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1、北京混合触碰式橄榄球(TOUCH) 联赛改变方式 每个队可从 2008 年选择1选择为北京鬼子触碰式橄榄球队(BDRFC TOUCH)并成为北京鬼子橄榄球俱乐部 (BDRFC)的会员。2选择为独立队不属于北京鬼子橄榄球俱乐部。在 2007 年,北京触碰式橄榄球联赛属于北京鬼子橄榄球俱乐部,每个打 TOUCH 的成员都必需是俱 乐部的会员,每个队和队员没有选择。在 2008 年,联赛向每个人开放,不必要一定成为 BDRFC 的会员,可以自行组织球队参加 TOUCH 联赛,也可仍然选择成为 BDRFC 会员并加入 BDRFC TOUCH 橄榄球队参加北京 TOUCH 橄榄球联 赛 不同之处北京鬼子

2、队其它的队 每个 BDRFC 的成员都需支付打冲撞式橄榄球或打 touch 的 会员费。每个队员不用支付北京鬼子橄榄球俱乐部会员费。每个队员可享受到 BDRFC 会员利益. 可获得的利益: 支付一年的会员费即可参加两个赛季的 touch 比赛, 外国人 500 元,学生和中国人 260 元。 BDRFC Touch 将会支付每个队参加联赛的费用。 每个会员可得到 Den 酒吧的打折卡(酒水和匹萨)每个队可申请 BDRFC Touch 帮助制作队服.( 在 BDRFC Touch 有足够费用前提下) 每个队可在 BDRFC 所支付过费用的场地训练。 每个队员可乘坐从 den 酒吧到联赛场地来的巴

3、士。 会员可享受交付低的费用参加俱乐部的社交活动。 BDRFC Touch 将资助部分资金给 BDRFC Touch 的队参加外地联赛。(在有资金的前提下) BDRFC Touch 将提供队服给代表 BDRFC Touch 的 队在参加外地联赛时候。(在有资金的前提下) 每个队员享受不到 BDRFC 的会员利益。 与 BDRFC 的队不同的是: 每个队在每赛季一次支付给联赛整个队的参赛费用 参赛费将仪以整个队的整体总数收取,不以个人形 式收取,参加联赛的队员所需交纳的参赛费将根据 所参加的队的总人数而定,每个队的总人数不能超 过 14 个,中国人或学生组织的队为 1300 元一个 赛季,外国人

4、组织的队为 2500 元一个赛季 ,若 有特别的队有学生,中国人,外国人,联赛组织将 跟当时情况作决定,并希望队长可提前申请。 每个队将自行负责组织的有:- 联赛的参赛费-队服的制作-交通 -训练-参加外地联赛 每个队员所得到的利益来源与会员费中的部分利润。所付的参赛费将用与组织,服务与联赛赛中各项所需费用 的地方,若有剩余资金终将归属与 BDRFC TOUCH 每个 BDRFC 的队都应尽义务和责任 ; 这些义务和责任是: 每个队员都必须是 BDRFC 的会员 每个队在参加外地联赛时的正式命名必须在其名称 前加上“北京鬼子”的前缀,例如“北京鬼子好 色大熊猫”队 在 BDRFC TOUCH

5、提供资金制作的队服上必须带 有 BDRFC 的标志图案.不是 BDRFC 会员的队可自由组织创建自己的独立的队和 名称以及也可创建独立新的 TOUCH 橄榄球俱乐部 与 BDRFC 的队不同的是: 每个队员不用交会员费给任何俱乐部CHANGES IN THE WAY OUR BEIJING MIXED TOUCH LEAGUE IS STRUCTUREDEvery team has a choice to make at the beginning of 2008.Does the team1) choose to be a Beijing Devils RFC touch team (i.e

6、. remain a part of BDRFC Touch)?OR2) establish an identity that is distinct from the BDRFC but play in the league that the BDRFC administers?In 2007, teams did not have this choice. The Beijing touch league was for Beijing Devils RFC members only. Every player in the touch league was a club member.I

7、n 2008, admission to the league is being opened up to any team that wishes to play mixed touch. This means that members of existing teams can choose not to renew their touch membership with the Beijing Devils RFC but can still play in the league. By the same token, a new team entering the league can

8、 choose to be a Beijing Devils RFC touch team (a part of BDRFC Touch).Whats the difference?BEIJING DEVILS RFC TEAMSOTHER TEAMS All members of the team are BDRFC members who pay either a contact rugby or touch rugby membership fee.Team members do not pay any membership fee to the Beijing Devils. All

9、team members receive the benefits of BDRFC membership. The benefits are: A fixed price touch membership of 500RMB (half price 260 RMB for students and Chinese nationals) that covers both touch seasons (Spring and Autumn) BDRFC Touch will pay the league entry fee for BDRFC teams Den cards given to al

10、l members (discounted drinks and pizza) BDRFC Touch teams can train at venues paid for by the BDRFC BDRFC members can use the bus from The Den to the touch league venue and back BDRFC members can attend BDRFC social functions at discounted rates Teams can apply to BDRFC Touch for assistance with the

11、 purchase of team uniforms (funds permitting) BDRFC Touch will subsidize tournament entry fees for BDRFC teams on tour (funds permitting) BDRFC Touch will provide BDRFC representative touring teams with a team uniform (funds permitting) Team members do not receive the benefits of BDRFC membership. B

12、y contrast with BDRFC teams: The team pays a lump sum for entry to the league each season (one entry fee in Spring, another in Autumn) The cost for an individual team member is not fixed. It will vary depending upon the number of players in the team and the type of entry fee (2500RMB per team, or 13

13、00RMB for a team that predominantly comprises students and/or Chinese nationals) Teams are responsible for organizing their own:- league entry fees- uniform purchase- transport- training- touring arrangementsBenefit from the proceeds of running the league, as it is a service their club provides.Pay

14、for a service provided by the BDRFC and, in doing so, help to fund BDRFC Touch. All BDRFC teams have certain obligations: These obligations are: All players must be BDRFC members The team shall be (formally) identified as a “Beijing Devils” side while on a tour subsided by BDRFC Touch e.g. “Beijing Devils Randy Pandas”. Uniforms paid for (in part or whole) by BDRFC Touch will bear a BDRFC logo.Teams are free to establish their own unique identity or to identify themselves with another club. In contrast with BDRFC teams: Players do not need to have a membership with any club


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