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1、A 卷卷.单项填空单项填空1If you go to Xian, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly _.Asupposing BsupposedCto suppose Dsuppose解析:解析:此此处为处为被被动语态动语态,在,在 than 后省去了后省去了 they are。句意:如果你去西安你会。句意:如果你去西安你会发现发现那儿的那儿的宫宫殿比我殿比我们们通常想的要更宏通常想的要更宏伟伟。 。答案:答案:B2I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office.

2、She just refuses _ talking while she works.Aworking; stopping Bto work; stopping Cworking; to stop Dto work; to stop解析:解析:stand 后跟后跟动词动词ing 形式,而形式,而 refuse 后后应应跟跟动词动词不定式。句意:我可受不了和不定式。句意:我可受不了和简简在同在同一一办办公室工作,她拒公室工作,她拒绝绝在工作在工作时时停止停止谈话谈话。 。答案:答案:C3The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled wo

3、rkers saw their earnings fall.AMoreover BThereforeCMeanwhile DOtherwise解析:解析:句意:熟句意:熟练练工人的收入增加了,而与此同工人的收入增加了,而与此同时时,非熟,非熟练练工工发觉发觉他他们们的收入下降了。的收入下降了。meanwhile“与此同与此同时时” ,用于,用于说说明同明同时发时发生的两件事。生的两件事。moreover“而且,此外而且,此外” ; ;therefore“因因此,所以此,所以” ; ;otherwise“否否则则,要不然,要不然” 。 。答案:答案:C4(2012开封模拟开封模拟)It is r

4、eported that a bomb _ in a crowded street of the city last night.Awent on Bwent upCwent off Dwent out 解析:解析:go off“指炸指炸弹弹爆炸爆炸” 。 。go on“继续继续” ; ;go up“上升,增上升,增长长” ; ;go out“出去,熄出去,熄灭灭” 。 。答案:答案:C5There was a _ expression on her face, for she doesnt like rock music.Aboring BsurprisingCbored Dsurprise

5、d解析:解析:由后句由后句“她不喜她不喜欢摇滚乐欢摇滚乐”可知,她可知,她脸脸上露出上露出“厌烦厌烦的的”表情,而不是表情,而不是“令人令人厌烦厌烦的的”表情,即她本人感到很表情,即她本人感到很厌烦厌烦。 。答案:答案:C6What really _ is not failure itself, but the attitude we have towards it.Amatters BappliesCstresses Dfunctions解析:解析:考考查动词查动词意意义义。此。此处处 matter 作作动词动词用,表示用,表示“重要,要重要,要紧紧” 。 。答案:答案:A7She crie

6、d _ she heard the news.Aat the moment Bfor the momentCthe moment Din a moment解析:解析:句意:听到那一消息她就哭了。句意:听到那一消息她就哭了。at the moment“此刻,目前此刻,目前” ; ;for the moment“目目前,前,暂时暂时” ; ;in a moment“一会儿一会儿” ,三,三项项均不合句意。均不合句意。C 项项在此在此处处作作连词连词,相当于,相当于 as soon as, ,意意为为“一一就就” 。 。答案:答案:C8(2012平顶山调研平顶山调研)Some audience _

7、that it usually takes too long to watch the ads during the TV series.Aexplain BcomplainCclaim Dstand解析:解析:句意:有些句意:有些观观众抱怨众抱怨总总是要花很是要花很长长的的时间时间看看电视剧电视剧中中(插播插播)的广告。的广告。explain “解解释释”; ;claim“主主张张” ; ;stand“忍耐忍耐” 。 。complain“抱怨抱怨” ,符合句意。,符合句意。答案:答案:B9On a cold day he prefers _ out to play football _ at

8、 home.Agoing; rather stayBgoing; to stayingCto go; rather than stayingDto go; rather than to stay解析:解析:句意:冷天他宁愿出去踢足球,也不愿待在家里。注意句意:冷天他宁愿出去踢足球,也不愿待在家里。注意 prefer doing A to doing B 和和prefer to do A rather than do B 两种两种结结构的区构的区别别。 。答案:答案:B10We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that _ for the chil

9、ds bad behavior at school.Aare to blame Bis to be blamedCare to be blamed Dis to blame解析:解析:从句子从句子结结构看,构看,feel 后面的后面的宾语宾语从句从句为强调为强调句型。句型。强调强调部分部分为为 Jack as well as his wife,其中,其中 Jack 是主是主语语, ,as well as his wife 是修是修饰饰成分,成分,谓语动词应谓语动词应与主与主语语保持一致,故用保持一致,故用单单数形式。数形式。be to blame“应应受受惩罚惩罚” ,用主,用主动动形式表被形

10、式表被动动意意义义。 。答案:答案:D11He failed this college entrance examination, which _ his parents very much.Aupset BaffectedCsuffered Dimpressed解析:解析:upset “使心使心烦烦” ; ;affect“影响影响” ; ;suffer“遭受,遭受,经历经历” ; ;impress“留下印象留下印象” 。句意:。句意:他没有通他没有通过过大学入学考大学入学考试试, ,这这令他父母心令他父母心烦烦。 。答案:答案:A12(2012淮北一模淮北一模)Helena worked v

11、ery hard in the company and _above her colleagues, which made her boss very satisfied.Astood out Bstood byCstood for Dstood against解析:解析:句意:海句意:海伦伦娜在公司工作很努力,比她的同事突出,娜在公司工作很努力,比她的同事突出,这这使老板很使老板很满满意。意。stand out“突突出,杰出出,杰出” ; ;stand by“袖手旁袖手旁观观,支持,支持” ; ;stand for“代表,象征,支持代表,象征,支持” ; ;stand against“反反对

12、对” 。 。答案:答案:A13If theres no work _, I have to go home.Ato do Bto be doingCdone Ddoing解析:解析:考考查查不定式作后置定不定式作后置定语语。 。题题中的中的 to do 修修饰饰 work, ,为动宾为动宾关系,表示关系,表示动动作尚未作尚未发发生。生。C 项项表示表示动动作已完成。作已完成。答案:答案:A14The young man is intelligent and diligent; he is sure to _ in his new position.Ago on Bgo outCgo far D

13、go for解析:解析:句意:句意:这这年年轻轻人既人既聪聪明又勤明又勤奋奋,他肯定能在他的新,他肯定能在他的新岗岗位上有所作位上有所作为为。 。go on“继续继续” ; ;go out“(灯火灯火)熄熄灭灭,出去,出去” ; ;go far“走得走得远远, ,进进步步” ; ;go for“喜喜欢欢;去取;去取” 。 。答案:答案:C15Im interested in a onebed room. Do you have any _?Aconvenient BavailableCpossible Dpersonal解析:解析:考考查查形容形容词词辨析。辨析。convenient“方便的方

14、便的” ; ;available“可可获获得的,可用的得的,可用的” ; ;possible “可能的可能的” ; ;personal“个人的,私人的个人的,私人的” 。只有。只有 B 项项符合句意符合句意“我想要一个我想要一个单单人人间间,你,你们们有可用有可用的的吗吗?”答案:答案:B.阅读理解阅读理解A(2012湖北省部分重点中学高三联考湖北省部分重点中学高三联考)Cittaslow has discovered China, and it is awarding a little village in Jiangsu the title of “slow city”The bored

15、teenagers of Gaochun are impatient with the leisurely pace of hometown life. For them there is no nightlife to speak of, no bright lights, no excitement and they cannot wait to grow up and leave for the urban attractions of the big cities. But it is this laidback lifestyle that has attracted international attention. At least, a quiet village within Gaochun county has come under


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