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1、Unit8 I will help clean up the city parksSection B Period 4 (3a-4)buy old bikesfix them up give them awayrun out of moneyBut he wanted to continue volunteering, what should he do now?Study aims Read and memorize the new words and phrasal verbs (读并且记忆本课时的新单词和新短语) Read the passage on page64 fluently(能

2、够流利地朗读64页的短文) Finish the related exercises based on understanding the passage(在理解文章的基础上完成相关练习)1. 1. put upput up 2. 2. ask forask for 3. 3. hand outhand out 4. 4. call-incall-in 5. 5. strategystrategy 6. 6. work outwork out分发;发放分发;发放要,要求,请求要,要求,请求听(观)众来电直播节目听(观)众来电直播节目张贴;搭建张贴;搭建产生结果;发展;成功产生结果;发展;成功方

3、法;策略方法;策略任务一:大声朗读新单词,时间为2分钟,之后将检查朗读情况。任务二:记忆红色字体单词,时间为3分钟,之后将检查记忆情况 。1. 1. 张贴;搭建张贴;搭建2. 2. 要;要求;请求要;要求;请求3. 3. 分发;发放分发;发放4. 4. 产生结果;发展;成功产生结果;发展;成功ask forask forhand outhand output upput upwork outwork out任务:大声朗读课文,任务:大声朗读课文,划出不会读的单词划出不会读的单词,时间,时间2 2分钟。分钟。 radioradio interviewerinterviewer signsign

4、problemproblem advertisementadvertisement locallocal supermarketsupermarket centercenter记者;采访者记者;采访者电台;收音机电台;收音机标牌;招牌标牌;招牌广告广告问题;难题问题;难题本地的;地方的本地的;地方的超市超市中心中心任务一:听录音,跟读课文(任务一:听录音,跟读课文(默读默读)。)。 任务二:再次听录音,跟读课文(任务二:再次听录音,跟读课文(大声朗读大声朗读)。)。 任务三:组内朗读课文,时间任务三:组内朗读课文,时间5 5分钟。分钟。要求:要求:1. 1.组长先读,组员后读。组长先读,组员后

5、读。2. 2.检查朗读情况,采用接龙方式。检查朗读情况,采用接龙方式。Practice 1: 判断正误(T / F ). 1.Jimmy is unhappy this week. ( ) 2.He handed out advertisements at school. ( ) 3.His teacher set up a call-in center. ( ) 4.His strategies didnt work out fine. ( ) 5.Now he has sixteen bikes to fix up. ( )F F T F T1.Last week everyone was

6、 trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy.2.On Monday, he told a radio interviewer that he has run out of money to buy old bikes.3.He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem.4.He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket.5.T

7、hen he told the teachers at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents.6.The strategy that he work out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who dont have bikes.使高兴用光张贴要;要求打电话分发建立产生结果修理赠送Practice 3Practice 3:根据下图的提示,完成:根据下图的提示,完成3b3b:do a radio

8、 interviewput up some signscall up his friendshand out advertisementstell the teacher set up a center for parentsTask 3 Complete 3b2. He put up some signs. 3. He called up his friends. 4. He handed out advertisements. 5. He told the teachers. 6. He set up a call-in center for parents.1.He did a radio interview.cheer up 使高兴 run out of 用光(use up) put up 张贴;搭建 ask for 要;请求call up 打电话 hand out 分发(give out) set up建立;创建 fix up 修理 work out 产生结果 give away 赠送;捐赠come up with 找到,想到(think up) Lets make our world more beautifulThanks for listening Thanks for listening


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