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1、积极探索新形势下农村民兵连党支部建设路径积极探索新形势下农村民兵连党支部建设路径范征摘 要在当前新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展的新形势下,加强农村民兵连党支部建设,将“支部建在连上”落到实处,充分发挥民兵基层党组织一线战斗堡垒的重要作用,打牢民兵队伍能打仗打胜仗的组织基础,对于实现党对民兵绝对领导,稳固党的基层政权,巩固党的执政地位,实现强国强军梦,具有十分重要的意义。本文对浙江省丽水市云和县农村基层民兵党支部建设现状调查发现,该县农村民兵“红旗党支部”建设工作收到了初步成效,但仍然存在着农村民兵连党支部组织虚化、农村民兵党员队伍兵味与党性缺失、农村民兵连党建活动难以常态化等问

2、题;分析认为民兵党员思想滑坡、上级部门指导不力、农村人口大量外流、政策制度的滞后、优秀党务工作者缺乏等是造成问题发生的主要原因。为此,探索提出以自身优势促使农村民兵连党支部由“虚”化“实”、以有效的学习管理推进农村民兵党员率先垂范作用、以终身学习的理念提高党务工作者能力素质、以夯实基础为目标完善设施和搭建平台等加强新形势下农村民兵连党支部建设的基本路径。关键词:农村民兵连 党支部 路径ABSTRACTIn the current new industrialization, informationization, the development of urbanization, agricul

3、tural modernization under the new situation, we will strengthen the construction of rural militia party branch, implement “branch was built on the company “, give full play to the militia basic-level party organization the important role of a line of battle fortress, stress militias to winning the w

4、ar the organization foundation. It is vital significance to realize the party to militia absolute leadership, solid the partys grass-roots regime, consolidate the partys ruling status and realize the power army dream. The investigatation of the current situation of rural basic-level party Militia co

5、mpany branch construction in Yun He county Li Shui city at Zhejiang province found that the rural county militia “red flag party branch“ construction work has received the preliminary results, but still exist rural militia party branch organization falsified, lack of the soldiers and party spirit, e

6、ven party construction activities in the countryside are normalized, etc; We analysis the militia members thought of landslide, the lack of guidance of superior departments, a large number of rural population outflow, the lag of policy system and the lack of the best party affairs worker is the main

7、 cause of the problem. Therefore, the exploration is put forward to promote rural militias party branch by the “virtual“ to “solid“, to promote rural militia members governs incorruptibly effect by the effective learning management, to improve the quality of the party affairs worker ability by the c

8、oncept of lifelong learning, to strengthening the construction of the party branch under the new situation of rural militia basic path by the target of solid foundation perfect facilities and build platforms.Keywords: rural militia company; party branch; path目目 录录1 引言 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究现状 .11.3 研究意

9、义 .21.4 研究方法 .32 新形势下农村民兵连党支部建设概述 .42.1 相关概念界定 .42.1.1 农村民兵 .42.1.2 农村民兵连党支部 .52.2 农村民兵连党支部的特点.52.2.1 传统习俗与当代理念交织 .52.2.2 村落性、家族性、流动性并存 .62.2.3 集中与分散相统一、农味与兵味相融合 .62.3 新形势下加强农村民兵连党支部建设的必要性 .72.3.1 落实党管武装制度的内在要求 .72.3.2 发挥战斗堡垒作用的必要途径 .82.3.3 提高农村民兵战斗力的基础保证 .83 云和县农村民兵连“红旗党支部”建设的现状调查 .103.1 调查准备与实施 .1

10、03.1.1 云和县基本情况 .103.1.2 调查方法 .103.1.3 调查实施 .103.2 云和县农村民兵连“红旗党支部”建设的初步做法 .113.2.1 凝聚强化党管武装共识 .133.2.2 紧贴实际构建组织体系 .133.2.3 突出重点规范建设内容 .143.2.4 健全机制严格日常管理 .143.2.5 创新载体推动作用发挥 .153.3 云和县农村民兵连“红旗党支部”建设存在的主要问题 .163.3.1 农村民兵连党支部组织虚化 .163.3.2 农村民兵党员队伍兵味与党性缺失 .163.3.3 农村民兵连党建活动难以常态化 .173.4 云和县农村民兵连“红旗党支部”建设

11、存在问题的原因分析 .183.4.1 民兵党员思想滑坡 .183.4.2 上级部门指导不力 .193.4.3 农村人口大量外流 .203.4.4 政策制度滞后 .203.4.5 优秀党务工作者缺乏 .214 新形势下加强农村民兵连党支部建设的对策思考 .224.1 以自身优势促使农村民兵连党支部由“虚”化“实”.224.1.1 坚持军民融合发展,提升自身品牌 .224.1.2 加快村级集体经济发展,吸引人口回流 .234.1.3 发挥自身资源优势,周边同步发展 .234.2 以有效的学习管理推进农村民兵党员率先垂范 .244.2.1 提高民兵党员引领发展的能力 .244.2.2 提高民兵党员服务群众的能力 .244.2.3 提高民兵队伍中的党员比例 .254.3 以终身学习的理念强化党务工作者能力素质 .


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