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1、Exam paper formatnSection I. Use of English ( a cloze in fact) 20*o.5=10nSection II. Reading Comprehension Part A: Four passages, Five questions with each, altogether 40 points. Part B: one passage with around five sentences having been removed. A list of sentences have been provided to choose from.

2、(7 sentences, 10 points.) Part C: Some sentences have been underlined in a passage, translate them into appropriate Chinese. (5 sentences, 10 points.)Exam paper formatn Section III: Writing Part A: A short letter, note, etc. (around 100 words, 10 points.) Part B: An essay of around 160-200 words. (2

3、0 points)DerivativesnWhat is a derivative? How is a derivative formed?nA stem/root + an affix (either prefix or suffix, or both)Affixes 1n1. prefixes with negative meanings.un- non- in/im- dis- a- ab- (不/无/非/没)nunfair = un+fair 不公平(adj.)unlimited= un+limited 无限的,不定的(adj.) n nonsmoker=non+smoker不抽烟的人

4、(n.) nonsense=non+sense 废话,胡说(n.)nonviolent=non+violent 非暴力的(adj.)ninexact=in+exact不精确的, 不正确的 (adj.)incapable=in+capable无能力的(adj.)impossible 不可能的(adj.)ndisgrace=dis+grace失宠,耻辱 (n.)使失宠;玷辱,使 蒙羞 (v.)discontent=dis+content不满,不愉快(n.)nasocial=a+social 缺乏社交的(adj.)atypical=a+typical 非典型的,不规则的(adj.)nabnormal

5、=ab+normal 反常的,不正常的,不规则 的(adj.)absolute=ab+solute(松开)绝对的(adj.)When “in” and when “im”?n“in” is the most commonly used prefix (before adj./ n.), “im” is used when a word begins with “b, m, p”.nTranslate the following: 不礼貌的_ 不耐烦的_ 不动的,静止的_ 不道德的_ 不平衡_impoliteimpatientimmobile immoralimbalanceAttentionn

6、Do you know the following words in English? 文盲的_ 不规则的_ 不合法的_ 不理智的_illiterateirregularillegalirrationalnWhat do you find among them?The pair on the left side share the same negative prefix “il”, and the pair on the right share “ir”. These two prefixes derive from “in”. But they are to be used at the

7、beginning of words beginning with “l” and “r” respectively (both consonants)When “dis”, “un”, “non”?n“dis” is used at the beginning of Ns, Adjs, and Verbs. E.g.: disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩 的)disagree(不同意) n“un” is used at the beginning of Ns, Adjs, Advs. E.g.: unfinished(未完成的)undoubtedly(无疑 地)

8、 unemployment(失业) n“non” is used at the beginning of Adjs and Ns. E.g.: non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的) When “a” and “ab”?nPlease find the answer yourselves.nMy experiment in what the Americans terms “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.(01 pa

9、ssage 5)我这个被美国人称为放慢生活节奏的试验却使 我老掉牙的借口变成了绝对的事实。nWhen asked about what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying “I have not idea.”(07 part B) 在询问他们希望干什么时,应该劝阻他们说“我 不知道”。nIt denied rights not only to animals but also to some people-for instance, to infants, the mentally incapable and futu

10、re generation.(97 trans.)这种认识不仅剥夺了动物的权利,而且也剥夺 了某些人的权利,例如婴儿,他们是不会用脑 力来思考的未来一代。nLots of Americans thought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.(05 text 2)许多美国人相信这些胡言乱语,在这30年中, 差不多有一千万烟民早早地进了坟墓。n“some of us have known for many, many years that the freedom

11、under the first amendment are not totally unlimited” says Luce. (97 passage 4)我们中的一些人多年来就知道宪法第一修正案 所说的自由并非毫无限制的,鲁斯说。please translate the following into Englishn打开(显露、展示)_n不同的,不相似的_n失业,失业人数_n松开,解开_n卸货,退子弹,摆脱.负担_n未必的,靠不住的_n不平常的,与众不同的_n非法的,私生的_unfoldunlike unemploymentundounloadunlikelyunusualununlawfu

12、ln不含酒精的_n不露面,不到场_n不合作_n缺席,不在_n滥用,妄用_n抽象的,摘要_n充裕,丰富(n.)_n使残废,使无能力_n卸货,排除,解散_n折扣,贴现_n发现,认出,识别_nonalcoholicnonappearancenon-cooperationabsenceabuseabstractdisabledischarge discountdiscernnonabdisabundancen不耐烦的,急躁的_n冷漠的,不积极的 _n愤慨,愤慨不平_n无效的,不起作用的_n不能通行的_n不能移动的_impatientindifferentindignation im/inineffec

13、tiveimpassableimmovableAffixes: to indicate negative meaningn1. dis-: used before n., adj, vn缺点 _n不光彩的 _n不同意 _n2. in-加在形容词,名词之前 n不正确的 _ n无能,无力_ n不准确的 _disadvantage dishonorable disagree incorrect inability inaccurate加在字母m,b,p之前 n不可能的 _n不礼貌的 _n厚颜无耻加在以l开头的词前 n非法的 _n文盲的,无文化的 _n不合逻辑的 _imp

14、ossible impolite impudence illegal illiterate illogical加在以r开头的词前 n不规则的 _n不可抵抗的 _n不能解决的 _n6. un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前 n未完成的 _n无疑的 _n失业 _irregular irresistible irresolvable unfinished undoubtedunemploymentn7.non-加在形容词,名词前 nnon-existence _nnon-essential _n8. mis加在动词、名词之前 nmisunderstand _nmisjudge _nmisleading _不存在 不主要的 误解 误判 误导 n9.dis-加在动词之前 ndisappear _disarm _disconnect加在名词,形容词之前 ndemobilize _decolor _消失 解除武装 失去联系 遣散;使复员 脱色,漂白 n11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前 nanti-Japanese _anti-social _anti-European _n12.counter-加在名词、动词前ncounterattack _counteract



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