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1、1动词时态自测练习题(一) ( )1.I will tell him as soon as he _ back A. come B. comes C. will come D. came( )2. Mary _ on shoes when she _them. A. triesbuys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies ( )3. The girl often _ cold when she _.A. catchdances B. catches dances C. catchsdances D. catches dance ( )4. _ h

2、e _ himself there? No, I dont think so.A. Doenjoy B. Does enjoies C. Does enjoys D. Doesenjoy ( )5. -_ your teacher _ from them very often? -Certainly.A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive ( )6. _ your mother _ some cleaning on Sundays? A. Doesdoes B. Dodoes C. Doesdo D. Dodo ( )7. -_ Tom _

3、to work hard to help his family ? -Yes, he _.A. Has xdoes B. Hasxdoes C. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes ( )8. Which teacher _ lessons to you every day ? A. doesgives B. doesgive C. dogive D. gives ( )9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, _? _ , he does.A. does heNo B. does heYes C. doesnt heNo D. d

4、oesnt heYes ( )10.Mr Black often _ fishing on Sundays, _ he ?A. goesdoesnt B. goesisnt C. doesnt gogoes D. doesnt gois ( )11.He usually _ TV on Sunday evening. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching ( )12. Well go to play with snow if it _ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed (

5、)13. Neither I nor he _ French. A. speak B. doesnt speak C. speaks D. doesnt speak ( )14. Nobody _ how to run(操纵) this machine.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing ( )15. The Young Pioneer _ water for the old man every day. A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries ( )16. Some are _ in the rive

6、r and some are _ games.A. swimmingplaiing B. swimingplaying C. swimmingplaying D. swimmingplaing ( )17. Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _ .A. playing dance B. playing dancing C. play dancing D. play dance ( )18. He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening. A. is beginnin

7、g B. is beginning C. begin D. begins ( )19. _ he _ on well with his friends this term ?A. Doesgets B. Doesget C. Isgetting D. Isgeting ( )20. Mr Smith _ short stories, but he _ a TV play these days.A. is writingis writing B. is writingwrites C. writesis writing D. writes writes ( )21. I _ to the cin

8、ema. I _ there every Sunday.A. gogo B. am going go C. go am going D. am goingam going ( )22. Look, they_ a good time, _ they ?A. havedo B. havedont C. are havingare D. are having arent ( )23. You _ about the future now, _ you ?A. dont thinkdont B. arent thinking arent C. dont think do D. arent think

9、ing are ( )24. She always _ something whenever she _.A .studiedplayed B. studiedplaied C. studiedplaied D. studyed played ( )25. He often _ late in the forest. It _ me very much.,A. stayedworried B. staied worried C. stayedworryed D. staied worried ( )26. I _that the boy _ with no tears in his eyes.

10、A. noticed cryed B. noticed cried C. noticdcried D. noticed cryed ( )27. We _the floor and _ all the windows.2A. moppedcleanned B. mopedcleaned C. moppedcleaned D. mopedcleaned ( )28. When I _ the Childrens Palace, the children _ with joy.A. visitd jumpped B. visite jumped C. visited jumped D. visit

11、ed jumpped ( )29. _ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they _.A. Did they havedid B. Did they havehad C. Had theyhad D. Had theydid ( )30. _ you _out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I _.A. Didwentwent B. Did go went C. Did went did D. Did godid ( )31. _ Jack _ on with his work or _ to have a rest?A. D

12、idwentstopped B. Didgostop C. Didwentstop D. Did go stopped ( )32. You gave them a talk two days ago, _you ? Yes, I _.A. did did B. did gave C. didnt did D. didnt gave ( )33. -_ your brother _ a letter to ? - My father did.A. Who wrote B. Whatwrote C. Who didwrite D What did write ( )34. They _ abou

13、t the TV news then in the sitting-room. They often _ such talksA. talkedhad B. talkhave C. were talkinghad D. are talkinghave ( )35. He _ some cooking at that time, so he _ me.A. didheard B. diddidnt hear C. was doingheard D. was doingdidnt hear ( )36. “ _ you angry then?“ “They_ too much noise.”A.

14、Arewere making B. Werewere making C. Aremade D. Were made ( )37. This time yesterday, Jack _ his bike. He _ TV. A. repaireddidnt watchB. was repairingwatched C. repairedwatched D. was repairing wasnt watching ( )38. We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _.A. were waitingwaiting B. were waitingwait C. waitedwaiting D. waited wait ( )39. When you _ at the door, I _ some washing.A. knocked(敲)did B. w


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