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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语讨论之网上教学好不好托福口语练习大家都会通过真题以及托福TPO等进行学习,下面就 在这里介绍几个托福TPO口语答案和题目,是关于网络课堂和传统教室 教学哪个好的话题,大家一起来看一看口语大概难度是如何的,在以后 复习时心里好有个数。 托福TPO口语题目 Question: Many universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do

2、 you think is better?Explain why. 托福TPO口语答案解析: Tips 1. Internet courses (1.1) Convenience (1.1.1) Anywhere, any time (1.2) Flexible study schedule (1.2.1) Repeat, rewind, fast forward 2. Traditional classroom (2.1) Teacher-student interaction (2.1.1) Ask questions and get feedbacks in class (2.1.2)

3、Teacher knows students needs better (2.2) Student-student interaction (2.2.1) Making friends (2.2.2) Class discussions 托福口语TPO范文: I prefer taking courses in traditional classrooms for the following reasons. First of all, its very important that students get to work with anexperienced professor in th

4、e learning process. Its so much easier to engage in a discussion or ask questions directly in a traditional classroom. The presence of a professor plays a big role when you are trying to learn something new. Second, learning in a traditional classroom means that you can meet many other students. Its

5、 great that students get to know each other and become friends in the classroom. Plus, learning in a study group can give students otherperspectives which cant be obtained when taking online courses. 上面介绍了关于网络课堂和传统教室教学哪个好的话题的托福 口语TPO答案,相信大家能从中看出不少信息,大家在做托福TPO的时 候一定要多重复几遍,多研究一些问题和有用的信息,这样才能让托福 口语有所进步

6、。 智课培训新托福写作25分名师班: 【课程特色】 新托 福写作是考试中学生最怕的科目,但是相对于其他考试,新托福考试中 的写作科目是比较容易提分的。对于大部分同学来说独立写作不是问题 ,但是综合写作却是一道拦路虎,老师通过大量的新托福考试素材,系 统性且实效性地深入分析雅思独立写作,综合写作的特点和应对策略, 帮助学员在短期内梳理写作高分词汇,句型,思路,扩展方式,高分写 作语法及学员范文剖析,从而达到写作25分及以上。 【授课教材】 新托福全真试题(TPO) 名师内部讲义 【课程简介】 针对新托福写作考 试的特点,评分规则及最近的考试趋势,对旨在突破新托福写作25分及 以上的学员进行系统性的写作技巧的梳理和应试技巧的辅导。 【适合人群】 即将参加托福考试,但是写作较为薄弱需提升到25分及以上的学生


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