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1、BBC Learning English Q & A of the Week 你问我答你问我答 About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对

2、节目做 出的改变。 Pronunciation 两个辅音两个辅音/ and / / Wang Fei: She sells seashells on the seashore, and the shells Finn: (clear throat) Wang Fei, its time to do the recording. Wang Fei: Oh, yes! 大家好我是王飞。欢迎收听本周的你问我答节目。 Finn: And Im Finn. Wang Fei, what were you saying just now? She sells what? She sells sea she

3、lls Wang Fei: Oh. I was practising my English pronunciation. I used to have a problem with the /s/ sound and the / / sound. Finn: Thats interesting! Well, todays question from our listeners is about the sounds / and / /. Insert Hello my name is Hope and Im from Guangxi. I think I have problems with

4、the sounds “ “and “ “. Can you help me? When I say “Its my pleasure.“ native English speakers always correct my pronunciation of “ “. Thank you very much. Wang Fei: 我们的听友 Hope 觉得自己的两个发音/ 和 / / 不够准确,她想知道如何发好这 两个音。她特别对 “Its my pleasure.“ 这个句子感到头疼。 Finn: The / / sound is a difficult sound for some Chin

5、ese learners isnt it? Wang Fei: Sure, I heard some learners say “Its my pleasure.“ as “Its my /pler/.“ Whats the problem there? Finn: Well, what they did was they pronounced / / as /r/. The problem is that you should raise their tongues up a bit to a position close to the roof of the mouth. Wang Fei

6、: 原来他们把/ / 发成了 /r/. Finn 解释说这是因为他们的舌头没有抬起来。舌头应 该提高到快接触到口腔上腭的位置。下面 Finn 读正确的发音,我读错误的发音。你们 注意听一下区别。 Finn: Its my pleasure. Page 2 of 3 Wang Fei: Its my /pler/. Finn: I usually wear casual clothes. Wang Fei: I usually wear casual clothes. 希望你们听出区别来了。另外,我还听到有些中国 学习者会把“Its my pleasure.“ 读成 “Its my /plez/

7、.“ Finn: Yes! They pronounced / / as /z/. The problem here is that they didnt raise their tongues up and didnt stick out their lips either. Wang Fei: Finn 解释说这是因为他们的舌头没有抬起来,另外嘴唇也没有往前突出。下面 Finn 读正确的发音,我读错误的发音。你们注意听一下区别。 Finn: Its my pleasure. Wang Fei: Its my /plez/. Finn: Its a good measure. Wang Fe

8、i: Its a good measure. 希望你能听出正确的和错误的发音之间的区别。那我们来说一 说另外一个音/. Finn: / and / / are indeed two sounds that puzzle many English learners. One is a voiced and one is an unvoiced consonant. Wang Fei: Finn 说 / and / / 是一对清浊辅音。也就是说它们的发音部位是一样的,清辅 音 unvoiced sound 在发音的时候,声带不振动,浊辅音 voiced sound 在发音的 时候,声带则是振动的。

9、 Finn: Wang Fei, what problem did you have before with the / sound? Wang Fei: I pronounced it like this: She sells sea shells. Finn: I see. She sells sea shells. The problem is that you didnt raise their tongue up towards the roof of your mouth. Wang Fei: 是的。Finn 说得很对。我以前没有发好 / 这个音,就是因为舌位不够高,发这个音 的时

10、候,舌尖要往后移,舌头应该提高到快接触到口腔上腭的位置。 Finn: And your lips should go forwards, not backwards. Wang Fei: 你的嘴唇要往前突出一点,而不是往后。 Finn: Ready? / Wang Fei: / Finn: Very clear! Now how about this? She sells seashells on the seashore. Wang Fei: She sells seashells on the seashore. Page 3 of 3 Finn: When you are reading

11、 this sentence, you should feel your tongue going up and down in your mouth. Wang Fei: 在做这个练习的时候,你能感觉到舌头在口腔里上下移动的。 Finn: Now, lets quickly go over the key elements of pronouncing / and / / well. First, the tip of your tongue go backwards a bit, then raise their tongue up almost touch the roof of you

12、r mouth, and stick your lips out. Wang Fei: 有三个步骤,首先舌尖往后移一点儿,然后舌头抬起靠近口腔上腭位置,最后嘴唇要往 前突出。 Finn: Ready? / Wang Fei: / Finn: / / Wang Fei: / / Finn: Very good. Wang Fei: Thank you Finn. Finn: Its my pleasure Wang Fei. Shall we finish the programme now? Wang Fei: Yes! 听众朋友,如果你也有发音或者语法方面的问题,请给我们发电子邮件。如果你 把你的录音发送给我们,您就会有机会得到 BBC 英语教学专家的指导。 Finn: We look forward to hearing from you soon. Both: Bye bye!


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