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1、Chapter 4 What shall I do?Warming upTarget VocabularySpeakingLanguageConsolidationReadingBefore we read, think about the following questions. 1.Do you often have problems that puzzle you at school? If you do, tell some of your problems and how you solved them. Who do you often ask for help? 2. Have

2、you ever had problems with your parents? If you have, tell some of your problems and how you solved them.What would you do if You are late for school one morning.You find one of your classmates sick with fever. Two of your friends quarrel.You break a window of your classroomYou happen to see a thief

3、 running out of your neighbors houseAnd if you see this womanwhat would you do then?Target vocabulary 1.counselor / kansl /n. (为心理等问题做咨询 的)顾问,辅导员e.g. He had a problem communicating with his classmates and so he went to their school counselor for help.2. extract n. ekstrkt n. 摘录,引用,精华 ,提炼物e.g. The ex

4、tract from this kind of flowers can be used as liquid soap.I decided to buy that novel afterI read an extract from it. 3. behavior n. bhevj n. 行为,举止,态 度 e.g. Scientists still cannot explain some strange animal behavior ./You must apologize for your rude behavior .v. behave 举止,表现e.g. The little boy t

5、ried very hard to behave like an adult./John doesnt behave himself at school. (行为检 点,守规矩) 4. violent vailnt adj. 狂暴的,暴力的,猛烈的(adv. Violently /n. violence)e.g. The key to preventing violent behavior at school is to set up a program in which both parents andteachers take part.School violence has become

6、 a serious problem, especially in public schools.Her knees shook violently , but she stayed on her feet. 5. advise v. dvaiz 建议 (n. advice)e.g. The expert advised us to eat more vegetables and less meat.( Theexpert suggested us eating more )Bill Gates also left his famous 9pieces of advice to the wor

7、ld./He made a few suggestions to the world.6. conclusion knklu:n 结束,结尾,结论,推论 (v. conclude)e.g. They finally came to a conclusion /drew a conclusion that the plan couldnt be conducted.(他们最后得出结论那个计划不能实施)。The conclusion of the film was quite romantic.( 电影的结尾非常浪漫)。conclude v. The chairman concluded the

8、meeting./The meeting was concluded.7. persuade v. psweid 劝说,说服,劝告/Its not easy to persuade him.e.g. We tried to persuade him to give up that foolish plan. When persuading a stubborn person, you must show confident, open body language.( 当你劝说一个固执的 人时,你 必须展现出自信,坦率的 肢体语言。)a department storea kindergarte

9、n ,kind:tn 幼儿园a high-rise building8. unhelpful , nhelpful adj. 无用的,不愿帮助的 e.g. / Everyone on your team was so awesome and helpful .(你们队里的每个人都是这样的棒和乐于助人) 。The salesgirl in the shop is one of the most unhelpful people I have ever come across./I found these instruction books unhelpful. (我发现这些指导书没什么帮助).

10、/I hope they can introduce us some helpfulhelpful ones.9. bully buli v. 恐吓,欺负Raymond always bullied and teased his classmates at school.10. error er n.错误e.g. The forest fire in Australia was caused by human error.( 澳洲的森林大火是由人为错误引起的)。mistake 、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake 强调日常生活中判断

11、和看法的错误如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误。 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道 德上的错误。比mistake 更正式, 常用于书面语。He cant forget the errors of his youth. 他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 (n.) 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点It s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错。11. narrowly adv. nrl 勉强地,以毫厘之差 e.g. She narrowly missed the

12、train. 她差点错过了火车。George narrowly passed his physics exam. ( 乔治的物理考试勉强及格。)12. rent v. 租,租金e.g. She doesnt have enough money to rent a big house.Kate had to move away because she owed rent for a month.checkout tekaut 超市的收银台children at play 在玩耍的孩子12. by accident 意外地,偶然地e.g. A young man got an expensivea

13、ntique by accident ./She knew that secret by accident . (accidentally) 13. by mistake 错误地e.g. Arthur took my textbook home by mistake . 14. if necessary 如有必要的话e.g. We can also take a tent to the park if necessary ./Give a brief explanation for your plan if necessary.Listen to the recording of the th

14、ree stories. Try to get a brief understanding of the three letters.Story 1 1.When Amys friend visited her on her new high-rise flat, what did Amy do by accident? 2. What happened to the flower pot and was anybody hurt? 3. What did the writer and her friend do after that?4. When they got home, what h

15、ad the police done? 5. Did Amy tell the truth to the police?How did the writer feel? Story 2 1.What was the writer doing at nine that evening? 2. What did the three strong boys do after they got on the carriage? 3. Did the bigger boys stop bullying after the young boy moved to another seat? 4. What

16、was the writers problem? Story 3 1.What does the writer think of the shop assistant at the local super market? 2. Why was she complaining? 3. What did she do by mistake ? 1.4. What did the writer try to do after he found the error and what did the shop assistant shout at him? 2.5. What did the writer decide to do with the extra mon


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