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1、Module 1 Unit 3Reading Where did you spend your holidays?Do you like traveling?Step 1: Lead inThe world is like a book, if you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at (盯 着)one page of a book.Where do I want to travel ?My dream about traveling game:Winner team (1 score)云南泼水

2、节Water-Splashing Festival 阿里山的姑娘美如水新疆吐鲁番Korea首尔 的春花烂漫Proverbs Keep everything before a rainy day. 未雨绸缪,有备无患。 Beforehand preparation leads to success. 凡事预则立。How / which country did my friend travel?Step 2: Pre-reading街头一景路 边 小 贩the floating village(水上村落)Catch fishTreat ( 招待) visitorsVietnam(越南) Sight

3、s along the rivercanoessunsetKong waterfallcatfishCan you guess the name of this river?Journey down the Mekong(Part I: the dream and the plan)unit3 ReadingLets read the text and try to finish the following tasks.following tasks.Step 3: While-readingFast Reading:1. Who will travel down the Mekong?. 2

4、. Where are they going ? 3. How are they getting there? 4.Who will prepare for the trip?Skim paragraph(1-2) and answer the questions.4 scores !1. Who will travel in the text?2. Where are they going ?3. How are they getting there?4.Who will prepare for the trip?Wang Kun ,Wang Wei, Dao Wei and Yu Hang

5、 Along the Mekong river from tocycle = go there by bike dream about taking a great bike tripWang Wei (Wang Kun s sister)Careful Reading group work1.What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip?2.What didnt she prepare for the trip?1) Two years ago,2) Then ,3) Last year,4) Several months before our trip,Pa

6、y attention to the Verbs(动词)1.She didnt know 2.She hadnt 3.She doesnt 7 scores ! (2 minutes)Careful Reading : Scanning1.What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip? 1) Two years ago,2) Then ,3) Last year,4) Several months before our trip,boughtpersuadedvisitedwent to 2.What didnt she prepare for the trip

7、?1. She didnt know 2.She hadnt 3.She doesnt the best way of getting to places.looked at a map. care about details. 细节3. Could you use some words or phrases to describe the characteristics of Wang wei and Wang kun? Wang Wei: Wang kun:stubborn; determined; wouldnt change her mind; adventurous (喜欢冒险的)s

8、erious = careful; 性格=cleverCareful ReadingKnow “The Mekong River”betterLan Chang RiverThe Mekong RiverCan you list the countries that the Mekong flows through?ChinaLaosThailandCambodiaVietnamSouth China SeaSouth China SeaMyanmarWhat can they see during the journey down the Mekong ?It begins at a _ o

9、n a _ _. glacier QinghaimountainThen, it_ quickly. It becomes _ as it passes through deep _.moves rapidsvalleySometimes, the river enters _ _ and becomes _ .wide valley waterfallAfter, It travels slowly through _ to _.low valleys plains平原At last, the rivers _ enters the South China sea.deltaDelta*三角

10、洲New words about geography:altitude 海拔高度; glacier 冰河rapids 急流valley (山)谷; waterfall 瀑布plain 平原delta 三角洲*Match the main idea with each paragraphPara.1Para.2Para.3 A. The preparation before thetrip and details about Mekong river B. Different attitudes betweenwang kun and wang weiC. Taking a great bike

11、 trip along the Mekong river 1.梦想做某事 骑自行车旅游3 .说服做 4.关心,介意 5.改变主意 6.下定决心 7.屈服,让步 8.使某人对感兴趣dream of / about doing sthtake a bike trippersuade sb to do care about change ones mind make up ones mind give in get sb interested in o* Listening to the text and find Some useful words and phrasesStep 4.Post r

12、eading 1 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活是由一系列下决心的努力所构成的.Success belongs to the persevering.胜利属于有毅力者.Post reading 2 * What else can we learn from the text ?Homework1. Finish exercises on page 562. Underline useful expressions in the text.Goodbye EveryoneGoodbye EveryoneGoodbye EveryoneGoodbye Everyone返回


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