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1、1ModuleModule 5 5 EthnicEthnic CultureCulture高考试卷分块专练语言知识运用保分练1篇完形1篇语法填空,限时25分钟.完形填空(2018重庆市重点中学协作体高考适应性考试)It was a sunny day when my dad and I were arriving at his company. We _1_ the car and got out of it. I _2_ and saw a gray thing on the ground. I thought it was a _3_, but it started to move. As

2、 we approached we _4_ that it was a small wounded dog.We were so moved by the _5_ that we decided to help the _6_ dog. We bought some dog food in the store across the street and got some _7_ water for the dog, in order to help him regain _8_.He was desperate _9_ while we were giving him the food and

3、 water he almost _10_ his head in them. Once he had eaten we encouraged him to move; _11_, he could not. My dad tried to take him in his arms, but he started barking due to a wounded bleeding paw. _12_, we made a decision to carry him on a small stretcher (担架) to our _13_.Rapidly, we took him to the

4、 vets for him to receive _14_ treatment. The vet told us that he had a broken leg and that he had been _15_ for days. He got out of the vets office after 5 days of _16_, and we decided to look for a _17_ for him.He was finally _18_ by one of my dads workers and is living _19_. In conclusion, I learn

5、ed from this that everybody can do an act of kindness. Everyone _20_ a second chance to be happy.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己和父亲一起救助一只受伤的狗,最终狗被一个好心人收养的经历。通过这个故事,作者告诉我们每个人都能尽一份爱心,每个人都拥有再次快乐的机会。1A.left BparkedCdrove Dboarded解析:选 B 根据上文中的“were arriving at his company”及下文中的“got out of it”可知,作者和父亲把车停(parked)好后下

6、了车。2A.looked around Bcame upCpassed by Dwent away2解析:选 A 作者环顾(looked around)四周,看见地面上有一个灰色的东西。come up“走近,上来” ;pass by“路过,经过” ;go away“走开,离开” 。3A.plastic box Brubbish binCgarbage bag Dmetal can解析:选 C 作者以为它是一个垃圾袋,但是它开始移动了。根据上文的“saw a gray thing on the ground”和下文的“it was a small wounded dog”可知,只有garbage

7、 bag 和 gray thing, dog 能联系起来。4A.remembered BadmittedCexpected Drealized解析:选 D 当作者和父亲走近时,他们才意识到那是一只受伤的小狗。remember“记得,记住” ;admit“承认” ;expect“期待,期望” ;realize“意识到” 。5A.scene BviewCcondition Dsituation解析:选 A 作者和父亲被眼前的这一幕(scene)打动了,决定帮助这只可怜的小狗。view“风景,视野” ;condition“状态,状况” ;situation“情况,局面” 。6A.lucky Bmis

8、singCpoor Dlovely解析:选 C 参见上题解析。poor“可怜的,不幸的” 。7A.pure BsaltyCsweet Ddelicious解析:选 A 作者和父亲在街对面的商店买了一些狗粮并弄了一些纯净(pure)水来帮助它恢复体力。8A.power BstrengthCenergy Dspirit解析:选 B 参见上题解析。power“动力” ;strength“体力,力气” ;energy“精力”;spirit“精神” 。9A.even if Bas ifCso that Din that解析:选 C 前后句之间是原因和结果的关系,故用 so that“因此,结果”引导结果

9、状语从句。in that“因为” ,引导原因状语从句。10A.hurt BabandonedCshook Dburied解析:选 D 根据上文中的“He was desperate”可知,小狗非常需要食物和水,因此当作者和父亲提供给它食物和水时,它差点儿把它的头埋(buried)在其中。311A.therefore BbesidesCinstead Dhowever解析:选 D 小狗一吃完,作者和父亲就鼓励它动一动,但是,它动弹不得。根据语境可知,本空应填表示转折的 however。12A.In the end BAt firstCIn fact DAt one time解析:选 A 最后,作

10、者和父亲决定用小担架把狗带到他们的车上。in the end“最后” ;at first“起初” ;in fact“事实上” ;at one time“一度” 。13A.car BcompanyChome Doffice解析:选 A 参见上题解析。14A.affordable BfreeCimmediate Davailable解析:选 C 很快,作者和父亲带小狗去看了兽医,以便它能得到及时的治疗。affordable“负担得起的” ;free“免费的” ;immediate“立即的,即刻的” ;available“可利用的,可得到的” 。15A.continuing BstrugglingC

11、surviving Dstarving解析:选 D 根据常识可知,兽医应是对狗的身体状况作评论,故此处应表示“兽医告诉我们它腿受伤了,而且饿了好几天” ,故选 starving“挨饿” 。第三段的“He was desperate”也是暗示。16A.operation BrecoveryCexercise Dadjustment解析:选 B 经过五天的恢复(recovery),小狗得以从兽医诊所出来了,作者和父亲决定为它找一个家。17A.hospital BunitCmarket Dfamily解析:选 D 参见上题解析。18A.supported BadaptedCreceived Dado

12、pted解析:选 D 根据上文提到的作者和父亲要给狗找一个家的内容可知,作者父亲公司的一名工作人员最终领养(adopted)了这只狗。support“供养,支持” ;adapt“适应” ;receive“收到” 。19A.happily Bpositively4Ceasily Dsimply解析:选 A 结合全文来考虑,这只受伤的狗被作者和父亲救助,然后又被好心人收养,问题最终被圆满地解决,故 happily 最契合全文主旨。下文中的“to be happy”亦是提示。20A.demands BdeservesCallows Dshares解析:选 B 作者通过救治受伤的狗得出启示:每个人都能

13、尽一份爱心,每个人都值得(deserves)拥有再次快乐的机会。demand“需要” ;allow“允许” ;share“分享” 。.语法填空(2018新疆维吾尔自治区高考适应性检测)Nowadays reference books have become a problem of great concern for _1_ the teachers and the students. There are many kinds of reference books available in the book market. A smart use of these books is certa

14、inly _2_ (benefit), but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a lot of problems.First of all, reference books might make the students less attentive in class. _3_ (arm) with reference books, many students may think that they know _4_ the teacher is going to talk about. So they may not listen to t

15、he teacher in class at all. Secondly, some students rely on reference books too much, which is unfavorable to the _5_ (improve) of their ability to work _6_ the solutions by themselves. Thirdly, there are some reference books with many mistakes, which might _7_ (lead) students.Considering the abovementioned, we should be careful in selecting and _8_ (use) reference books. Firstly, we should check the contents of the books carefully but not only pay attention to the brands of publishing houses. _9_ (additional), we can turn to our teachers and classmates for recommendation. Besides, reference


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