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1、学术英语 管理 Corporate Strategies3Corporate StrategiesCorporate strategies are vital for the success of a business, and different businesses have different strategies. Wal-Mart a multinational retailer, Starbucks a coffee chain store, and Facebook a social networking service and website, for example, hav

2、e very different strategies to ensure their respective success. There is, however, something common to all successful corporate strategies despite the seeming differences. You can find it out by yourself after reading the three stories in this unit.Unit 3 Corporate Strategies Unit Contents Lead-in T

3、ext A Text B Text C Listening Writing SpeakingUnit 3 Corporate Strategies Lead-inActivityUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesLead-inActivity Visit the official Wal-Mart website http:/ Scan the webpages and fill in the following table.Number of retail unitsNumber of employeesNumber of countries that have Wal-

4、Mart storesFiscal year 2012 salesWal-Mart purpose Text A Critical reading and thinking Supplementary information Overview Discussion Language building-up Specialized vocabulary Signpost language Formal EnglishWal-Marts Foreign ExpansionUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupp

5、lementary information Ansoff Growth MatrixCritical reading and thinkingMichael Porters three generic strategiesMarket penetrationMarket developmentProduct developmentDiversificationUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information Ansoff Growth Matrix Critical reading and thinking(安索夫矩阵 )Th

6、e Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy.Ansoffs product/market growth matrix suggests that a business attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing markets.Unit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupp

7、lementary information Critical reading and thinkingAnsoff growth matrixUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information Market penetrationCritical reading and thinkingMarket penetration (市场渗透 ) is the name given to a growth strategy where the business focuses on selling existing products i

8、nto existing markets.e.g. Maintain or increase the market share of current products; Restructure a mature market by driving out competitors; Unit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information Market developmentCritical reading and thinkingMarket development (市场开发 ) is the name given to a gro

9、wth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets.e.g. Exporting the product to a new country; New distribution channels; Different pricing policies to attract different customers Unit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information Product developmentCritica

10、l reading and thinkingProduct development (产品延伸 ) is the name given to a growth strategy where a business aims to introduce new products into existing markets. This strategy may require the development of new competencies and requires the business to develop modified products which can appeal to exi

11、sting markets.Unit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information DiversificationCritical reading and thinkingDiversification (多角化经营 ) is the name given to the growth strategy where a business markets new products in new markets.Unit 3 Corporate StrategiesText Asupplementary information Micha

12、el Porters three generic strategiesCritical reading and thinkingAccording to Michael Porter, Harvard academic, business guru, strategist and author, the purpose of strategy was to gain and defend some form of competitive advantage. There are three generic forms of corporate strategy. Unit 3 Corporat

13、e StrategiesText Asupplementary information Michael Porters three generic strategiesCritical reading and thinkingStrategy 1: Cost Leadershiphaving lower costs than any other competitor enables either superior profits or a capacity to offer lower pricese.g. Ryan air, Asda and Wal-mart Unit 3 Corporat

14、e StrategiesText Asupplementary information Michael Porters three generic strategiesCritical reading and thinkingStrategy 2: Differentiation being able to offer customers something different to anyone else in the market, as long as it is something that customers value and will prefer Unit 3 Corporat

15、e StrategiesText Asupplementary information Michael Porters three generic strategiesCritical reading and thinkingStrategy 3: Focusbeing acknowledged as a specialist and having expertise and knowledge of particular customers or activities and processes that are highly prized Unit 3 Corporate Strategi

16、esText Asupplementary information Michael Porters three generic strategiesCritical reading and thinkingUnit 3 Corporate StrategiesText AOverview General information about Wal-MartCritical reading and thinkingSam Walton a small store in Bentonville, Arkansas In 1992, Wal-Mart would be the worlds largest retailer. Single-minded focus on low prices:In ev


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