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1、When it comes to giving our kids the education(教育)教育) they deserve(应得,值得)应得,值得), Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never couldve attended(出席,参加)(出席,参加) college(学院,大学)(学院,大学) without financial aid(财政资助)(财政资助).关于给予我们的孩子应有的教育,巴拉克知道,就像我和你们中的许多人一样,如果没有助学金,他永远也不可能完成大学学业。And believe it

2、or not, when we were first married, our combined (组合的,综合的)(组合的,综合的)monthly student loan (贷款)(贷款)bills (账(账单)单)were actually(实际上)(实际上) higher than our mortgage(抵押)(抵押).而且,不管你们信不信,我们刚结婚的时候,我们的学生贷款账单合起来比我们的房贷还要高。We were so young, so in love, and so in debt(债务)(债务).我们是那么年轻,那么相爱,又是那样的负债累累。Thats why Barac

3、k has fought(战斗)(战斗) so hard to increase (增加)(增加)student aid and keep interest rates (利息比率)(利息比率)down, because he wants every young person to fulfill (完成)(完成)their promise (承诺,前途)(承诺,前途)and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt.(债务)(债务).这就是为什么巴拉克努力增加助学金,并保持低贷款利率的原因,因为他想让每个年轻人都能达成所愿并能够

4、进入大学而没有山一样沉重的债务。 So in the end, for Barack, these issues (问题)(问题)arent political theyre personal.所以归根结底,对巴拉克来说,这些并非政治问题而是个人问题。Because Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.因为巴拉克知道一个家庭挣扎度日意味着什么。He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.他知道想要让下一代和下下一代过上更好的生

5、活意味着什么。Barack knows the American Dream because hes lived it.and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity(机会)(机会), no matter(不管,无论)(不管,无论) who we are, or where were from, or what we look like, or who we love.巴拉克懂得什么是美国梦,因为他正用一生去实践它而他想让生活在这个国度里的每一个人都拥有同样的机会,无论我们是谁,无论我们从哪里来,无论我们肤

6、貌如何,无论我们爱的对象。And he believes that when youve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity.you do not slam(砰地关门)(砰地关门) it shut behind you.you reach back, and you give other folks (人们,平民)(人们,平民)the same chances that helped you succeed.而且他认为,当你努力工作,获得成功,并且跨越了那扇机遇的大门之后你不应该砰

7、地一声关上身后的大门你应该伸出援助之手,将成功的机会同样给予后来之人。 So when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly(诚实地)(诚实地) say that when it comes to his character(性格,特点)(性格,特点), and his convictions(信念,确信)(信念,确信), and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with

8、all those years ago.因此,当人们问我,入主白宫是否改变了我的丈夫的时候,我可以诚实地说,无论是从他的性格,他的信念,他的心灵来看,巴拉克-奥巴马都仍是许多年前我所爱上的那个男人。Hes the same man who started his career(事业,生涯)(事业,生涯) by turning down(拒绝)(拒绝) high paying jobs and instead (反而,(反而,代替)代替)working in struggling (奋斗的,挣扎的)(奋斗的,挣扎的)neighborhoods (地区,临近街坊)(地区,临近街坊)where a

9、steel plant(钢厂)(钢厂)had shut down(关闭)(关闭), fighting to rebuild(重建)(重建) those communities (社区)(社区)and get folks back to work.because for Barack, success isnt about how much money you make, its about the difference you make in peoples lives.他仍是那样一个人,会在自己的事业起步期拒绝高薪工作,而走入一个因钢铁厂的倒闭而陷入困境的社区,为社区的重建和人们重获工作而奋

10、斗因为对巴拉克来说,成功并不等于你挣的钱,而是你给人们的生活带来的改变。Hes the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously (焦急地)(焦急地)check(检查)(检查) their cribs(婴儿床)(婴儿床) every few minutes to ensure (保证)(保证)they were still breathing(呼吸)(呼吸), proudly(骄傲地)(骄傲地) showing them off (炫(炫耀)耀)to everyone we knew.他仍是那样一个人,当我们的女

11、儿刚出生的时候,隔不了几分钟就急匆匆地查看摇篮,确认她们仍在好好呼吸,并骄傲地向我们认识的每个人展示自己的宝贝女儿。Thats the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently(耐心地)(耐心地) answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing(谋划策略)(谋划策略)about middle school friendships.他还是那个几乎每晚都会坐下来陪我和女儿们吃晚餐,耐心地回答

12、她们关于新闻事件的问题,并为中学生间的友谊问题出谋划策的人。 Thats the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, hunched(预感,前伏)(预感,前伏) over his desk, poring over (仔细看,仔细看,研读)研读)the letters people have sent him.他还是那个,我常常看到在万籁俱寂的深夜里,仍趴在书桌上钻研人们寄来的信件的人。The letter from the father struggling to pay his bills.from the woman dying

13、 of cancer whose insurance company(保险公司)(保险公司) wont cover her care.from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities.写信来的有努力工作支付账单的父亲有保险公司拒绝赔付医疗费用而命在旦夕的癌症女病人有具有无限天赋潜力却得不到机会的年轻人。I see the concern(关心)(关心) in his eyes.and I hear the determination(决心)(决心) in his voice as he tells me, “

14、You wont believe what these folks are going through(通过,穿越,经历)(通过,穿越,经历), Michelle.its not right. Weve got to keep working to fix(固定,(固定,修理)修理) this. Weve got so much more to do.“我能看到他眼里的忧虑我也能听出他声音中的决心,他说:“你不会相信这些人们在经历些什么,米歇尔这不对。我们必须继续工作,直到解决这些问题。我们还有更多事情要做。 ”I see how those stories our collection(收集

15、)(收集) of struggles and hopes and dreams I see how thats what drives Barack Obama every single day.我看到人们的这些生活故事我们所收集的这些奋斗、希望和梦想我看到这些都是推动巴拉克-奥巴马每一天工作的动力。 And I didnt think it was possible, but today, I love my husband even more than I did four years ago.even more than I did 23 years ago, when we first

16、 met.我曾以为我不能爱他更多,然而今天,我比四年前更爱我的丈夫了甚至比 23 年前我们初见的时候更爱。I love that hes never forgotten how he started.我爱他从未忘记自己奋斗的开端。I love that we can trust (相信,信任)(相信,信任)Barack to do what he says hes going to do, even when its hard especially when its hard.我爱他值得信任,言行一致,哪怕面临的困难重重或者说,特别是在困难重重的时刻。I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us“ and “them“ he doesnt care whether youre a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the abov


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