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1、 讲讲 稿稿 讲讲 稿稿 内内 容容备备 注注1Unit 1 Click Here for Language LearningI. Warming Up Audio ScriptWelcome to Click Here for Language Learning, the home of live, natural online language learning.Click Here for Language Learning helps you improve your language skills, and offers the most positive learning expe

2、rience you may ever have. Whether youre learning English, Chinese, French, Spanish, or any other language, just click here! Using the latest technology, we offer foreign language classes at a minimal cost and give you a learning experience unlike any other. Click Here for Language Learning provides

3、constant feedback so youll feel confident in your ability to speak, listen, wrote, and read the foreign language of your choice. Click Here for Language Learning is a click towards success, and you can start learning from home today! You can learn a foreign language on your own schedule, whenever it

4、s convenient, on CD-ROM or online. Click Here for Language Learning helps you learn a second language as naturally as learning your first!Questions and Answers: 1. What is Click Here for Language Learning? The home of live, natural online language learning. 2. Why does Click Here for Language Learni

5、ng offer constant feedback? To help you feel confident in your ability to use English. 3. How can you use Click Here for Language Learning? On CD-ROM or online. 4. How does Click Here for Language Learning help you learn a second language? As naturally as learning your first language.II. Understandi

6、ng Short Conversations Audio Scripts 1. W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, “Click Here for Language Learning.”讲讲 稿稿 讲讲 稿稿 内内 容容备备 注注9Q: What do the man and the woman have in common?2. M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language c

7、lasses. W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes. Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before?3. M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at you home. W: Thats exactly why I decided to begin studying online! Q: Why did the

8、woman decide to study online?4. W: I keep on making new friends as I study online. M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all! Q: What is one benefit of studying online?5. M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better. W: Thats great! I a

9、lways like it when a teacher does that. Q: What did the mans teacher want to do?6. M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective! W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills! Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?7. M: My classmates and I

10、 help each other solve homework problems online. W: It sounds like youre using the Internet in a useful way. Q: What does the man do online?8. M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesnt have time to travel to school. W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges. Q: What does the woman have to s

11、ay about online learning?9. M: Virtual classrooms are changing how students study! W: They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it. Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?讲讲 稿稿 讲讲 稿稿 内内 容容备备 注注610. M: What advice did your professor give you? W

12、: He said that taking an online class would help me learn. Q: What did the womans professor suggest?Key: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D.6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. DIII. Understanding a Long Conversation Audio Script W: Hows your new online class, Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for? M: Its everything an

13、d more, Susan. You should give it a try! W: Oh, really? Whats the best thing about it? M: In an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are not right next to you, they dont bother you so much. W: That sounds great! I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whe

14、never I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate me so that I never wanted to participate. M: Not a problem in the virtual classroom. How would you like to sign up? I think that you could start on the third of next month. W: I dont know, Bill. You know all those problems abou

15、t having difficult people in the classroom? M: Yeah? W: We dont really have tem anymore since you left.Key: 1. Which of the following is NOT true about Bill? A 2. According to Bill, why are other students NOT a concern in an online class? B 3. Why did Susan NOT like to participate in class? B 4. Whe

16、n could Susan start studying online? D 5. Why did Susan NOT make up her mind to join online class? AIV. Speaking(常用句子常用句子) 喜欢、讨厌时(1)我喜欢。 I like it. Hows your new job? (你的新工作怎么样?) I like it. (我很喜欢。) 讲讲 稿稿 讲讲 稿稿 内内 容容备备 注注6我最爱吃比萨饼。 I love pizza. *女性常用 love 表示“很喜欢”。 I live for pizza. (没有比萨饼我几乎活不下去。) Pizza is the greatest. (比萨是最好吃的。) 我喜欢这套衣服。 I like this dress. I


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