新人教版必修二Unit3 Reading 2

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1、Welcome to the age of IT! Using languageUnit 3Android/RobotImagine what other things android can do ?Where?function? appearancein the kitchen / cook / cooking strange head / human bodyFor adventureFor rescureFor warFor doorkeeping For keeping companyFor cleaningwaiterfire-fightersinger/ hostessSo fa

2、r more new types of Android_ (develop).They/it work(s) as a They/it canhave been developedReading P221 1 Read the passage carefully and fill in the fileRead the passage carefully and fill in the filefor Andy for AndyNam e AndyAppearance looks like a human Sizeas big as a humanCharactercompetitive, c

3、o-operativeAbilit ycan move and think like a humanJobstriker1.The androids can often play games 1.The androids can often play games together.together. 2.I am a striker, so I can run very fast.2.I am a striker, so I can run very fast. 3. In the game, I need to speak to my 3. In the game, I need to sp

4、eak to my teammates in teammates in English.English. 4. Our team won the match 4. Our team won the match last year in last year in Seattle.Seattle. 5. I disagreed to the result of the match.5. I disagreed to the result of the match. 6. I can make any move in the game just 6. I can make any move in t

5、he game just like a human. like a human. Scanning : True or False Scanning : True or FalseFTFF TFSecond reading Read the text carefully to find the answers to the following questions.1. How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football game?2. Where did Andy first compete ?3. Wha

6、t does Andys programmer programs him with?4. What does Andy serve as on the football team?5. Who is Andys coach?1. How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football game?About once a year.2. Where did Andy first compete ?In Nagoya, Japan.3. What does Andys programmer programs him

7、 with?With all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.4. What does Andy serve as on the football team?5. Who is Andys coach?He serves as a striker.His programmer.Read the text again to find out the following phrases.1.和人一样大小2.在足球队里3.用计算机语言4.获第二名5.在某种程度上6.编造,补足7.毕竟8.在的帮助下as big as

8、 a humanon the football team in computer language win second placein a way make up after allwith the help ofRead the text loudly to find some difficult sentences.I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when Im open and have a good shot for a goal.当我的对面没有人防守,

9、 可以好好射它一个 球的时候, 我需要用计算机语言向队友发出 信号把球传给我.Personally, I think the team that won first place cheated.1)personally 就个人而论/言Personally, I like the red coat.2)cheat sb (out) of sth. 骗取某人某物The prince cheated the princess (out) of her castle.I think we can work together to create an even better system.even 可以

10、用来修饰形容词的比较级Yesterday was cold, but today is even colder.Although she is in her forties now, she seems to be even more beautiful than before.尽管她现在四十多岁了,但她看起来好像 比以前更漂亮了.Notice:much, far, a lot,a little等也可以修饰比较 级.This apple is much smaller than that one. He is far more excited than I expected.type type

11、 kind, sort n. 种类/类型 a different type of bicycle,John is a fine type of school boy. 约翰是学生的典范。type v. 打字 typist n. 打字员 typewriter n. 打字机typical adj. 典型的They had developed a new type of program just before the competition.In a way, my programmer is like my coach.in a way= in one way/in some ways在某种程度上

12、 从某种程度上来看,他为我们国家做出了 巨大的贡献。In a way, he made a great contribution to our country.in the way 挡道,碍事 by the way 顺便说,附带说on the way to 在通往的路上by way of 通过方法 / 经由in no way 决不 eg. In a way, I like this new textbook very much.从某种程度上说,我很喜欢这本新教材。By the way, where is the hospital?He arrived in Beijing by way of

13、Shanghai.Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.vi. 出现 How did the quarrel arise? (vi.)He arose and walked to the window. (vi)They are talking about problems arising out of communication. (vi)Several new industries arose in the city. (vi)The whole city arose against the en

14、emy. (vi)出现起身arise out of/from sth. 因某事而产生,引起发展;出现;产生arise against 群起反对(1)编排他编排了那份花名册。 (2)组成 农民几乎占了中国人口的80%。 (3)创作/编造 老师要求我们创作一首圣诞诗。 (4)化妆 现在绝大多数妇女每天都化妆。make up for 补偿He made up the list.Farmers make up nearly 80% of the population of China.The teacher asked us to make up a poem about Christmas.The

15、teacher asked us to make up a poem about Christmas.In this way, I can make up new moves.I would really like to play against a human team sometimes.play against = compete against/withplay with 与 玩耍Dont play with fire, its too dangerous.After all, with the help of electronic brain which never forgets

16、anything, intelligence is what Im all about.1) Intelligence is what Im all about智慧就是我的一切。2) after all 毕竟,他非常调皮,但毕竟他还是个孩子 。He is very naughty, but after all he is a child.3) with the help of 在的帮助下在电脑的帮助下, 我们的课堂会变得越来 越有趣的。With the help of the computer, our class will be more and more interesting.Homework Memorize the words and expressions we learned today.


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