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1、1新世纪高职高专英语 Unit OneTeaching PlanWhy College?I. Teaching Objective Master 精通,熟练使自己成为的精通者,掌握 the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good jobII.Key Points 1)VocabularyAcademic adj.学院的, 大学的; 学会的, (学术、文艺)协会的,研究院的; 学究的

2、; 理论的美文科的, 文学的 advanced beyond 在(到).较远的一边, 超过, 那一边 degree executive 实行的, 执行的, 行政的 n.执行者, 经理主管人员 graduate(大学)毕业生, 研究生 v.(使)(大学)毕业 major教主修课, 律成年人, 乐大调 adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的 vi.主修 master privilege 特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权力, 特免 vt.给与.特权, 特免 require research reserve 储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约 serve talented 有才能的 variety 变化,

3、 多样性, 种种, 品种, 种类 athlete .运动员;田径运动员 bachelor 未婚男子, 独身汉,学士 dominate .支配, 占优势 entrepreneur 企业家 ,创办人;创业者 ,中间商,承办人 view.as 看待 in addition to 加上, 除.外, 又2) Structurethe more., the more.; either.or 不是.就是., .或.3) SkillsUsing context clues to find out the meanings of wordsScanning for specific informationFor

4、m-fillingIII.Teaching Procedures Lead In Activity; Study of the Text; Study of Words and Phrases; Study of Read More; Study of Practical Reading; Study of Practical WritingLead In1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs why some high school graduates

5、 go to college and why some do not, and then ask some pairs to tell their opinions to the whole class.2. Ask the students to find out about the advantages and disadvantages of going to college and of finding a job or, of joining the army after high school, and then to tell the reasons to the whole c

6、lass.Read InI. Background Information1. Education in the United StatesThe national system of formal education in the United States took shape v.成形, 形成, 具体化, 有显著发展 in the 19th century. It differed from educational systems of other Western countries in three fundamental respects 重视, 关心, 考虑,着眼点, 方面. Fi

7、rst, Americans were more inclined 具有.的爱好、倾向或志趣的 to regard education as a solution to various social problems. Second, because they had this confidence in the power of education, 2Americans provided more years of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries. Third, educati

8、onal institutions 公共机构, 协会, 制度 were primarily run by local authorities 权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威 rather than 胜于 by federal ones. The most notable 值得注意的;显著的;显要的;优越的 characteristic 指数,阶;特征,特性,性能 of the American educational system is the large number of people it serves. In 1995, 87 percent of Ame

9、ricans between age 25 and 29 graduated from high school. Among those who completed high school, 62 percent completed at least some college, and 28 percent earned at least a bachelors degree. Expanding access to 有权使用 college education is an important priority.先, 前, 优先, 优先权 for the U. S. government. I

10、n his 1997 State of the Union Address ex-President Bill Clinton called for the creation of a new public policy 国家政策 to enable virtually 事实上, 实质上 every high school graduate to receive some form of college education.2. Colleges and UniversitiesColleges and universities are degree granting institutions

11、 of higher education. In the original sense of the word, a college was a group of students who gathered to share academic and residential facilities. Each college was a component part of a corporate body called a university. Today, especially in the United States, a college may be affiliated .附属的, 有

12、关连的 with a university or be independent. American undergraduates 大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生 adj.大学生的 traditionally have been required to take general survey courses before they specialize in major areas of concentration 集中, 集合, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度; the undergraduate program generally is four years, and each year is

13、 split 劈开, (使)裂开, 分裂, 分离 into two or three semesters. In contrast 相反, 大不相同, European students begin their higher education with specialized studies because their general education is completed in secondary school 中学. In general, European universities have no prescribed 指示, 规定, 处(方),开(药) courses, att

14、endance 出席, 到场,出席者, 参加者,出勤率,陪从; 看护; 值班,保养, 维护, 值班 requirements, or course grades 等级, 级别, 程度,美(中小学)年级; 某一年级的学生,the grades美小学校,美(学校的)评分等级. Students may attend lectures, but do their work directly with tutors who prepare them for examinations. Programs may be completed in two to six years.3. DegreesStu

15、dents who pass the regular program of courses receive a bachelors degree in arts, science, commerce, engineering, education, or any of several other fields. Bachelors degrees in law and theology are granted to those possessing a bachelors degree from a college. Graduates may continue their course of

16、 study for at least one more year for a masters degree. A masters thesis or project may be required for a degree. The university offers doctors degrees and special certificates. Students may continue working for at least two years beyond the masters level toward the degree of doctor of philosophy, doctor of science, or other type of doctorate. In graduate school, seminars give advanced students opportunities



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