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1、xx 学院本科毕业设计(论文)I基于单片机的火灾报警系统基于单片机的火灾报警系统设计设计摘要摘要随着世界科技取得了突飞猛进的进步和各种新兴技术的出现和发展,火灾监测技术也相应迅速发展,各种类型的火灾探测器相继问世,并日臻完善,火灾自动报警系统也在此基础上逐渐地蓬勃发展起来。本设计对传感器特别是对烟雾传感器进行了深入研究,对其用法进行了新的探索,立足于实用、广泛和典型的原则设计了本作品。本设计利用STC12C5A60S2单片机,结合MQ-2烟雾传感器和数字温度传感器18B20,设计了一种较为实用的火灾报警系统。单片机控制核心选为国产STC12C5A60S2,此款单片机整合了高速数模转换转换器、P

2、WM调制器等资源。用MQ-2半导体可燃气体敏感元件电阻式传感器实现对于烟雾和可燃气体的检测,这种传感器可检测多种可燃性气体,是一款适合多种应用的低成本传感器。18B20是一款单总线测量精确的温度传感器。该火灾报警系统步进电机与、故障自诊断、可燃气体浓度显示、传感器预热等功能。当烟雾浓度或环境温度高于设定值,蜂鸣器报警,驱动电机打开一定角度,开启阀门。是一种制作简单、性能优越、成本低廉的火灾报警系统。关键词:STC12C5A60S2,18B20 温度传感器,MQ-2 烟雾传感器,蜂鸣器报警基于单片机的火灾报警系统设计IIxx 学院本科毕业设计(论文)IIIThe fire alarm syste

3、m based on single chip microcomputerAbstractAs the world has made progress by leaps and bounds of science and technology and the emergence of all kinds of emerging technology and development of fire detection technology is also corresponding rapid development, the various types of fire detector appe

4、ared, and more perfect, automatic fire alarm system is on the basis of gradually flourished. The design of sensor were studied, especially for smoke sensor its use for the new exploration, based on practical, widely and typical principle of design for this work.This design USES STC12C5A60S2 microcon

5、troller, in combination with MQ - 2 smoke sensor and digital temperature sensor 18 b20, design a kind of comparatively practical fire alarm system. Single chip microcomputer control core selected as domestic STC12C5A60S2, this MCU integrates resources such as high speed digital-to-analog converter,

6、PWM modulator. Use MQ - 2 semiconductor gas sensitive element resistance sensor implementation for smoke and combustible gas detection, the sensor can detect many kinds of combustible gas, is a low-cost sensor suitable for many applications. 18 b20 is a measurement precision of single bus temperatur

7、e sensor. Stepper motor and the fire alarm system, fault self-diagnosis, combustible gas concentration display, sensors, preheating, and other functions. When the smoke concentration or temperature higher than set value, a buzzer alarm, drive motor open Angle, valve opening. Is a kind of simple prod

8、uction, superior performance, low cost of fire alarm system.Key words: STC12C5A60S2; 18 b20 temperature sensor; MQ - 2 smoke sensor; The buzzer alarm基于单片机的火灾报警系统设计IVxx 学院本科毕业设计(论文)V目目 录录摘要.IAbstract.III目 录 .V第 1 章 绪论.11.1 概述.11.2 国内外的研究现状.11.3 课题研究的背景和意义.3第 2 章 系统的设计方案论证.52.1 方案论证.52.2 数据采集模块的选择.6第 3 章 火灾报警系统的硬件设计.153.1 控制系统设计.153.1.1 振荡电路设计模块.163.1.2 外部复位电路.173.1.3 电源设计.173.2 数据采集模块设计.183.3 驱动模块的设计.183.4 显示模块的设计.19第 4 章 火灾报警系统的软件设计.214.1 总体设计.214.2 子程序设计.224.2.1 初始化程序部分.224.2.2 中位值平均滤波法数字滤波子程序 .224.2.3 插值法线性化处理子程序设计 .244.2.3 报警子程序设计.26第 5 章 系统调试.275.1 软件调试.



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