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1、小学英语故事教学张 剑 华中师大北京研究院 国家英语课程标准阅读目标校本化实施策略实验课题组*1提 纲近年来小学英语教学的发展和问题 小学阶段课标要求解析及案例(首先给出关于语言知识和语 言技能的几个基本问题的提问) 语言学习的逻辑发展顺序 英文故事片段欣赏 英语教材在发展学生语言能力方面的不足 教师指导下的学生课内外自主阅读的重要性和必要性*2讲座提纲 英语课程标准一级和二级能力目标要求分析 语言能力培养的逻辑顺序 关于英语阅读的基本理念与实践 小学英语课内外结合语篇教学建议 小学英语故事阅读教学案例分析*3课标二级目标要求一级目标要求是按照:听、做/说、唱/玩、演/读、写/视听来分别进行要

2、求的;二级目标要求则是按照:听/说/读/写/玩、演、视听来分别进行要求的。*4听 能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂语速较慢但语调自然的话语或录音材料 能听懂简单的配图小故事(Story-telling) 能听懂常用 指令和要求并做出适当的 反应*5说说 能在口头表达中做到发音清楚、重音正确、能在口头表达中做到发音清楚、重音正确、语调达意语调达意 能在教师的帮助下能在教师的帮助下讲述小故事(讲述小故事(Telling storiesTelling stories)*6读 能认读所学词语 能根据拼读规则 读出简单的单词能借助图片读懂简单的 故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读 的习惯 能正确朗读所学故事或短

3、文*7写写 能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简单的标题 或描述 能模仿范例写句子 能写出简单的问候语 写句子时能正确使用大小写字母和标点符号*8玩、演、视听玩、演、视听 能按要求用英语做游戏能按要求用英语做游戏 能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或童话剧能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或童话剧*9课标三级目标要求1、能正确地朗读课文; 2、能理解简短的书面指令,并根据要求进行学习活动; 3、能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意; 4、能初步使用简单的工具书; 5、除教材外,课外阅读量累计应达到4万词以上。*10为什么从刚开始就要求阅读故事? 语言能力培养的逻辑顺序 文学故事阅读与词汇、语法学习 文学故事阅读与阅读能力

4、培养以及其他语言能力 的培养*11英语能力培养的逻辑顺序案例分析 19982008高考全国卷书面表达范文所用词汇 (374词 ) 说明:本表收录1998-2008年高考英语全国卷书面表 达范文(视为满分作文)的全部用词。 括号内的数字为该词使用的次数。*121998-2008全国卷高考书面表达范文最常用15个词 be (66) the (62) a/an (48+2) to (45) I (37) you (33) of (27) have (21) for (18) it (15) on (14) we (12) there (11) about (10) schoo1 (10) 这15个单

5、词是小学生都会使用的。*13问题是: 为什么高中老师从高一到高三一直在训练学生的 写作,而且是从高一上学期开始就直接拿类似于 高考的写作模拟试卷来训练学生的写作能力,很 多学生却无法在高考中得到大部分写作分数?是 词汇量不够吗?是高考写作要求的思想性较强吗 ?显然不是。通过上面的分析,显然不是的! 下面我们来看看语言能力培养的逻辑顺序:*14语言能力培养的逻辑顺序语言能力培养的逻辑顺序 第一步:课堂上语言知识的学习和语言技能的训练 第二步:课、内外语言知识和语言技能的巩固和运用 第三步:课外语言知识和语言技能的掌握 第四步:课内外语言测试(真正好的语言测试是对语言学习和 语言教学具有良好反拨作

6、用的语言测试)。*15语言能力培养的逻辑顺序 如果各位老师同意这个逻辑顺序的话,那我们再来看看日常 教学的顺序: 日常的教学顺序是从第一步直接跨到第四步,也就是课堂教 学之后,学生课内外直接进入大量的试题训练和模拟类训练 中,省去了中间非常关键的两个步骤! 第一步:课堂上语言知识的学习和语言技能的训练第二步:课内外语言知识和语言技能的巩固和运用 第三步:课外语言知识和语言技能的掌握 第四步:课内外语言测试*16语言能力培养的逻辑顺序 这种没有语言知识和技能巩固、运用和掌握过程的 教学和学习顺序,很难真正培养出学生的语言运用 能力,这也就不难解释为什么我们从初中,或者从 高一直接对学生进行类似于

7、高考试题的训练的效果 不明显的原因。 尤其是对中下等成绩的学生来说更是如此!*17关于英语阅读的基本理念与实践 What is reading? How do we read?*18*19*20How do we read?1. Reading has only one purpose, i.e. to get information. 2. Reading is a silent activity. Reading aloud does not help much with understanding. 3. Reading with a purpose is more effective

8、than reading without a purpose. 4. When we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word and sentence to sentence. 5. Reading mainly is an individual activity. 6. We need to read and understand all the words in order to understand a text.*21How do we read?How do we read?7.

9、 We read everything at the same speed.8. When reading in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to understand. 9. It is helpful to use a dictionary to find the meaning of all new words while reading. 10. The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehensi

10、on. 11. Possessing a large amount of vocabulary is the key for reading comprehension. 12. Reading can best be improved by being engaged in reading and reading more.*22为什么课标从小学到高中都要求阅读故 事和文学作品? 文学阅读与词汇、语法学习 文学阅读与阅读能力以及其他能力的提高 文学阅读和语言运用能力培养的逻辑顺序*23案例:案例:Reading for language learning Reading for langua

11、ge learning Shark (Level 3)Shark (Level 3)Jake saw a man go under the water. He surfaced for a second, then went under again. A big red mark appeared in the water. The mans mutilated body floated to the top of the water. It had one arm and no legs.*24案例:案例:Reading for language learning Reading for l

12、anguage learning Shark (Level 3)Shark (Level 3)Jake saw a man go under the water. He surfaced for a second, then went under again. A big red mark appeared in the water.The mans mutilated body floated to the top of the water. It had one arm and no legs.*25案例:Reading for language learning The Adventur

13、es of Tom Sawyer (Level 4)“Tom!” There was no answer. “Tom!” Still no answer.“Wheres that boy gone? Tom!” (has been to vs. has gone to) *26案例:案例:Reading for language learning Reading for language learning The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe old lady looked all round the room.

14、 She looked under the bed, but found only the cat.(look vs. find)*27案例:案例:Reading for language learning Reading for language learning The The Adventures of Tom SawyerAdventures of Tom Sawyer“If I catch that boy” she muttered to herself. She opened the door and looked out into the garden.“Tom!” she s

15、houted.*28案例:案例:Reading for language learning Reading for language learning The The Adventures of Tom SawyerAdventures of Tom SawyerThen She heard a slight noise behind her. She turned round just in time to catch the boy as he came out of a cupboard.*29“And what have you being doing in there?” “Nothing.” said the boy.“Nothing! Look at your hands and your mouth! What is that stuff?”“Look out, Aunt! Look behind you!”*30The old lady turned round and Tom was out of the door in a flash, over the garden fence an



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