银行英语 Lesson Nine

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《银行英语 Lesson Nine》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《银行英语 Lesson Nine(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson Nine Renting a Safe Deposit Box Background KnowledgeWords and PhrasesDialoguesExerciseS1S1S3S3S2S2S4S4Lesson Ninev 租用手续 1)租用人提出租箱要求,出示本人有效身份证明。 2)经银行查验,符合条件的,由租用人填写保管箱印 鉴卡,留存签字或图章式样(或指纹、密码等) 3)租用人和银行签署租约。 v 租金计收 租金按期计算,一般以12个月为一计租期,租用人可 随时退租保管箱,但银行不退还租箱所余时间的租费, 也不可抵付其它保管箱。如日后租金标准调整,无论调 高或调低,不

2、需补交或退还差额款项。 Background KnowledgeRaise the ApplicationStep 1Step 2Step 3Sign the contractConfirm size and feeGive identification Step 3Listen to Dialogue OneA: Hello, miss. Do you handle safe deposit box renting business? B: Yes, sir. What size do ou want to rent? We have several different box sizes.

3、 Most people use the small size box. Its suitable for securities and other small precious things. A: Id like the small one, please. But how should I pay the rent?Read Dialogue TwoB: As a rule, the yearly rental fee denpends on the size of the box. In your case, its 500 RMB yuan a year. A: Do I have

4、the only key to the box? B: Thats right. And it requires your key and the banks key to open the box. A: What if I lose my key? B: I hope you would not lose it. But if you lose the key, the only way to open the box is to drill it open. But it can be done only in theRead Dialogue Twopresence of two ba

5、nk officials in addition to yourself. And we would have to charge you for drilling open the box and replacing the lock. A: Well, Id better be careful. Do I pay by the month or by the year? B: Box rental fees are payable yearly in advance. A: Well, let me pay you for one year now. Lets go through the formalities.Read Dialogue TwoHomeworkEx. 1PagePage 60-6160-61ListeningReadingTranslationExerciseEx. 4Ex. 3Ex. 2


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