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1、 1 上海大学上海大学 Z Z 楼生活服务指南楼生活服务指南 亲爱的同学们: 欢迎您入住上海大学留学生公寓!为了让您能够在 Z 楼生活便利,请仔细阅读以下服务指南: 一、留学生公寓有哪些规定?一、留学生公寓有哪些规定? 请见留 学 生 住 宿 承 诺 书,入住时需要签订该承诺书。 二、邮寄包裹二、邮寄包裹 如需要邮寄包裹,可将邮寄地址写为:中国上海市宝山区(上大路 99号)上海大学国际交流学院 Z 楼*房间号*姓名 (200444)。 前台电话:(+86-21)66134536。 三、上网三、上网 Z 楼内使用上海大学校园网,每个学号可申请一个 IP 地址。如有问题可咨询上海大学信息化办公室

2、D 楼 605 室(宝山),电话 66133370。 四、电话四、电话 1、每个房间配备有一个固定电话,每个电话有一个号码,必须使用电 话卡,(自费购买,例:201,IP)。 2、使用步骤 拿起听筒拨号 201 或是 IP 卡所显示的连接号码输入 201 卡或是 IP 卡号以及密码输入你所需要拨叫的电话号码。 五、洗澡五、洗澡 1.312 房间324 房间;501 房间512 房间没有热水洗澡;在三楼和五 楼分别有一个公共淋浴房;24 小时可以洗澡。 2、其余房间 24 小时供应洗澡热水。 3、使用步骤:在洗澡前 30 分钟打开开关烧热水;30 分钟后打开水龙头 即可。 4、注意事项:请注意水

3、温,以免烫伤。 六、洗六、洗、烘衣、烘衣 1、Z 楼底楼洗衣房提供刷卡洗衣机使用,洗衣卡面值分别为 25 元和 40 元,25 元洗衣卡适用于小天鹅牌全自动洗衣机,40 元洗衣卡适用于 Speed queen 牌商用洗衣机及烘干机。 2、使用步骤(刷卡即可) (1)小天鹅牌洗衣机使用步骤 打开前盖放入衣物以及洗涤剂刷卡按启动键 (2) SPEED QUEEN 牌商用洗衣机以及烘干机使用步骤 放入衣物关上前门选择温度刷卡按启动键 七、七、 厨房厨房 2 1、Z 楼二楼至六楼都设有厨房,厨房配备微波炉,电磁炉,冰箱各一 个。 2、注意事项 各楼层厨房开放时间为 6:00-23:00,请在烹调食物时

4、注意电器安全, 以免食物烧焦导致火灾。 八、卫生八、卫生 每日上午 8 点至下午 3 点,由清洁卫生工作人员在每楼层打扫。 九、报修九、报修 1、24 小时可至前台向工作人员报修,由工作人员记录并安排时间上门 维修。 2、注意事项 请告知前台工作人员你在宿舍内的时间, 如宿舍内无人是否允许机修人 员进入,以便我们能够及时的为你修复所需设备。 十、床单十、床单 1、每月 10.20.30 日在 Z119 室更换床单。时间为下午 12:30-15:00。 2、注意事项 请务必在规定时间内在规定地点更换床单。 十一、饭卡充值十一、饭卡充值 请到校内食堂底楼充值,每天的就餐时间都可以充值。 十二十二、

5、补充说明、补充说明 如果你在 Z 楼有其它住宿问题,请告诉 Z 楼前台,我们会尽量帮你解 决。 3 Service Directory of Z- Building Dear Students, Welcome to the International Students Dormitory of Shanghai University. Please read carefully the following service directory to ensure a more convenient life at Shanghai university. 1.Regulation Please

6、 refer to “ accommodation commitment letter“, when you live, you need to sign this letter. 2. Send the parcel by mail If you want to send the parcel by mail, the mailed address will be written as:Room No, building Z, No 99 shangda Road, College of Internatianal Exchange,Shanghai University( post cod

7、e:200444 ). Reception desk phone: ( +86-21 ) 66134536 3.How to get an Internet connection in the dormitory In Z building, you will get free Internet access. You can obtain an IP address according to your student ID,and If you had any problem with your Internet connection, please contact the staff in

8、 Room 605 Building D. Telephone: 66133370. 4. How to use the telephone In Z building, each room is equipped with a fixed telephone which can be used with a “201“ card. You can use it as the reverse side of a “201” card mentioned. The card can be purchased in the on-campus Education Supermarket .You

9、will not be charged when receiving calls. 5. How to use interior bathroom of the dormitory In Z Building,each room except room321-324,501-512 is equippedwith electrical water heater and a shared bathroom is on the third and fifth floor. 30 minutes before bath, you should turn on the switch burning h

10、ot water; after30 minutes, you can turn on the tap for bath.Please pay attention to water temperature. 6. How to use the laundry In Z Building, there is laundry room on the first floor. Washing machine includes two types: 25yuan for one and 40 yuan for another. You can buy card at the reception desk

11、 and read the instruction of the washing or dryer machine. If you still have problem, please tell the staff at the reception desk. 7. Public kitchen There are free public kitchens from the second to sixth floor,including a 4 electromagnetic oven, a microwave oven, a refrigerator.When use the public

12、kitchen, please use safety to avoid accidents. Opening hours: from 6:00 to 23:00. 8.Cleaning Each building is equipped with a professional cleaning worker, whose working time is from 8:00am to 15:00 pm within the public area.The students need clean your room by yourself. 9.Repairing If the room faci

13、lities appears problems, please tell the staff at the reception desk,then there will be a repair staff to help you . A complete working peoid depends on the situation. Please tell us if you are not in the room when you told us that you need to repair, whether it can be repaired. 10.Bed sheets Bed sh

14、eets replacement date is the tenth days, 20 days, 30 days. The replacement time is from 12:30 to 15:00. The replacement place is in room 119 building Z. 11.Card recharge Please recharge on the ground floor of dining room during the meal time. 12.Supplementary description If you have any other questions, please tell the reception desk staff, we will timely help you.



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