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1、1U3.U4.U5.U12.U13U3.U4.U5.U12.U13一、复习目标一、复习目标: : 了解东西方的不同文化背景和习俗、活动以及规则。二、所属话题:所属话题:1.规章制度 2.计划与愿望 3.节假日活动 4.礼仪与文化 5. 情感描述三、语法:三、语法:1.情态动词被动语态 2.虚拟语气 3.情态动词四、归纳表示建议的句型:四、归纳表示建议的句型:_课前复习:课前复习:1.1.重点词汇:重点词汇:熬夜_ 与朋友在一起_ 挑选自己的衣服_ 不够冷静_ 代替了做作业_ 捐给医学研究_ 太小了_追赶外星人_ 可能在跑步锻炼_亲脸颊_ 握手_ 特意做。 。_ 使人感觉宾至如归_ 遵守校规_I

2、III根据汉语提示完成下列句子:根据汉语提示完成下列句子:1. 你觉得这家饭店怎样?_2. 以我的观点, 广告能帮我们省钱。_3. 在中国,人 们吃东西时发出声音是不文明的。_4. 这只宠物狗的主人可能是我的邻居。_5. 这运动鞋不可能是他的。_6. 如果我是你, 我会更努力准备考试。_7. 妈妈不允许我上学晚上出门。_8.8. 问题是校服太丑了。_课堂巩固练习题:课堂巩固练习题:I.I.完成对话,每空一词:完成对话,每空一词:2A: An English friend_ me to his dinner but I dont know _ to wear.B: If I _ you , I

3、would wear an evening dress.A: I _ if I should _ anything there.B: In England , people are _ to take a _ of wine and some flowers.A:Thank you but I feel a bit _ because Ive never _ to an English dinner.B: Dont be nervous. Do as _ do. And youll be _.A: Thank you for your _.B: Have a nice _.II.II.根据中文

4、情景提示写出恰当的句子:根据中文情景提示写出恰当的句子:1.你想表达青少年不应该允许吸烟该怎么说?_2.老师问你如果考上大学,你打算主修什么专业,你会这样回答:_3.你不知道桌上的手机属于谁,该怎么问?_4.你出国旅游想咨询一下英国的首次见面礼,该怎么问?_5.人们问你为何喜欢“音乐厨房” ,你这样解释道:_III.III.语篇理解:根据语篇情景用恰当的短语或句子填空:(礼仪)语篇理解:根据语篇情景用恰当的短语或句子填空:(礼仪)Before you go to another country it is a great help if you know the language and so

5、me of _.When people meet for the first time in Britain, they say “_? ” And shake hands. Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they _ for a long time or when theyll be away from each other for a long time.IV.IV.连词成段:连词成段:使用所给的词语,编写一个意义相对完整的语段。

6、(提供词要划波浪线,词性不改) allow,allow, uniform,uniform, late,late, talk,talk, copycopy_3_V V阅读短文,选择正确的选项:阅读短文,选择正确的选项:SweetiSweetie eIf I were you, I would be at home doing something, such as moving the bed around in my room or doing some chores. That way, my room would be clean and tidy.PeacePeaceId do what

7、I love. Maybe I would do shopping all day. In your case, you cant go out because of the snow. Maybe you could watch a movie inside.MarcoMarcoI dont have enough time in the day to do all of the things I want to. People who get bored usually dont have a good imagination. There are lots of different bo

8、oks to read, movies to see, websites to surf, people to visit, things to make.NiaNiaWell, if I were you, I would watch a good movie, bake some cookies, and then take a good nap. Your brain and your body will then be relaxed and ready for classes the next day. Have a good day off. ( )1. Whats Lindas

9、problem? A. She doesnt have a job.B. She feels bored.C. She hate s snowy day.( )2. How many people would watch a movie if they have a day off?A. One.B. Two.C. Four.( )3. What does Peace most like to do ?A. She likes to go shopping. B. She likes to cook.C. She likes to read.( )4. Marco would do all of th



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