《服装设计概论》 双语课程建设中期汇报

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《《服装设计概论》 双语课程建设中期汇报》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《服装设计概论》 双语课程建设中期汇报(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、服装设计概论服装设计概论Introduction to Fashion DesignIntroduction to Fashion Design主主 讲:张讲:张 梅梅 教授教授我理解的中国的服装设计我理解的中国的服装设计 创新的理念创新的理念 创新的能力创新的能力 市场运作的水平市场运作的水平前言前言 服装设计概论服装设计概论 课程建设课程建设 服装设计概论服装设计概论 讲授主要内容讲授主要内容 课程学习方法与要课程学习方法与要 求,双语教学的特求,双语教学的特 点点 考试(闭卷,双语考试(闭卷,双语 )前言前言 服装设计概论服装设计概论课程建设课程建设 1 1、吉林省教育厅十一五规划项目、

2、吉林省教育厅十一五规划项目 2 2、农学部双语课程建设项目、农学部双语课程建设项目 3 3、农学部多媒体课件制作项目、农学部多媒体课件制作项目 4 4、吉林省教育技术成果一等奖、吉林省教育技术成果一等奖前言前言 服装设计概论服装设计概论讲授主要内容讲授主要内容 第一章第一章 服装与服装业服装与服装业 第二章第二章 服装发展史服装发展史 第四章第四章 色彩与服装效果图(前两节)色彩与服装效果图(前两节) 第五章第五章 服装款式分类及其细部(服装款式分类及其细部(5.1-5.65.1-5.6) 第六章第六章 服装系列设计与产品开发服装系列设计与产品开发 第七章第七章 服装立体裁剪与平面裁剪(服装立

3、体裁剪与平面裁剪(7.27.2) 第十章第十章 服装表演服装表演 第十一章第十一章 服装市场与营销服装市场与营销 前言前言 学习方法与要求,双语教学的特点学习方法与要求,双语教学的特点 1 1、中、英文结合讲述、中、英文结合讲述 2 2、掌握所学知识,掌握专业术语、掌握所学知识,掌握专业术语 3 3、提高语言表达能力与专业英文文献阅读能、提高语言表达能力与专业英文文献阅读能 力力前言前言 考试考试 1 1、中期小考、中期小考 2 2、课堂小组讨论(英语表述)、课堂小组讨论(英语表述) 3 3、期末闭卷考试(中、英)、期末闭卷考试(中、英)Chapter 1Chapter 1 第一章第一章Fas

4、hion and Fashion Fashion and Fashion IndustryIndustry服装与服装业服装与服装业Faces of FashionFaces of Fashion 服装的面貌服装的面貌Behold the many faces of fashion:Behold the many faces of fashion: fun, fantastic, fun, fantastic, frivolous, frantic, fabulous, futuristic, flirtatious, fresh, frivolous, frantic, fabulous, f

5、uturistic, flirtatious, fresh, and financialand financial. . Fashion is all of this, and much more. Fashion is all of this, and much more. People long for excitement and variety in their lives and People long for excitement and variety in their lives and look to the look to the fashion businessfashi

6、on business to show them “whats new.” to show them “whats new.” 服装有着千孔百面:有趣、奇异、诱目、疯狂叛逆、服装有着千孔百面:有趣、奇异、诱目、疯狂叛逆、 传奇、前卫、情调、新颖、奢华传奇、前卫、情调、新颖、奢华.服装是所有这服装是所有这 些元素甚至更多元素的复合体。人们通过服装使生活些元素甚至更多元素的复合体。人们通过服装使生活 丰富多彩、充满激情。丰富多彩、充满激情。The Dynamics of Fashion IndustryThe Dynamics of Fashion Industry 服装业的动态特征服装业的动态特

7、征Fashion is the mostFashion is the most dynamicdynamic of all business. of all business. It It thrivesthrives on changeandon changeand changechange is the is the engineengine that fuels it.that fuels it.服装业是各行各业中最具活力的因素。它在变化中服装业是各行各业中最具活力的因素。它在变化中 繁荣兴盛,变化是推动服装业发展的根本动力。繁荣兴盛,变化是推动服装业发展的根本动力。1.11.1 The

8、 Function of FashionThe Function of Fashion 服装的作用服装的作用 Fashion Fashion is is and and has has been been and and will will be, be, through through all all ages, ages, the the outward outward form form through through which which the the mind mind speaks speaks to to the the universe. universe. Fashion

9、 Fashion in in all all languages languages designs designs to to make, make, shape, shape, model, model, adapt, adapt, embellish, embellish, and adorn.and adorn. 服装过去是,现在是将来仍将是心灵与外界对话的形服装过去是,现在是将来仍将是心灵与外界对话的形 式。服装通过不同的设计语言塑造、装饰和润色着人式。服装通过不同的设计语言塑造、装饰和润色着人 类的生活。类的生活。1.11.1 The Function of FashionThe

10、Function of Fashion 服装的作用服装的作用 People People started started covering covering their their bodies bodies withwith clothesclothes toto keep keep warmwarm and and to to bebe modestmodest, , but but adornmentdecorationwasadornmentdecorationwas already already an an important important part ofpart of dr

11、essingdressing. . 为了取暖和遮羞,人类的先民开始用衣服来遮盖身体为了取暖和遮羞,人类的先民开始用衣服来遮盖身体 。但也是从那时起,装饰作用也同时成了服装功能的。但也是从那时起,装饰作用也同时成了服装功能的 一个重要组成部分。一个重要组成部分。1.11.1 The Function of FashionThe Function of Fashion 服装的作用服装的作用 Pressure Pressure from from peer peer groups groups and and changes changes in in lifestyle lifestyle inf

12、luence influence the the adornment adornment considered considered acceptable acceptable in in a a particular particular time time or or for for a a particular particular group. group. The The basic basic reasons reasons people people have have forfor wearing clotheswearing clothes have not changedh

13、ave not changed. . 在特定的时代、特定的群体里,生活方式的变化及外在特定的时代、特定的群体里,生活方式的变化及外 界的压力都影响着人们对装饰方式的选择。界的压力都影响着人们对装饰方式的选择。1.11.1 The Function of FashionThe Function of Fashion 服装的作用服装的作用 Today, Today, people people still still wear wear clothes clothes to to keep keep warm warm or or cool cool and and for for the the

14、 sake sake of of modesty, modesty, but but what what we we select select for for those those purposes purposes is is very very much much influenced influenced by a desire to adorn ourselves.by a desire to adorn ourselves. 虽然今天,人们穿戴衣物的基本原因还是为了取暖、虽然今天,人们穿戴衣物的基本原因还是为了取暖、 消暑和遮羞,但更重要的原因已经是为了更好地装扮消暑和遮羞,但更

15、重要的原因已经是为了更好地装扮 修饰自己。修饰自己。1.11.1 The Function of FashionThe Function of Fashion 服装的作用服装的作用 Because Because people people are are social social animals,animals, clothingclothing is is a a social social statement. statement. By By looking looking at at the the wayway a a person person dressesdresses, , you you can can often often make make good good guesses guesses about about his his or or her her social social and and business business standing, standing, sex-role sex-role identification, identification, political political orientation, orientation, ethnicity, ethnicity, life



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