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1、1UnitUnit 7 7 WhatsWhats thethe highesthighest mountainmountain inin thethe worldworld第第 3 3 课时课时 SectionSection B B 1a-2e1a-2e 教学目标教学目标一、知识与技能一、知识与技能1. Improve the listening and reading skills. 2. 学习完成任务所需要的词汇,短语和句子。 3. 进一步学习并掌握比较级和最高级的表达 。二、过程与方法二、过程与方法听、说、读、写有机结合。三、情感态度与价值观三、情感态度与价值观通过了解学习大熊猫。树立保

2、护大自然,保护动物的意识。 教学重点教学重点1. Improve the listening and reading skills. 2. 学习完成任务所需要的词汇,短语和句子。 3. 进一步学习并掌握比较级和最高级的表达。 教学难点教学难点 进一步学习并掌握比较级和最高级的表达。 教法导航教法导航 反复训练,提高能力。 学法导航学法导航 多听,多说,积极参与。 教学准备教学准备 图片、视频、多媒体。 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step2 Words Show the new words on the scree

3、n and teach the words one by one. 1. weigh v. 称重 2. adult n. 成人 adj. 成年的 3. bamboo n. 竹子 4. endangered adj. 濒危的 5. research n.&v. 调查;研究 6. keeper n. 饲养员 7. awake adj. 醒着 8. excitement n. 激动 9. illness n. 疾病 10. artwork n. 插图 11. wild adj. 野生的 12. government n. 政府Step 3 Discussion 1. Compare facts ab

4、out these two animals. Use the language in the box to help you make sentences. e.g. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. (200 cm taller/shorter,weigh much more/less,eat much more/less,eat many times more) 2. Discuss in pairs. Compare the panda and the elephant. 3. Do 1a.Make more se

5、ntences using the information in 1a. Step 4 Listening21. 1b, Listen and check() the numbers you hear.1c, Listen again and complete the sentences. 2. Practice. Take turns telling your classmates about pandas.A:A baby panda can not see. B:An adult panda weighs many times more than a baby panda. Step 5

6、 Discussion Here are some facts about koala,use the information above to make sentences. Koala is 75 cm tall weighs 10 kilos eats leaves sleeps 20 hours a day Step 6 Reading 1. Pre-reading Talk about panda in your class. Use these words to help you. big,bamboo,zoo,popular, cute, black and white,Sich

7、uan,famous,endangered,beautiful,forest,protect 2. Reading guidance:scanningThis means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. 3. Reading tasks (1)2b, Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean:10,12,200,2000(2)2c, Scan the article again and write short answers

8、to the questions:1)What is Lin Weis job? 2)What do the baby pandas eat for breakfast? 3)What do adult pandas eat? 4)Why are pandas endangered? 5)What is one way of saving pandas? Key:1) A panda keeper 2) Milk 3) Bamboos 4) Less forest for pandas to live 5) Teaching children (3) 2d Complete the sente

9、nces using words and phrases from the passage. Check the answers and let them read aloud. Keys:keepers,prepare,often,illnesses,trees,children,endangered,Chin ese government,necessary to plant 2e Discuss what other ways you think children can help to save the pandas. Divide the students into a few gr

10、oups and then let them discuss. Let a few groups report their ways. Step 7 Language points Get the students to read the passage again to see if they have difficult points. If they have,the teacher give a hand. 1. At birth,a baby panda is about birth v. 出生 at birth 出生时 e.g. Mans nature at birth is go

11、od. 人之初,性本善 give birth to 生(孩子) ;产生32. A panda can live up to 20 to 30 years. up to 到达(数量,程度等) ;不多 于 e.g. In some area of Africa,children get educated up to 12 years old. 在非洲的一些地区,孩子最多受教育到 12 岁。3. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the remaining forests. Living in the remaining forests 是一个现在分词短语,用作定语,修饰 pandas。 e.g. the girls singing under the tree 树下唱歌的女孩们the women washing clothes by the rive 河边洗衣服的女人们 课堂作业课堂作业Make a list about how to save pandas. 教学反思教学反思 本节课充分利用了课本上的材料,训练了学生的听力和阅读理解能力,在此过程中学 生也掌握了一些重点单词和短语,并熟练掌握了比较级和最高级的表达。


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