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1、涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案班班 级:级:七年级七年级学学 科科英语英语课课 时时1 1 课时课时授课教师授课教师吴书英吴书英课课 型型新授课新授课授课时间授课时间20142014 年年 月月 日日课题名称课题名称Topic 1 I have a small nose. SectionC【知识与技能知识与技能】: Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词: boy, come, sister, different, knife 等;能够运用基本的形容词描述、询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式;能够掌握陈述句及一般疑问

2、句的语调。 Skill aims能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式;能运用表示询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流;能识别不同的语调,如陈述句和一般疑问句等;能够在图画等的帮助下预测文章大意;能运用所学表达进行段落写作,描述人物外貌特点; 【过程与方法过程与方法】:提供关键词是培养学生写作能力的一种好方法。教教 学学 目目 标标【情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观】:】: 能够养成借助图片帮助听说和阅读理解的习惯;能够认真,规范书写单词;能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。教学重点教学重点正确使用表示询问人物外貌特征的形容词和表达方式,并利用这些形容词和表达方式描述自

3、己和他人;正确使用实义动词 have /has 引导的表示所属关系的一般疑问句的表达; 正确使用助动词 do/does。教学难点教学难点正确使用实义动词 have /has 引导的表示所属关于的一般疑问句的表达;助动词do/does 的应用;能够根据所提供的内容编写短文。涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案教教 学学 过过 程程课题教学后记反思课题教学后记反思Step1 Introduction(5minutes)1.The teacher greets with students “Hello! Good morning. Nice to

4、meet you.”2.Draw a picture of a girl on the blackboard, then let some students describe the girl using “have/ has”.Give an example,“She has a small mouth.”3.Point at some part of the girl and ask, “Does she have?” Choose some students to answer the questions.4.Walk to some students and ask the quest

5、ion, “Do you have?”5.Chain questions-Ask one student the question, “Do you have?” Make an answer with“Yes/ No”Then ask the next student one question and go on, at least let five students do it.Step2 Presentation (13minutes)1.Show the first picture of 3a to students and ask the whole class, “Does he

6、have a knife?” (老师指着小刀反复读“knife”) Let students answer the question;Then the teacher asks, “Do you have a knife?”2.Show the second picture in 3a, then let students make a question with the picture, they discuss it in pairs for 1 minute and try to make a short dialogue; The teacher chooses one pair to

7、 show their dialogue;(以同样的方式呈现剩余两幅图)3.Give students 1 minute to match the pictures with the conversations by themselves; Check the answers of 3a.4.Show the pictures of 1a, then let students guess who is the boy and who is his sister, Amy; Let students read the passage first and find out the new word

8、s in the passage; Write down the new words and important phrases, and then choose some students to read the passage one by one;Point out the important expressions: come from = be from, in the same school, but in different grades, 涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案then explain them to stude

9、nts.Step3 Consolidation(10minutes)1.Give students 1 minute to read the passage again and pay attention to the important words and expressions.2.Let students do 1b by themselves, then choose five students to check the answers.3.Give students 1 minute to read the passage and find out the adjectives in

10、 the passage;Show a small blackboard and draw a table on it, and then choose one student to fill in the table and let the other students do it by themselves;Give students 2 minutes to make a passage about the table, and then choose two students to show their passages.Step4 Practice (12minutes)1.Give

11、 students 2 minutes to describe their partners look orally; Choose three students to describe their partners look in front of the whole class; Make a summary about the three students.2.Show three cards with r, e, d to students and let them try to read the three letters; Put the three letters togethe

12、r and read it /red/ for three times; Show the first picture of 4a and say, “The meaning of /red/ is ” Let students guess the meaning of “red”.(老师可采用同样的方式学习以下单词)3.Give students 1 minute to read the sentences in 4b first;Choose some students to read the sentences; Play the tape and let students read a

13、fter the tape carefully.Step5 Production(5minutes)1.Show six nouns: head, face, nose, mouth, eye and hair, then let students make up short passages with them in groups, giving students 2 minutes; Choose two groups to show their short passages to the whole class; Make a summary about the two groups.2

14、. Assign homework:Review the words and expressions; 涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案Write a passage about your partner; Preview Section D.I have a small nose.Section C1. Do you/they/ have? knifeYes, I/we/they do. No, I/we/they dont. boy2. Does he/she have? sisterYes, he/she does. No, he/

15、she doesnt. come from3.We are in the same school, but in different grades. be from涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案涪陵区百胜镇丛林九年制学校学科集体备课教学案班班 级:级:七年级七年级学学 科科英语英语课课 时时1 1 课时课时授课教师授课教师吴书英吴书英课课 型型新授课新授课授课时间授课时间20142014 年年 月月 日日课题名称课题名称Topic 1 I have a small nose. SectionD【知识与技能知识与技能】:1. Knowledge aims 引导学生复习巩固本话题所学

16、习的单词;引导学生复习巩固用英语熟练表达询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方法: I/We/They haveShe/He/It hasDo you/they/ have? Yes, I/we/they do. No, I/we/they dont. Does he /she have ? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.引导学生复习巩固助动词 do/does 的用法。 Skill aims能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式;能运用表示询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流;能根据所听到的课堂用语做出适当的反应;能在老师的指导下进行简单的角色表演;能大声、准确地朗读英文小诗;能正确书写和使用新学习的单词;能



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