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1、本科学年论文本科学年论文(2013 级)级)A Study on When I Was There-Selected Speeches of Fu Yings English Speech from The View of Functional Equivalence从功能对等看在彼处(大使演讲录) 之傅莹英语演讲姓名:陈纯姓名:陈纯学号:学号:201342204202院系:外语系院系:外语系 专业:英语(商务方向)专业:英语(商务方向)二零一六年六月二零一六年六月东莞理工学院东莞理工学院Cultural Differences in Values between East and West价

2、值观的中西方文化差异The list of the relevant articles and books read:A)书籍1. 傅莹, 在彼处(大使演讲录) ,外语教学与研究出版社,2015。2. 叶子南, 高级英汉翻译与实践 ,清华大学出版社,2013。3. 杨自俭,刘学云, 翻译新论 ,湖北教育出版社,2003。4. 何其莘,仲伟合, 高级汉英翻译 ,外语教学与研究出版社,2009。5. 樊小琴,Duong Huu Duc, English Public Speaking in Action ,2009B)期刊文章1. Zhang Ying, A Study of the Functi

3、onal Equivalence in the Business Letter Translation ,Overseas English,20122. 丁晓平, On the Translation Theory of Eugene Nida-Functional Equivalence Theory 。3. 余玮, Faces in the World ,China Academy Journal Electronic Publishing House,2010。4.李志远, Functional Equivalence Theory and Its Limitations in Tran

4、slation ,东北电力大学外国语学院,2015, (1) 。SUMMARYFu Ying, current vice-foreign minister in China, had been an Chinese ambassador to the Philippines, Australia and the United Kingdom. With her grace, wisdom, resolve, capability and vast experiences, she acts as a bridge across different cultures and has won fa

5、me because of her terrifically excellent faculty for interpersonal communication. When I Was There-Selected Speeches of Fu Yings English Speech is a collection of her speeches whilst she was the ambassador to Australia and then to the United Kingdom between 2004-2010. The speeches are intended to ma

6、ke it easy for foreign audiences to better understand China, to help enhance Chinas international image and raise soft power of our nation. Functional equivalence, proposed by Eugene A. Nida, gives priority to the communication of information and focus its attention on naturalness of translation. As

7、 stated in functional equivalence theory, the best translation is the closest natural equivalence to the source language message. The readers of the translated text should be able to receive the information and emotion as what is conveyed in the original text and produce similar psychological reacti

8、ons as those who read the original, which in this end, to achieve functional equivalence. There obviously exists a broad spectrum of cultural divide between the east and the western world. Translators are required to have a good command of functional equivalence to give the translation to a full pla

9、y, enabling foreign receptors to apprehend what the speech is delivering. On the basis of functional equivalence theory, this thesis will discuss several characteristics of speeches and the translation of Fu Yings speeches from the standpoint of functional equivalence will be explored. Therefore, ho

10、w Fu Ying achieves functional equivalence in her translation so as to exert effects on the foreign audience will come to light.1. Introduction of Functional Equivalence1.1 Eugene A. Nida and the Concept of Functional EquivalenceEugene A. Nida had been a pioneer in the fields of translation and lingu

11、istics. His most notable and controversial contribution to translation is dynamic equivalence, also known as functional equivalence. The concept was first mentioned when he was attempt to translating Bible in late 1950s. Later, he updated the expression”dynamic equivalence” to “functional equivalenc

12、e” to avoid misunderstandings. He tried to highlight the functional equivalence of the information rather than the direct equivalence of the languages form, in this way to make sure the meaning as well as style in the target text functionally equivalent with those in the source one. In this case, tr

13、anslators following the functional equivalence bear the responsibility for being faithful to the original text and putting receptors understanding and response in the first place. Since then, functional equivalence had created a brand-new era in translation study and was widely adopted by many trans

14、lators, though its disadvantages remained a further discussion. 1.2 Influences of the TheoryWhat the concept of functional equivalence matters indeed rests on the balance between literal translation and free translation. In traditional translation theory, literal translation pursues faithfulness wit

15、h the equivalence on languages form as a core , whereas free translation emphasizes aesthetics of effectiveness of translation. By providing a compelling evidence, function equivalence consequently served to be the end of this disputable issue which have lasted for more than 2000 years.It is Nidas f

16、unctional equivalence that exerts tremendous influence on the translation studies not only in western countries but also in the Asian countries including China. He is commonly considered to be the most influential one among all the contemporary translation theorists.2. The Particularity of English Speech2.1 Brief Outline of Public SpeechPublic speaking is simply a presentation of a speakers ideas to a target group of audiences to facilitate mutual understanding a


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