【全程复习方略】2013版高中英语 Unit 1 School life课件 译林牛津版必修1

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1、Unit 1 School life 学校生活话题话题 之一校园学习习三年6考假定你是李华华,正在一所英国学校学习习暑期课课程,遇到一些困难难,希望得到学校辅导辅导 中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规规定,你需书书面预约预约 ,请请按下列要点写一封信:1本人简简介;2求助内容; 3约约定时间时间 ;4你的联联系方式(Email:lihua 1236com;Phone:12345678)。注意:词词数100左右。Dear Sir/Madam, Im Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your univers

2、ity. Im writing to ask for help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students. Im anxious to get help from it. I have no class on Tuesday

3、mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with you. You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number: lihua 1236. com; 12345678.Look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 1. 文章首先作自我介绍绍并说说明写信意图图和动动机。接下来说说明求助内容和约约定时间时间 ,最后介绍绍自己的联联系方式。本文要点齐齐全,符合试题试题 要求。2. 文章

4、用词词得体地道,行文流畅畅。高级级短语语:have some difficulties with, have no idea of, be anxious to do. . . 语语篇过过渡语语:but, and多样样性表达:taking summer courses, I was told. . . 语语言地道得体: be OK with. . . 【佳作习习得】一句多译译我记记笔记记有困难难。1. _2. _3. _I have difficulty with note-taking. I have difficulty in taking notes. It takes me great

5、 trouble to take notes. 基础础知识识的掌握是形成语语言能力的源头头。本栏栏目内容在高考时虽时虽 不直接考查查,但考题题无不由此而生。感觉简单觉简单 未必掌握,认为认为 掌握未必精准。化主干梳理为习题训练为习题训练 ,变变知识识再现为现为 能力提升。训练训练 式梳理,创创新记忆记忆 模式,提升复习习效果!高考成败败,根基在此,不可小觑觑!. 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _(vt. ) 获获得;赚赚,挣挣得2. _ (n. 交流9. _(n. ) (书书的)名称;(文章的)题题目,篇名10. _(adv. ) 不知为为什么;不知怎么地11.

6、_(vt. ) 通知,告知12. _(n. ) 主持人;主人,东东道主extrafondexchange title somehow inform host 13. _(n. ) 负责负责 ,掌管(vt. ) 使承担责责任;收费费14. _ (vt. focus on; bury oneself in/be buried in; fix ones attention on; be involved in; be absorbed in4. average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的n. 平均v. 求(某事物的)平均数; 平均an average of. . . 的平均数above/bel

7、ow average在平均之上/下on average按平均值值,平均说说来,一般说说来_ _the machine turns out one bottle every two seconds. 这这台机器平均每两秒钟钟生产产1只瓶子。The average age of the students is 19. 学生们们的平均年龄龄是19岁岁。Each day an average of nearly one million copies of the book are sold. 每天这这本书书的平均销销售量将近一百万册。On average 【真题链题链 接】2013江西模拟拟Last

8、year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200, 000, a(n)_of 40, 000 per year. A. average B. number C. amount D. quantity【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:去年拿到驾照的毕业生数量达到了20万,平均每年4万。an average of. . . 的平均数,符合句意。5. struggle n. 难难事;斗争,努力vi. 奋奋斗;努力,挣挣扎We must struggle against/with this prej

9、udice for a more tolerant attitude to our beliefs. 我们们必须须努力克服这这种偏见见, 从而在信仰上采取更为宽为宽 容的态态度。John struggled to pass his final examination. 约约翰努力拼搏以通过过期末考试试。It was a struggle for her to make him understand. 使他明白对对她来说说真是件费劲费劲 的事。【归纳归纳 】struggle against/with. . . for. . . _struggle to do _a struggle _为为了和作

10、斗争努力做一件难难事6. inform vt. 通知,告知(1)inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人,告诉诉某人inform sb. that/wh- 通知某人(2)informed adj. 有知识识的,见闻见闻 广的;了解情况的keep sb. informed of. . . 随时时告知某人You ought to inform the police of/about that man whos been hiding in the bushes outside your gate. 那人一直藏在你门门外的灌木丛丛中, 你应该应该 把这这情况告诉诉警察。Can yo

11、u inform me when to begin our final examination? 你能告诉诉我什么时时候开始我们们的期末考试吗试吗 ?Keep me _ _ what happens. 有事随时时通知我。informed of/about 【想一想】inform不可以直接带带双宾语宾语 ,而是借助介词词of或about,再接直接宾语宾语 。你还还知道哪些单词单词 有类类似用法?【拓展延伸】warn sb. of sth. 警告某人当心某事rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病;

12、矫正某人的不良行为remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人想起某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事7. approve vt. he didnt, though. 他说说他要来,然而他却没来。Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job. 她尽管年轻轻,却很适合这这份工作。Though he is alone, he is happy. (句型转换转换 )=_ _ , he is happy. 尽管独自一人,但他很

13、幸福。Though alone【真题链接】 It was a nice meal, _ a little expensive. A. though B. whether C. as D. since【解析】选A。考查连词。句意:尽管有点贵,但这是一顿美餐。though表示转折,意为“尽管”;whether表示“是否”;as表示“当时候”,“正如”等;since表示“自从以来”。根据句意选择A项。16. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. 一完成学业业,他就开始在中国旅行。upon/on +n. /doing表示

14、“一就”,相当于as soon as引导导的时间时间 状语语从句。“一就”的表达法归纳归纳 如下:upon/on +n. /doing;as soon as +从句;the moment/minute/second/instant +从句;immediately/instantly/directly +从句;no sooner. . . than. . . ;hardly. . . when. . . 。他一进进入房间电话铃间电话铃 就响了。(判断正误误)Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang. ( )No sooner he had got into the room when the telephone rang. ( )Upon getting into the room, he heard the telephone ringing. ( )The


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