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1、内蒙古中核龙腾100M槽式光热示范电站开发 100MW Parabolic Trough Plant Development 100MW Parabolic Trough Plant Development CPC, Beijing , June 2016 CPC, Beijing , June 2016 Richard Yu General Manager 俞科,总经理 Richard Yu General Manager 俞科,总经理 CSPPLAZA目录 Contents 1 项目简介 Project Overview 厂址选择 Site Selection 项目前期工作 Prelimi

2、nary Work 新技术开发 New Technology 产业链准备 Supply Chain 2 3 4 5 目录 Contents 1 CSPPLAZA Capacity :Capacity :100MW Location :Location :Inner Mongolia Latitude :Latitude : 41.5 N Longitude :Longitude : 108.8 E Technology :Technology : Parabolic Trough HTF type :HTF type :Thermal oil Solar Field Aperture area

3、 : Solar Field Aperture area : 1,111,800m2 Number of loops : Number of loops : 340 Storage capacity:Storage capacity: 5 hours Storage medium: Storage medium: Molten salt 装机容量:100MW 装机容量:100MW 项目地点:内蒙古巴彦淖 尔市乌拉特中旗 项目地点:内蒙古巴彦淖 尔市乌拉特中旗 纬度:北纬41.5 纬度:北纬41.5 经度:东经108.8 经度:东经108.8 技术路线:抛物面槽式 技术路线:抛物面槽式 传热介质

4、类型:导热油 传热介质类型:导热油 集热面积:1111800m集热面积:1111800m2 2 回路数量:340条 回路数量:340条 储热容量:5小时 储热容量:5小时 储热介质:熔盐 储热介质:熔盐 项目简介 Project Overview 2 CSPPLAZA项目简介 Project Overview 占地:4.67km4.67km2 2(7000(7000亩) ) 南北2288m2288m,东西2040m 2040m 总发电量:2.962.96亿度 Total land area:467 haTotal land area:467 ha N-S : 2288m,E-W : 2040m

5、 N-S : 2288m,E-W : 2040m Gross production:296GWh Gross production:296GWh 3 CSPPLAZA4 Project Location Urad Zhongqi S311 provincial highway Bayan Nur Baotou 项目简介 Project Overview 太阳辐射资源 Solar Radiation 气象条件 Meteorological Condition 电网接入条件 Grid connection availability 水资源 Water Resource 地貌地质 Land cond

6、ition 交通运输、燃料供应等 Transportation,Fuel.etc 240km 180km 180km 8km CSPPLAZA厂址选择 Site Selection 多年气象局数据 Long-time weather bureau data 多年卫星数据 Long-time satellite data 项目地实测数据 On site measured data 太阳辐射资源 Solar Radiation 项目厂址 Project Site 项目地实测太阳直接辐射(DNI)约2025KWh/m2/y On site measured Direct Normal Irradia

7、tion (DNI) is about 2025KWh/m2/y 5 CSPPLAZA厂址选择 Site Selection 气象条件 Meteorological Condition 多年平均气温 Annual average temperature 6.1 多年极低气温 Extreme lowest temperature -34.4 多年极高气温 Extreme highest temperature 31.4 多年平均雷暴日数 Average days of thunderstorm 21 days 多年平均风速 Average wind speed 2.8 m/s 多年最大风速 Ma

8、x. measured wind speed 22 m/s 多年平均沙尘暴日数 Average days of sand storm 2.4 days 多年最大沙尘暴日数 Max. days of sand storm 34 days 多年平均降水量 Annual average rainfall 208.5mm 多年平均冰雹日数 Average days of hail 1.2 days 多年最大冰雹日数 Max. days of hail 6 days 最大冻土深度 Max. depth of frozen earth 170 cm 近30年主要气象要素特征数据 The main Mete

9、orological elements in the recent 30 years 6 CSPPLAZA厂址选择 Site Selection 水资源 Water Resource 项目电厂生产补水采用乌拉特中旗污水处理厂的中水,生活、消防补水采用市政自来水, 市政自来水同时兼做生产备用水源。 Plant production water supply :reclaimed water Plant backup water supply: tap water Domestic water 东高西低,自然坡度在 0.9%-1.2%; Higher in the north and lower

10、in the south, nature grade is about 0.9%-1.6% Higher in the east and lower in the west, nature grade is about 0.9%-1.2% 1:500 1:500 8 CSPPLAZA项目前期工作 Preliminary Work 项目地示范回路 Onsite Demo Loop Onsite Demo Loop 建设于20122012年 Constructed in 2012 Constructed in 2012 权威检测机构认证 Certificated by authority thir

11、d party Certificated by authority third party 3年运维经验 O&M for 3 years O&M for 3 years 技 术 验 证 Gb=830W/m2,入射角35,标准工况下LOOP光热效率67% The thermal efficiency of the loop 67% at standard operation temperature, while Gb=830W/m2 as well as incidence angle is 35 9 CSPPLAZA项目前期工作 Preliminary Work 光资源分析 Site Asse

12、ssment of Solar Resource 厂址地面实测数据 Ground Measured Ground Measured 多年卫星数据 Satellite Data 2013Satellite Data 2013年8 8月至20162016年3 3月 逐分实测数据作分析 Measured minute data from August 2013 to Measured minute data from August 2013 to March, 2016 for March, 2016 for assessment assessment 10 CSPPLAZA光资源分析 Site A

13、ssessment of Solar Resource 项目前期工作 Preliminary Work 太阳辐射长期辐射值(P50): 水平面总辐射:1784kWh/m2 直接辐射: 2062kWh/m2 The annual long term average (P50) values are: GHI : 1784kWh/m2 DNI : 2062kWh/m2 11 CSPPLAZA项目前期工作 Preliminary Work ConSoYield-可融资性发电量模拟软件 Bankable yield assessments for CSP -高时间分辨率(1分钟) -High reso

14、lution(I minute) -实际电站数据验证 -Validation with real plant data -详尽的运维策略 -Detailed implementation of operating strategies -可融资性(Bankable) 12 发电量模拟 Energy Yield Assessment 由龙腾与Fraunhofer ISE共同开发 Developed by Royal Tech& Fraunhofer ISE CSPPLAZA项目前期工作 Preliminary Work 数据来源于/Source: S. Rohani, T. Fluri, and

15、 F. Dinter, “Modelling, Simulation and Data Validation of a Solar Thermal Parabolic Trough Plant with Storage,” SolarPACES 2015. 13 发电量模拟 Energy Yield Assessment ConSoYield开发团队使用西班牙Andasol 3 电站实际 运行数据对软件的模拟结果进行验证。 电站发电量模拟结果与实际发电量平均差异为2.29%2.29%, 集热场热输出模拟结果与实际热输出差异为0.52%0.52%。 Validation with Spains Andasol 3: Average difference between operation data and simulated result: Electricity generation: 2.29% Solar field output: 0.52% . ConSoYield电站发电量评估 ConSoYield energy yield assessment CSPPLAZA发电量模拟 Energy Yield Assessment 项目前期工作 Preliminary Work



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