【2014年备考】2013版高中英语全程复习课件:选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors(人教版)

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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 会晤祖先 . 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇 1. _(n. )可能的选择选择 (adj. )供选择选择 的;其他的 2. _(vt. cant choose but do; cant (help) but do; can do nothing but do We have no choice/alternative but to wait outside. (句型转换转换)=We _ _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ wait outside. 我们别们别 无选择选择 只得在外面等候。cannot choose

2、 but cannot(help) but can do nothing but【真题链接】2009湖北,27As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique 【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:因为煤和石油都越来越少,科学家们正在探索可替代能源像

3、太阳能、风能和水能等新的使用方法。alternative 有“可选择的,可替代的”之意,符合句意。primary“首要的,初期的”;instant“立即的,迅速的”;unique“独特的”。 2. interrupt vt. regardless of 不管,不顾; in addition to 另外; in terms of 就而言。5. fed up with受够够了;饱饱受;厌烦厌烦Im really fed up with this weather. 我真的受够够了这这种天气。 I am getting fed up with your stupid comments. 我听腻腻了你那

4、些愚蠢的评评价。 【拓展】 feed. . . on/with. . . 用来喂养 feed. . . to. . . 把喂给给 feed on. . . 以为为食 用feed相关短语语的适当形式填空 Usually we _ our children _ milk. Thats to say, we often _ milk _ our children. At last this makes them _ _ _ it, so we know they can _ _ it but not too much. feedonfeedtofed upwithfeed on6. date bac

5、k 追溯到 This church dates back to the 13th century. 这这座教堂可以追溯到13世纪纪。 My interest in stamp collecting dates back to my schooldays. 我从学生时时代就开始爱爱好集邮邮。 This is an old building _ _ _ Roman times. 这这是一座始于罗马时罗马时 代的古建筑。 dating back to【点津】date back to=date from,一般不用于被动语态动语态 ,也不用于进进行时态时态 。 7. If only it could b

6、e just like last year! 要是能像去年那样样有多好呀!“If only+句子”是一个固定句型,表示一种愿望“要是就好了/但愿”。(1)if only. . . could/would/might+do. . . 表示对对将来事情的愿望(不用should)。 (2)if only. . . did. . . 表示对对与目前或现现在事实实相反的愿望。(3)if only. . . had done. . . 表示对对与过过去事实实相反的愿望。 If only Max were here by my side! 要是马马克斯能在我身边边就好了! If only you had w

7、orked with greater care! 你工作要是再仔细细一些多好啊! If only the whole family _ _ _ during this Spring Festival! 今年春节节全家能团圆团圆 就好了!could be united【辨析】理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空if only 表示“但愿,要是就好了”,句子用虚拟语拟语气,表达强烈的愿望或遗遗憾。 only if 表示“只有”,引导导条件状语语从句,不用虚拟拟语语气。若其引导导的从句置于句首,且与主语语间间没有逗号隔开,则则主句用倒装语语序。 Xiao Ming said, “_ I could pas

8、s the College Entrance Examination! ”, but his father said, “_ you study hard can you go to the university. ” If onlyOnly ifarrest n. 逮捕;拘留vt. 逮捕;吸引(1)arrest sb. for. . . 因而逮捕某人 get arrested遭逮捕 arrest ones attention引起某人的注意 (2)under arrest被捕 make an arrest进进行拘捕 The beautiful sunset _ _ _, and we stop

9、ped to watch it. 美丽丽的日落吸引了我们们的注意力,我们们停下来观观看。 The young man got arrested for causing that serious accident. 因造成严严重事故,这这个年轻轻人被捕了。 Fifteen persons were under arrest because of the serious violence. 由于暴乱,十五人被捕。 arrested our attention(1)look相关短语语的意义义辨析 (2)at most与其他相近短语语的辨析 (3)不定式作结结果状语语的运用1. Would you p

10、lease _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A. look around B. look into C. look upD. look through 【解析】选D。句意:你能帮我浏览一下试卷,看看是否有明显错误吗? look through浏览;look around环顾;look into调查, 研究;look up向上看;查阅。 2. Peter has to spend _ two hours every day on the demanding math assignment. A. at l

11、eastB. at mostC. at latestD. at last 【解析】选A。由句中“has to”及“demanding”可知应用at least“至少”。at most“至多”;latest“最新的;最近的”,无at latest搭配;at last最后。 3. 完成句子汤汤姆于1月18日到达上海,结结果发现约发现约 翰已先抵达。Tom arrived at Shanghai on January 18th, _ John had got there before. only to find that明晰主旨大意题主旨大意题题常分为为两类类:(1)选选出文章最佳标题标题 ;(2)

12、概括文章或段落大意。一、主旨大意题题的干扰项扰项 命题题方式1. 概括范围围太窄,只表达局部信息或某一细节细节 ,不能概括整篇文章的主旨大意。 2. 概括范围围太宽宽,所表达的内容超出或多于文章阐阐述的内容。 3. 无关信息:即文章中未提到或找不到语语言依据的信息。 二、解题题技巧1. 略读读法:通过过略读读,快速找出各个段落的主题题句。把各个段落的主题题句联联系起来着眼于全文结结构安排,了解文章的中心话话题题,就能概括出文章的中心。2. 特点法:文章的标题标题 是中心思想最精炼炼的表达形式,选择选择的标题标题 意义义范围围要能涵盖全文,不能太大也不能太小,通常是简洁简洁 明了。英语语文章标题

13、标题 和汉语汉语 文章标题标题 一样样,必须须新颖颖醒目,能够够吸引读读者眼球,这样这样 的标题标题 才是最佳标题标题 。3. 作文法:选择选择 文章最佳标题时标题时 ,不妨将A、B、C、D四个选选项项看作是语语文老师师在作文课课上布置给给大家的四个作文题题目,假如让让你来写这这四篇作文,你认为认为 哪一篇与所读读的这这篇英语语文章最相近,就选选哪个选项选项 。【真题连连题连连 看】2011湖南A recent study of ancient and modern elephants has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the Af

14、rican elephant is divided into two distinct (不同的) species. The discovery was made by researchers at York and Harvard Universities when they were examining the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon to modern elephantsthe Asian elephant, African forest elephant, and Afri

15、can savanna elephant. 70. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. Naturalists Beliefs about ElephantsB. Amazing Experiments about ElephantsC. An Unexpected Finding about ElephantsD. A Long Scientific Debate about Elephants【步步精析】70. 选C。文章的第一段是主旨段。最近对古代大象和现代大象进行的研究得出了一个令人意想不到的结论,即非洲大象被分成两种不同的种类。接着作者在下文叙述这次研究的发现。


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