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1、1Module 2 Friendship一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本模块以友谊为话题,通过听力、对话和阅读文章使学生了解、掌握并会运用带宾 语从句的复合句; 通过设计较真实的语境,教育学生去积极地对待生活,友善地对待身 边的人, 同时引导学生慎重交友, 交真朋友, 正确对待朋友间出现的矛盾。教学中应结 合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整) ,合理设置课时适 当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野,同时对正处于青春期的学生进行有关友 谊的教育。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生在第一模块已学习和掌握简单句六种基本句型的基础上, 本模块就开始涉及宾语 从句的三种形

2、式, 对学生来说难度很大, 所以教师在设计有关话题和练习时要适当降低 难度,循序渐进。但就本模块友谊这个话题来说,学生很感兴趣, 觉得它很贴近自己的 生活。教师要预设一些生活化和学生感兴趣的话题,调动学生参与活动的积极性, 使得 学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合 运用语言能力的目的。 三教学目标三教学目标 1 1语言知识目标语言知识目标 功能能用英语进行电话会话,能用宾语从句讨论有关友谊的话题。语法了解和掌握的 that, if/whether 和疑问词引导的宾语从句。词汇能够正确使用下列单词和短语:friendship, hold, hold th

3、e line, right now, if, whether, whetheror not, personal, classmate, in fact, public, a couple of, relation, close, foreigner, feel like, by the way, gift, far away, lonely, afraid, be afraid to do, make friends with, anyone, laugh, worry, worry about, usual, at the moment, pass, touch, bright, day b

4、y day, matter, believe, at first 理解的短语:junior high school语音能够正确朗读带宾语从句的复合句, 做到语音语调和停顿正确。2 2语言技能目标语言技能目标听能听懂用宾语从句表述的意义。说流利地说出本模块的生词和短语;能够用带宾语从句的复合句 来询问和表达友谊。读能够运用阅读策略获取信息,了解那个改变了作者一生的微笑 的故事,并能理解作者要真正表达的意义。2写能用宾语从句造句。演示与表达能够表达自己与朋友之间的友谊或你与朋友间发生过的印象 深刻的事件。3 3文化意识目标文化意识目标 生活在科学技术和信息技术日益发展的社会中的人们可以通过书信和网

5、络等方式进行 交友,人们可以在交友的过程中学习和享受生活。了解中西方打电话文化的差异。 4 4情感态度目标情感态度目标 引导学生积极地面对生活,真诚地对待别人,跟朋友建立起真正的友谊。 5 5学习策略目标学习策略目标 自主学习 能够结合个人的情况预习教材和拓展。 合作学习 能够与同学交流学习心得会,共享策略。 学生利用学会的语言知识去真实的沟通和交际,从而使语言知识得以内化,真正做到学 以致用。 四、重点难点四、重点难点 1 1教学重点教学重点 熟练掌握本模块中出现的词汇;掌握宾语从句并了解连接主句和从句的连词的语法功能; 学会用宾语从句说一些句子;学会用英语打电话;教会学生掌握阅读技巧,培养

6、学生阅 读理解能力。 2.2. 教学难点教学难点 掌握英语电话用语;掌握宾语从句;培养学生能够正确运用阅读策略获取信息。 五、突破途径五、突破途径 以话题为核心,整合教材,努力为学生创设真实和接近真实的语境,使学生在学中 用,在用中巩固;. 本模块的宾语从句则通过感知归纳巩固的方法加以突破。 六、课时安排六、课时安排 第一课时:Unit 1 Activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Unit 3 Activity 4 第二课时:Unit 1 Activity 6 5; UnitUnit 3 3 ActivityActivity 4 4 Step1 Lead-in Bring two

7、telephones or doll telephones to the class and present some short telephone conversations with several students. Help to point out the differences between making telephone calls in Chinese and in English. (设计意图:将学生置身于一个真实的语言环境中引入并导出相关话题,一方面可活跃课 堂气氛,另一方面在特定的语言环境中呈现生词和句子,便于学生理解掌握,同时又为3接下来的听力做语言上的铺垫。可以

8、与几名学生课前准备好。) Step2 Listening (Activities 1&2) 1. We know Sally is in China and now shes telephoning. Listen and answer who Sally wants to speak to and how many people you hear. 2. Listen again and number the sentences you hear. Check answers in pairs, then the whole class. a. Is Chen Hua there? b. I

9、s that Chen Huan speaking? c. Ill call back later. d. This is Sally Maxwell speaking. e. Whos calling, please? f. Hold the line, please. g. Sorry. He isnt here right now. h. Can I take a message? 3. Listen and repeat. Deliver the listening material to the Ss and ask them to read it aloud and then ac

10、t it out in roles. (设计意图:在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力, 是一种听力输入活动。听完后 将听力材料分发给学生让他们读并表演是因为本套教材在这个模块首次出现了用英语打 电话,这个是重点,这样做学生能充分吸收语言,对电话内容和结构有个整体认识。) Step 3. Presentation Ask three questions:. Do you think what Chen Hua is? . What did Sally call Chen Hua for? .Chen Hua will interview Sally, do you think what pe

11、rsonal questions will he ask Sally? (设计意图:本环节起到承上启下的作用,同时前两个问题可初步导出本模块的语法宾 语从句,为第二课时做准备;另外第三个问题是一个开放的活动,可以把全班分成四组 看哪一组猜得最多最接近事实。这活动能增加悬念,增强学生阅读对话的欲望。) Step 4. Listen and read (Activity 3) 1. Students listen and try to get what personal questions Chen Hua asked and then present the four sentences.Can

12、 you tell me where you are from? .Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra. (That means: whats Sallys school orchestra getting along with?).Can I ask you if you miss the UK, or your relations? .What does China feel like? (That means: What do you think of China?) 2. Students read the dialogue

13、 carefully and work in groups to find out the answers to the personal questions, students guess the meaning of the new words and phrases. 3. Students read after the tape and help them overcome some difficulties about comprehension. (设计意图:学生通过个人理解, 组内交流, 全班汇总的方式理解对话内容。) Step 5. Read and practice (Act

14、ivity 4& Unit 3Activity 4) 41 Read the dialogue aloud and keep books closed, check the true sentences in Activity 4 . Chen Hua has already met Sally. . Sally is waiting for Chen Hua to arrive. Sally doesnt know who will come to their last public concert. . Sally thinks the word “foreigner” isnt frie

15、ndly. . Chen Hua invites Sally and her friends to visit Radio Beijing. 2 Do Unit 3 Activity 4 individually, then discuss in pairs if they have any questions, check answers together and then read it aloud. (设计意图: 学生通过自我体验获取知识,通过练习巩固所学内容。 ) Step 6. Discussion 1. Do you think whether Sally is happy or

16、not in China? Why? 2. Suppose you are in a strange place, no one knows who you are. What will you do to make you feel less lonely? (设计意图: 通过 Q1 讨论学生能更好的把握对话内容, Q2 给学生设置了真实的情境,同时 又为 U2 的学习做了铺垫。) Step 7. Homework 1. Workbook Exx 4, 5. 2. Revise Unit 1. (设计意图:通过笔头任务使本课的词汇和有关语言点贯彻到实处。)第二课时:第二课时:UnitUnit 1 1 ActivityActi


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