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3、 月 日 摘 要 1 论文题目 王秀兰及其表演艺术研究 专 业 戏剧戏曲学 硕 士 生 范楚乔 签名指导教师 王星荣 签名摘 要 王秀兰 (1932 年至今) 是 20 世纪蒲剧史上著名的旦角演员, 建国后蒲剧 “五大名演员”之一,祖籍山西省朔县,今运城市人。王秀兰自幼随母亲寄居西安,八岁登台演出,人称“八岁红” 。九岁退学正式拜原筱亭为师,成为班社演员,后成为“虞风社”的当家花旦, “几与阎逢春等名家齐名”,享誉晋陕豫地区。建国后参与传统剧目的改编和现代戏的排演工作,并主演了戏曲电影窦娥冤和涧水东流 。多次参加蒲剧的全国巡演,将蒲剧演出带到各地,为蒲剧的传播和发展起了有力的推动作用。同时,王

4、秀兰悉心致力于培养青年演员,发展蒲剧教育事业,80 年代组织创办了运城市文化艺术学校,对蒲剧旦角艺术的传承有重要贡献。 王秀兰出道之时,正是大量蒲剧艺人因战乱而流亡西安之际,业师原筱亭是著名旦角演员, 将自己的技艺对她倾囊而授, 名旦王存才、 孙广盛等都亲自为王秀兰授艺。王秀兰继承了众多名旦的表演技艺,并在此基础上取舍创新,不断探索发展,先后共演出一百多部戏曲, 塑造了众多形象鲜明、 个性突出的女性形象, 代表剧目有 杀狗 、藏舟 、 烤火等,形成了自己独特的表演风格,为蒲剧赢得了无数赞誉,获得了很多全国性奖项。她对戏曲理论、旦角表演技巧和方法都有自己的见解,创造出多种新的指法和表演技巧,丰富

5、和发展了蒲剧旦角表演理论,对后辈们学艺和地方剧种的发展做出了重要贡献。 本论文通过对王秀兰从艺经历的梳理,以唱腔艺术和表演风格为重点研究对象,论述和评价王秀兰的蒲剧表演艺术,突出其对蒲剧艺术做出的重要贡献。全文共分为四章,第一章评述王秀兰的从艺经历,分为初入剧坛、享誉晋陕、盛名全国、办学授艺四个部分,通过对其艺术生涯的记述,分析时代特点和社会状况,总结王秀兰表演艺术形成的现实依据;第二章对王秀兰代表剧目和代表角色予以介绍,选取王秀兰代 王星荣: 蒲剧散论 ,中国戏剧出版社,2007 年,页 99。 山西师范大学学位论文 2 表剧目中七部舞台戏曲和两部戏曲电影,以她所饰演的角色为载体,表现王秀兰

6、表演风格成熟后的角色刻画特点;第三章在前两章内容的基础上,着重归纳总结王秀兰表演艺术的风格,从蒲白、做工、唱腔三个方面进行细致分析,归纳其表演艺术特色;第四章则从美学角度出发,对王秀兰的表演艺术进行评价和概括。 论文总结归纳了对王秀兰及其表演艺术的研究内容, 希望能够对这位蒲剧艺术家作出恰当公允的定位。 【关 键 词】王秀兰 蒲剧 表演艺术 【论文类型】基础型英文摘要 1 Title An Analysis of Wang Xiulans Performing Arts Major Drama and traditional opera Name Fan Chuqiao Signature S

7、upervisor Wang Xingrong Signature Abstract Wang Xiulan (1932present) is a representative performing artist of Pu Opera in Shanxi Province in the 20th century,who is one of the “Five celebrated actors” since the foundation of New China,she was born in Shanxi Province, now live in Yuncheng.When she wa

8、s young,Wang Xiulan left with her mother from hometown to Xian , a famous city of China . The first time to performance Pu Opera when she was eight years old , so people called her “the girl famous in eight years old“,and she dropped out from school next year , to become a class social actor in YuFe

9、ng Club , a club of Pu Opera . Her teacher named Yuan Xiaoting,who was a standing out actor in the 20th century . In a few years,Wang Xiulan become an important actress of YuFeng Club , “ as famous as Yan Fengchun a popular artists” , brought her great fame in shanxi province and many neighbouring p

10、rovinces . After the foundation of New China , Wang Xiulan was involved in the adaptation of Pu Opera , work with the collection of traditional dramas and the rehearsal of modern dramas , she had got “the first national conference on watching drama performances” in 1952 , which is the first national

11、 awards for Pu Opera of Shanxi Province . She also starred in the drama movie “Dou Es terrible life“ and “The east flows water “, and participated in the national tour of Pu Opera,brought Pu Opera to all the 山西师范大学学位论文 2 country,she played a powerful role in promoting the development of Pu Opera.At

12、the same time,she cultivated young actors very carefully,and involved in the development of Pu Operas education,she founded the Culture Art school in 1973,mades a significant contribution to the stage art heritage. When she was young,many actors of Pu Opera came to Xian because the second World War.

13、Her teacher Yuan Xiaoting was famous for standing performance,he gave her all his knowledge about Pu Opera.Wang Xiulan was on the basis of the famous actor craftsmanship,also had innovation and continuously developed, and created many vivids,personality prominent female image, formed its own unique

14、style of performance.She had played more than 100 Operas with characters and representing features,for example,Kill the dog to scare wife , The hidden boat ,and Sit around a fire . She had got many awards in national , and had many innovation opioions in opera theory ,she created many performance sk

15、ills and methods in stage , enriched and developed the theory of performance Pu Opera . She also made an important contribution to the skills learning for generations to develop the Local Operas. In this paper, I want to discuss and evaluate Wang Xiulans performing arts, from the singing arts , arrangement and analysis of performance style, to highlight her contribution to the Pu Opera arts. The full text is divided into four chapt


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