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1、 工業生產按季指數 Quarterly Index of Industrial Production 2017年第 2 季 2nd Quarter 2017 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 目目Contents頁數頁數 PageChart 3污水處、廢棄物管及污染防 治活動的工業生產指圖 37Survey methodology統計調查方法統計調查方法8Chart 2製造業按選定業組別劃分的工 業生產指圖 255Indices of industrial

2、 production by selected industry grouping圖 1Chart 1Indices of industrial production by product end-use type for manufacturing industries製造業按產品用途型劃分的工 業生產指表 2Table 24按選定行業組別劃分的工業生產 指3表 1Table 11413統計調查結果摘要統計調查結果摘要Summary of survey results11統計表及圖統計表及圖Statistical tables and chartsIntroduction引言引言製造業的工業

3、生產指Index of industrial production for manufacturing industriesIndices of industrial production by selected industry grouping in manufacturing industriesIndex of industrial production for sewerage, waste management and remediation activities附甲分表 I - 業組別Annex AClassification list I - Industry grouping

4、s附乙分表 II - 製造業按產品用途 型劃分的業別Annex BClassification list II - Industry categories by product end-use type for manufacturing industries有 關 本 刊 物 的 查 詢 , 請 絡 : 政 府 統 計 處 工 業 生 產 統 計 組政 府 統 計 處 工 業 生 產 統 計 組 地 址 :香港九龍協調道3號工業貿易大樓11 電話 : (852) 3903 7247 圖文傳真: (852) 2123 1048 電郵 : ind-productioncenstatd.gov.h

5、kEnquiries about this publication can be directed to : Industrial Production Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department Address : 11/F Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel.: (852) 3903 7247 Fax : (852) 2123 1048 E-mail : ind-productioncenstatd.gov.hk政府統計處網站 We

6、bsite of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk2017年9月出版 Published in September 2017本刊物只備有下載版 This publication is available in download version only工業生產按季指數工業生產按季指數(2008年年=100) QUARTERLY INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION (Year 2008 = 100) 製造製造業業 Manufacturing 2017年第2季指數 Index for the

7、second quarter of 2017 93.3 # 與2016年第2季比較 Compared with the second quarter of 2016 +0.4% # 經季節性調整按季變動 百分率(2017年第2季 與2017年第1季比較) Seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage change (the second quarter of 2017 compared with the first quarter of 2017) -0.1% # 污水處理、廢棄物管理及污水處理、廢棄物管理及 污染防治活動污染防治活動 Se

8、werage, waste management and remediation activities 2017年第2季指數 Index for the second quarter of 2017 127.6 # 與2016年第2季比較 Compared with the second quarter of 2016 +1.6% # 註釋: Note: # 臨時數字。 # Provisional figures. 引引言言 Introduction 1. 工業生產按季統計調查搜集資 料以編製按季工業生產指數及工業生產 者價格指數,包括製造業和污水處理、 廢棄物管理及污染防治活動的有關指 數。

9、 1. The Quarterly Survey of Industrial Production (QSIP) is conducted to collect data for compiling quarterly indices of industrial production and producer price indices for the industrial sector, covering manufacturing industries and sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. 2. 工業機構單位的

10、分類是採用香港 標準行業分類2.0版。該行業分類用於 各經濟統計調查,把經濟單位撥歸不同 的行業類別。 2. The classification of industrial establishments follows the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0, which is used in various economic surveys for classifying economic units into different industry classes. 統計調查結果摘要統計調查結果

11、摘要 Summary of survey results 3. 整體製造業的工業生產指數繼在 2017年第1季錄得0.2%的按年升幅後, 2017年第2季與上年同季比較上升0.4%。 3. The index of industrial production for manufacturing industries as a whole increased by 0.4% in the second quarter of 2017 compared with a year earlier, following a year- on-year increase of 0.2% in the fi

12、rst quarter of 2017. 4. 污水處理、廢棄物管理及污染防治 活動的工業生產指數亦繼在2017年第1季 錄得3.6%的按年升幅後,2017年第2季與 上年同季比較上升1.6%。 4. The index of industrial production for sewerage, waste management and remediation activities also increased by 1.6% in the second quarter of 2017 compared with a year earlier, following a year-on-yea

13、r increase of 3.6% in the first quarter of 2017. - 1 -Quarterly Index of Industrial Production Q2 2017 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionCensus and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region工業生產按季指 2017第2季 香港特別行政區 政府統計處香港特別行政區 政府統計處5. 就製造業的主

14、要行業而言,2017年 第2季的生產量與上年同季比較錄得升幅 的行業有食品、飲品及煙草製品業 (+3.0%);以及紙製品、印刷及已儲錄 資料媒體複製業(+0.1%)。另一方面, 錄得跌幅的行業主要有紡織製品及成衣 業(-4.0%);以及金屬、電腦、電子及 光學產品、機械及設備業(-0.6%)。 5. Comparing the industrial production in respect of major manufacturing industries in the second quarter of 2017 with that a year earlier, increases in

15、 output volume were recorded in the food, beverages and tobacco industry (+3.0%); and the paper products, printing and reproduction of recorded media industry (+0.1%). On the other hand, decreases in output volume were recorded mainly in the textiles and wearing apparel industry (-4.0%); and the met

16、al, computer, electronic and optical products, machinery and equipment industry (-0.6%). 6. 按經季節性調整的數字計算,2017 年第2季整體製造業的工業生產指數,較 2017年第1季輕微下跌0.1%。 6. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the index of industrial production for manufacturing industries as a whole decreased marginally by 0.1% in the second quarter of 2017 compared with the first quarter of 2017. 7. 表1出20


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