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1、联合制作First Day at WorkFirst Day at Work1.1 Starting work1.1 Starting workIT职业英语水平考试项目组 大连东软信息学院英语系ContentsReporting for employmentGreeting peopleIntroducing yourselfIntroducing two peopleAsking for repetitionWarm-up Exercises1.1. Is Jenny new around here?Is Jenny new around here?2.2. Has Mark been he

2、re for long?Has Mark been here for long?3.3. Is Jenny friendly with Mark?Is Jenny friendly with Mark?MichaelMichael我是我是MichaelMichael,我是来,我是来报到报到的。的。Reporting for employmentReceptionistReceptionist请到请到A201A201室技术支持部室技术支持部。王女士王女士在等您在等您。To report for employmentTo report for employmentThe department of

3、 technical support The department of technical support at room A201 at room A201 is waiting for you. is waiting for you.Reporting for employmentMichaelMichael您好您好,王女士。,王女士。很高兴见到你很高兴见到你。欢迎你的加入!欢迎你的加入! 这是你的办公桌、电脑和分机。这是你的办公桌、电脑和分机。你可以先熟悉一下环境。你可以先熟悉一下环境。有问题的话,随时来问我。有问题的话,随时来问我。(转下一页)(转下一页)How do you do?

4、 How do you do?Your desk, computer and extension.Your desk, computer and extension.To take a look aroundTo take a look aroundIt is nice to see you.It is nice to see you.Welcome aboard!Welcome aboard! Ms WangMs Wang (Lily)(Lily)Key sentence: If , (dont) do LilyLily如果如果你有任何问题的话,请你有任何问题的话,请随时来问我随时来问我。如

5、果如果你碰到你碰到DianeDiane,请,请给她带个话给她带个话。PracticePracticeTo have any questions,Dont hesitate to ask me.To meet Diane,To give her a message.QUESTIONQUESTION:What do people say when they meet for the first time?My name is . Im from How do you do? It is nice to meet you. Greeting people and introducing yourse

6、lf你好。 我也很高兴见到你。 欢迎来到IBM。 希望你参观 愉快。我是。 来自。 你好。 很高兴见到你。How do you do? Im pleased to meet you too. Welcome to IBM. I hope you enjoy your visit.Introducing yourself是的,没见过。我想我们没见过吧。No, I dont think we have.I dont believe weve met.我想没有吧。我们被介绍过么?No. I dont think so.Have we been introduced?Look at two of th

7、e ways people start introducing themselves.Introducing two peopleMr. Lee, 来认识一下Cathy Zhou(Chris Black)。 她是我们的人力资源部经理。(他是美国来的客人。)Id like you to meet Cathy Zhou. (Chris Black)She is our Human Resources Manager.(Hes visiting us from the United States.)What do people say to introduce two people?Asking f

8、or repetition(重复)刚才你说的地址我没有听清楚。你能不能再说一遍?What would you say in this case?Could you please say the address again?I didnt quite catch where it is.Could you please repeat what youve just said?Where is it again?Where did you say it is?SummaryReporting for employmentAsking for repetitionGreeting peopleIntroducing yourselfIntroducing two people联合制作策 划: 张宏岩 张 翼 制作人员:大连东软信息学院英语系 :张 翼 杨 毅 李国际 李 黎 杨晓轩 孙建军 审 校:王慧玉IT职业英语水平考试项目组 大连东软信息学院英语系


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