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1、1征服大学英语四级听力 (一)存在问题听不懂。这恐怕是考生最大的问题了,很难说听懂了做不对的,虽然有,但是毕竟属于 少数。为什么会存在这个问题呢?关键是输入信息的准确性和语速不对,造成理解有误。所 谓信息准确性有误是指,学生听到的信息和原文读到的信息不属于同一信息。比如:把 flour 面粉误听为 flower 花;把 wonder 惊讶误听为 wander 漫步等等;其次,所谓语速是指考生由于输入信息以后,还要经过一个汉语转译的过程,导致跟不 上听力考试的节奏。还有一个问题就是,英语由于在没有表达完一个完整的内容之前,是不 会停顿的。而汉语多需要停顿缓歇。由于这一习惯导致考生没有听完整,自己

2、便先停下来, 致使后面的信息漏听,从而对听力内容理解不完整。特别是放到长对话中,自然听不懂得就 越多,因此这部分考生往往失分较多。(二)解决办法进行听写练习。考生可以用复读机来听写历年真题。放一句然后按一下复读键,考生随 即拿纸和笔进行听写练习。直到听写完整之后再按键进行下一句的听写练习。这样,最后把 一年的听力真题听写下来之后,可以用彩色笔对照听力真题答案,把漏听、错听得都标记出 来,在对照原文辨认。准确无误后,合上书本,可以再听写一遍。这样反复几次,你的听力 就会提高很快。这个工作一开始很费时间,没有 1-2 个小时是拿不下来的。但是只要坚持不 懈,一个月你的听力水平绝对会突飞猛进。在这个

3、过程中,考生还要做好以下工作。第一,不停地磨耳朵,主要听真题;第二,整理总结听力常考词汇与句式;注意事项:保持良好的心态,头脑要冷静,一个题听不懂不要过多纠缠。善于利用时间:题与题之间的 5 秒间隔利用好 阅读选项,猜测谈话话题和可能问的问题:听前从所给的答案选项等线索中发现一些背 景信息,力求缩小谈话者的话题,它能帮助考生搞清所听内容的类型和结构甚至主题。考生 听的时候可避免过分注重每个单词从而影响对全篇中心思想的理解。考生应抢时间阅读试卷 上的选项,争取主动,以便在听音时有针对性。根据选项猜测问的是时间、地点、人物、金 钱、还是计划、打算、状态等等。如: A. The professor

4、spoke too fast.B. The professor spoke with a strong accent.C. The professors lecture notes were too complicated.D. The professors presentation was not convincing enoughW: The presentation made by Professor Jackson was too complicated to understand.M: Well, I think he didnt speak slowly enough for us

5、 to take notes.Q: Whats the mans complaint?阅读选项要一目十行,提高效率:听力不像阅读,它是单向性的、一次性的。时间有限, 提高阅读选项的速度。如:A. She read it slowly. B. She read it selectively.C. She finished it at a stretch. D. She went over it chapter by chapter.M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last month?W: Oh, I didnt read it

6、straight through the way you read a novel, I just covered a few chapters that interested me most.Q: How did the woman read the book?手耳并用,简单做笔记:录音中的细节,如重要的数字、人物、地名等,仅大脑记忆很 难完全记住。因此,考试中可以有目地的、有选择的加以记录,以便听完录音后能快速准确 的选出答案。多做真题。十多年来的每年两度的四级考试,光是真题就积累了几十套了。这些真题的 命题还是很有规律可循的。要找四级的感觉,就得多做真题。2听力测试形式简短对话的形式:一

7、般是男士说一句,女士说一句,然后根据他们的对话内容由第三方 提出一个问题。该部分一般是日常生活中的对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等 话题,场景可分为校园、公共场所(银行、机场、医院等) 、家庭、办公室等。每题 1 分。简短对话的类型:按照简短对话的内容或句型,我们可以把该部分分为以下类型:问对话发生的地点和场所:Where does the conversation most probably take place?Where does this conversation most likely occur?Where are the two speakers?不同的场景下人们交谈用

8、语也不同,例如:校园:campus, dorm, library (renew the books, overdue, pay a fine, bookshelf), lab, canteen, roommate, professor, semester, term, pass, fail, exam, course, credit, resume,tutor, graduate, presentation, speech, report, lecture, paper, scholarship 等。银行:open an account, cash the check, buy travele

9、rs check, ATM, draw/deposit money, balance, savings 等。餐馆:menu, a table for two, a table in the corner/by the window, full, on diet, treat, order, course, salad, wine, dessert,waiter, reserve, take order 等。机场:board, flight, gate number, check in, boarding pass, seat-belt 等。交通:due to arrive, fast trai

10、n, non-stop train, xx minutes late, postpone, delay, break down, traffic jam, flat tire, speeding, pay a fine 等。医院:Do you have an appointment?Whats the matter with you?take ones temperature, have a fever, have a sore throat, keep coughing, toothache, headache, physician, surgeon, doctor, nurse, oper

11、ation-room, emergency room, ward, visiting hours, prescribe, pill, capsule 等。邮局:business hours, parcel, postage, letter, stamp 等。家庭:darling, sweet heart 之类的比较亲近的称谓语,watch TV, fix the washing machine, grocery, mow the lawn, sofa, kitchen, dining-room, have a bath 等。旅馆:check in/out, make a reservation

12、, register, reception desk 等。 找房子:价格高,太 吵,难找这样的问题的答案选项一般是由介词 in 或 at 后面加一个地点构成的。如:M: How many hours are you taking this semester?W: Eighteen, plus two hours of lab.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In a bank. C. At an office. D. In a university.该题的关键词是 se

13、mester 和 lab.提问人物关系或人物的身份:此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份, 关键词可以参考第 1 点中列出的。(1) 问人物的关系:Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? 如:M: Good evening, Madam. There is a table for two over there. This way, please.W: Thank you. Could I see the menu, please?Q: Whats the relationship between the

14、man and woman?A. Husband and wife. B. Waiter and customer. C. Salesman and customer. D. Host and guest.该题的关键词是 menu 和 Madam.(2) 问人物的职业身份:Who is the man/the woman? 如:M: According to your ad in this mornings paper, you have an apartment for rent.W: Yes, I have. Its on the second floor. Would you like

15、to have a look? Come this way, please.3Q: Who is the woman?A. A bank clerk. B. A secretary. C. A landlady. D. A doctor.该题的关键词是 an apartment for rent 和 ad.计算类。一般涉及时间和价钱的运算。 (1)问活动发生的时间或具体几点。该类的 题一般不会直接告诉我们时间,会涉及到时间的一些简单的加减运算。要注意一些关键词, 如:a quarter (to/past), half (past), daily, weekly, fortnight 等。W:

16、Bob, are you going straight home after school today?M: No. I have a class until one oclock, and after that Im going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.Q: When is Bob going home this afternoon? A. Around 5:00. B. Around 3:00. C. At 2:00. D. At 1:00. 本题的关键是 until one oclock,和 to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home。(2) 商品的价格。该类的题也涉及到一些简单的加减乘除运算。要注意一些关键词, 如:10% off, discount, double, half the price, couple,


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