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1、 杭州第十中学初三英语中考模拟试卷听力 一听对话回答问题:(10 分)Dialoque1: 1. where are they talking? A. At home B .In the doctors office C. In a shop 2.How does the woman feel? A. A headache B. Terrible exhausted C. Very wellDialoque2: 3. What are they doing ? A. Making a telephone B. Talking at home C. Having a dinner 4. What

2、 does Michael want? A. To stay home B. To study C. To have dinner with Jennifer 5.When do they want to meet? A. Tomorrow night B. Friday night C. Seven oclock tonight 二.听短文选答案:6.A.newspapers B. books C. letters 7.A.7:30 a.m B. 6:30 a.m C. 5:30a.m 8.A.Firdays B. Sundays C. Saturdays 9.A.bike B. bus C

3、. car 10.A.5587295 B.5558729 C.5557829笔试部分(100 分) 三选择:(15 分)1Besides the two others, there was still _ third one who said he was _ second to reach the top. A .a ;a B. the; the C a; the D. the; a 2.He said that he _ a teacher for three years by the end of next month.A. had been B. will have beenC. wo

4、uld have been D. would have be been3They didnt seem to me _ old friends.A. like B. as C. on D. about4How many tons _ the elephant _?A. is . weigh B. does . weighC. are . weigh D./ . weigh Wanted A boy to send_6_ Hours-_7_ to 8:00 a.m Mondays to _8_. Pay 5 per day. It will be better if he has a_9_.Te

5、l: _10_5. My hair is too long. Im going to have it _A. cutting B. cut C. cuts D. to cut 6.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than _ made in America.A. ones B. those C. that D. it7.Their country has plenty of oil,_ ours has _ . A. when; much B. while ;none C. and; nothing D. but; much 8.You, two

6、, are supposed to put everything in the hall in good order by Sunday. The professor is _ give lecture next week. A. due to B. about to C. planned to D. designed to 9.The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _ floors. People in it had no way to get out. A. in B. between C. among D. o

7、n 10.The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try on not. A. matters B. cares C. considers D. minds 11.We dont stop to rest at each stop because it _ us down. A. slowed B. was slowing C. had slowed D. will have slowed 12.-Would you like me to water your plants while you are o

8、n your holiday? -_ . A. No problem. I was more than glad to do it. B.I appreciate it, but Ive already finished watering them. C. Thanks for your offering help ,but my brothers going to do it. D. Certainly watering plants is my favourite. 13.Mary likes music, but she dislikes dancing,_ ? A. doesnt sh

9、e B. does she C. dont they D. to they 14.-Must I finishmy homework now?-No, you . A. doing; mustnt b. doing ; neednt C .to do; mustnt D. to do; neednt15-Are you going to try out for the football team? -_ . A.I cant say so B.Yes,I do C.It is pleasure D.That depends 四完型填空:Overhead bridge(过街天桥) can be

10、seen in many parts of Singapore(新加坡) in the places where the traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is 26. These bridge can make people cross roads safely. Overhead bridge are 27 very much in the same way as zebra crossings( 人行横道)。They are more efficient(效率高的)。though 28 convenient(方便的)。 because

11、 people 29 climb up a lot of steps. This is inconvenient to 30 . When people 31 an overhead bridge, they do not 32the Traffic. But when they cross a 33road using a zebra crossing, 34 is held up. This is 35The government(政府 has built many overhead bridges to help people and keep the traffic moving at

12、 the same time. The government of Singapore has 36 a lot money building these bridges. For their own 37 , people should be given hope to use them instead of rushing across the road. Old people may find it a little 38 climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the

13、road with all the moving traffic. Overhead bridges are very useful. People, both old and young, should 39 use Them. This will 40 accidents from happening. ( ) 26. A. beautiful B. dangerous C. wonderful D. safe ( ) 27. A. used B. seen C. built D. crossed ( ) 28. A. more B.fewer C.better D. less ( ) 2

14、9. A. can B. may C.had better D. have to ( ) 30. A. the young B. the children C. the adult D. the old ( ) 31. A. pass B. use C. visit D.build ( ) 32. A. hold up B. keep up C.hold on D. keep off ( ) 33. A. wide B. free C. busy D.narrow ( ) 34. A. the bridge B. the traffic C. the crossing D. the road ( ) 35. A. why B. be


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