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1、人生不应该是这样随着社会的发展,当今世界出现了许多怪癖的现象。 “为了的到经济上的富裕,人们常 常会而不择手段,即使丧失道义也在所不惜!”也是因为这个原因导致现在在社会上工作 的很多人总是在经济的支配下活着,成为房奴、车奴,整天忙着工作只是为了满足自己在 经济上能富裕一点!他们没有心思也没有机会去做自己喜欢做的事情,长期因为工作的压 力导致自己患上了心理疾病,从而失去了很多生活的乐趣!在学校,尤其是在大学,在这方面就表现得很突出了。现在在大学了的很多同学认为 现在大学生已经很多了,可以说是满大街都是了!今天的大学已经不再是那个培养大师级 人物的地方了,而更多的是一个培养经理和老板的地方!也因为

2、这种观念导致不少的同学 不太重视自己的学业,只是要求通过考试就可以了!而他们更多的时间是花在如何去迎合 老师、谎报家庭经济情况,以此来谋求所谓的奖学金和助学金!在业余甚至是上课时间逃 课去做兼职工作,只是为了获得经济上的回报!当然有的同学真的是因为家庭经济太苦难 了才去做兼职,这是没办法的、是可以理解的!那些不顾自己学业只是一味追求所谓的经济的同学是得不偿失的。因为他们很多时候 是把金钱放在第一位,从而很少和同学交流、很少参加班级或学院组织的活动,更没有心 思去参加其他社团的活动,失去了很多生活的乐趣!久而久之就会觉得读大学没意思,产 生辍学的思想!当然在大学也有一心只想着学习书中的知识,充实

3、自己的精神世界,而忽略了与同学 的关系。同时自己什么活动也不参加,缺乏社交能力!这也会使这类同学失去很多生活的 乐趣!就算成绩很优秀,等将来一毕业可能就很难找到工作!如果真是这样的话,那他们 将会成为生活的奴隶!以上此类同学在我所就读的贵州师范大学是很普遍的!当然我也是一个在外做兼职的 学生,但我是因为生活所迫,同时也想锻炼一下自己!在我看来人生不单单只有工作,我们还应该去做一些自己喜欢做的事情!不要让我们 的生活太单调了,不要让工作总是束缚、约束着自己!这样我们才不至于感觉到生活的乏 味,从而使我们能够拥有一个良好的心态投入到工作中!当然我们也不能总是沉迷于工作 以外的事情,因为那是一种堕落

4、和颓废的行为!奥斯卡。王尔德说过;我们应该把我们的才能用于工作,而把我们的天赋用于生活。所以我们的人生应是这样的:在专注于自己的工作之余应该去做一些自己喜欢做的事 情,让自己的生活多一点阳光!那我们的人生将会充满生机与活力!Life should not be soWith the development of society, the modern world appeared many strange phenomenon. “To get economic rich, people often by fair means or foul, even if the loss of mora

5、l massacre!“ And because of the causes in the society of work now many people are always in the economy under the control of live, become a mortgage slave, car slavery, busy all day work just to meet their own economic can wealthy! They had no idea to also have no chance to do things you like to do,

6、 because the long-term pressures lead to his suffering from a mental illness, and lost a lot of the fun of life!In school, especially in the university, in this respect performance was outstanding. Now in the university of many students think college students now has a lot of, can say is full avenue

7、 are yes! Todays university has not the master training character, and is more of a training manager and the bosss place! Also because this kind of idea leads to many of the students dont pay attention to their study, only for through the exam. And they more time is spent on how to cater to the teac

8、her, lies about family economic situation, so as to seek the so-called scholarships and grants. In his spare time to cut class even do a part-time job, just to get the economic returns. Of course some classmates really because the family economy too suffering to do the part-time job, this is not way

9、 to, is understandable.Those who do not regard my school just blindly pursuing so-called economic classmate a pyrrhic victory. Because they are often is the money in the first place, and rarely and classmates, rarely participate in class or the activities of the institute, the more had no idea to go

10、 to other social activities, lost a lot of the fun of life! As time passes can think college was boring, produce dropped out of thought!Of course in the universities are also was busy thinking of the book learning knowledge, enrich their spiritual world, and neglected the relationship with classmate

11、s. And what their activities not to participate, the lack of social skills! It will also make this classmate lose a lot of the fun of life! Even if grades are excellent, and a graduate in the future may be difficult to find work! If so, then they will become the life slave!Such students more than I

12、have attended in GuiZhou Normal University is very common. Of course I am also a part-time outside the student, but I because life compelled, also want to exercise myself!In my opinion the life not only have to work, we should also be to do some of the things you like to do! Dont let our life is too

13、 drab, dont let work always bound, constraints, the oneself! So we will not feel life dull, so that we can have a good state of mind into work! Of course, we also cant always work addiction outside of the things, because that is a corrupt and decadent behavior!Oscar Wilde said; We should put our can used for work, but our ability to life.So our life should be like this: in the focus of the job should be to do some of the things you like to do, let your life more sunshine! That our life will be full of vitality and vigor!


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