语语22谢谢 辞辞.23注注 释释.23参考文献参考文献.24摘摘 要要随着社会的发展,为了有效遏制政府腐败行为的发生世界各国制定各种规章制度,但由于规章制度效力的有限性,许多国家的反腐倡廉工作并未取得很大的突破。我国正处在转型时期,也同样受到这一困境的困扰。借鉴域外道德制度化、法制化的成功,我国建设行政伦理法制化也迫在眉急,迫切需要制度符合本国国情的行政伦理法律,寻求行政伦理法律化这一路径,将行政伦


4、和监督程序展开剖析,得出我国现有行政伦理立法的不足,并为我国行政伦理立法提供充分的建议并对其内容进行补充,强调立法后的执行、监督及其相关程序的重要性。本文主要就从这几个方面对行政伦理法制化进行思考。关键词:关键词:行政伦理立法、行政伦理、法制化IAbstract With the development of society, in order to effectively curb the incidence of corruption in the government to develop a variety of regulations around the world to deve

5、lop, but because of the limited effectiveness of rules and regulations formulated in many countries anti- corruption work has not made great breakthrough. China is in transition, is also plagued by this dilemma. Reference extraterritorial Morality, the success of the legal system, legal system of th

6、e construction of administrative ethics in the Meiji also forced the urgent need for the system of administrative ethics consistent with the law to their national conditions, to seek the path of administrative ethics law, will rise to the law of administrative ethics height, thus inhibiting corrupti

7、on. This paper describes the administrative ethics and the legal system, starting from the fundamental understanding of the legal system of administrative ethics and administration of the basic concepts of ethics, in contrast, extra-territorial administrative ethics course, focusing on the United St

8、ates, South Korea and Japan, the legislative background of administrative ethics, and characteristics of the process . Starting from the necessity and possibility of further, demonstrate the need for administrative ethics and the possibility of legalization. Mainly from the need for changes in value

9、 orientation of public administration, in response to public demand, executive ethical issues of autonomy and administrative ethics is the objective of social development needs of these four aspects, the possibility is derived from the possibility of legal ethics. Based on the above, drawing on the

10、experience of extraterritorial legislation, combined with status of administrative ethics, administrative ethics legislation on the path of analysis, reflection, Legal and administrative ethics and principles of the guidelines, legislation and legislative mode selection using the object, content and

11、 implementation and monitoring procedures to start analysis, come to our lack of existing administrative ethics legislation, and to provide adequate administrative ethics legislation in China the contents of the proposal and its complement, emphasis on legislation after the implementation, monitorin

12、g and the importance of procedures. This review focuses on several aspects of administrative ethics from the legal system to think. Keywords: Administrative ethics legislation,Administrative ethics,legalization0引引 言言自改革开放以来,我国经济发展稳定、速度较快,政治体制得到不断完善,人们生活水平也日益提高。但与此同时,政府腐败现象频有发生,数量、金额呈有增无减的趋势。这也充分说明了仅仅在道德层面上谈廉洁在我国是行不通的,或者说是收效甚低的。正如党在十五届六中全会中指出的:“加强和改进党的作风建设,要服务大局,整体推进,从严要求,标本廉治,坚持一靠教育,二靠制度,从源头上预防和治理各种不良作风”1。从这些年的实践来看,道德教育的效力是低下的,即“道德建设作为防腐败的第一防线,却是脆弱的”2。因而我们应该求助于更高一层行政道德法制化,从法的高度出发给予政府人员充分飞威慑力,在法律的层面上指导



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