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1、1Using an outline to write a topic composition课前分析课前分析 翻阅近两年台州市中考书面表达试题,都是围绕某一话题展开讨论,要求考生根据题目材料介 绍已有的观点和相关论据,最后再发表自己的观点和理由。考生在该类书面表达中普遍存在的 一个问题是:结构方面行文不畅、条理不清。考生缺乏良好的语言组织能力和逻辑思维能 力。具体表现在:1、缺乏整体的谋划,只是根据试题所提供的内容要点进行罗列,短文不够流 畅、简洁,短文的结尾也没有对文章进行必要的呼应。2。语篇欠连贯,句与句、段与段之间没 有使用连接词。针对以上问题,本人在本节作文课上对学生进行写作技巧的训练

2、,即引导学生 如何在写作前先写好文提纲,以免遗漏文章要点,使要写的文章在结构上先完整起来,并同时 引导学生恰当地使用连接词和好词好句,使文章更加流畅和优美。 Teaching aim1 To learn to write an outline before writing. 2 To use linking words correctly if necessary while writing. Teaching points 1. Use an outline to write a topic composition 2.Make the composition more fluent by

3、using linking words correctly if necessary. 3.Use some good sentences to make composition more beautiful Teaching difficulty Use an outline to write a topic composition Teaching stepsStep Leading in T: Did you enjoy the song? Ss: T: Why? Ss: T: I think listening to music is relaxing. Do you agree?(

4、Bb: V-ing) What else is relaxing? Ss: T: What about surfing the Internet? Is it relaxing, too? Ss: T: Most of us surf the Internet every day because we can do lots of things on the Internet. What can we do on the Internet? Talk about as many things as you can. Ss: Listen to music, enjoy movies, play

5、 games, chat with friends T: Can we do some shopping on the Internet? Ss: T: Its convenient for us to do some shopping on it. Any other convenient 创设情境和设置问题,引导学生运用句型V+ingIts + adj + (for sb)+ to do sth If, . 造句子,为如何在作文中使用好句子埋下伏笔。2things on the Internet? (Its +adj +(for sb) +to do sth.) Ss: . T: How

6、useful the Internet ! But if you spend too much time on the Internet, what will happen? Ss: If,(Bb: If,) T: Each coin has two sides. So we should use the Internet in a right way and then it can help us a lot.Step Presentation Show two compositions on the screen. T: Look! Here are two compositions ab

7、out the Internet. Which one do you think better, Composition One or Composition Two? Ss: T: Why do you think so? Ss: T: Composition Two has a beginning and an ending. Its a complete composition. For a complete composition, it has a beginning ,a body and an ending. 1.Show the outline to the students

8、and let them know what is an outline, and what is a beginning, a body, and an ending.(The beginning tells us what you are going to write. The ending tells us your own opinion. The body tells us the main idea of the composition.) 2. Underline the linking words in the composition and let students know

9、 what is a linking word. And make students know they should use linking words correctly if necessary.通过两篇文章的对比, 让学生感知,一篇完 整的文章应该具有开 头,正文和结尾三部 分,同时为了使文章 优美,应该使用一些 固定句型和复合句。Step Practice Practice 1 Complete the composition with the linking words given.Recently we held a discussion about whether the st

10、udents should use mobile phones at school or not. Some of us think mobile phones should be used at school. First of all, we can surf the Internet for information we need. With mobile phones, we can _ play games for fun in our free time. _, we can call our parents easily. _, some other students dont

11、think so. Some students send messages to their friends on mobile phones in class. Its bad for their study. _, we can use the 通过练习,促使学生 进一理解如何在必要 的时候,准确地使用 连接词,使文章更加 合理。Besides However Whats worse also On the other hand3school public phones if necessary. _, keeping a mobile phone costs money. In my o

12、pinion, its not a good idea to use mobile phones at school. If we do that, we will concentrate more on our mobile phones than our studies. T: Can you find out any good sentences in the composition? Ss: Step Writing Let students write an outline for the composition. Then show one or two outlines from

13、 students on the screen and give comments on them. Let students write a composition. Then show one of two compositions from students on the screen and give comments on them.先让学生拟好作文提 纲再写作文,这样有 助于学生在写作的过 程中,有整体的思路, 不会遗漏文章要点, 使文章更加整体和连 贯。Step Comment T shows students how to comment a composition. Then

14、 let students exchange their compositions with their partner and comment their partners composition. Conclusion: A good composition should be with a complete body, a reasonable ending, correct linking words, beautiful sentences, nice handwriting and nice handwriting.通过学生相互点评作 文,有助于学生知道 一篇好文章应该具有 完整的

15、正文,合理的 结尾,适当的连接词, 优美的句子和整洁的 书写。StepHomework Read your composition again and try to make it more beautiful.Bb:Outline: V+ingIts + adj + (for sb)+ to do sthIf, .TopicBeginning BodyEnding In my opinion/view/eyes, As for me, For me, 4教后反思:教后反思:写作一直是学生的难题, 其难主要表现在以下方面:1、思维方面审题能力缺失、思维狭窄。2、语言方面词汇贫乏、句式单调。结构

16、方面行文不畅、条理不清。4、书写方面不够整洁,不够规范。针对以上问题,我设计了这节以训练学生写作技巧为主的复习课。课堂中,我先通过“Free Talk”为学生拓展思维,让他们在谈话中使用好句子。再通过两篇习作的比较,让学生感知怎样才算是一篇好作文。然后通过练习,让学生进一步理解在必要的时候,如何准确地使用连接词。接下来,让学生先列出作文提纲再写文章,这样做的目的在于使学生在写作时有整体的思路,不会遗漏文章要点,使文章更加整体和连贯。最后,让学生通过互批写好的作文,使他们明白一篇好文章应该具有完整的正文,合理的结尾,适当的连接词,优美的句子和整洁的书写。在与学生的互动中,基本实现了教学目标,但不足的是,因为兼顾过多,学生对如何列写文章提纲还不


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