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1、PEP 小学英语三年级下册小学英语三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car?PartA Lets talk LetplayUnit4 Where is my car?PartA Lets talk Letplay1、教材目标教材目标教学内容为义务教育课程标准实验教科书教学内容为义务教育课程标准实验教科书 PEP 新教材三年级下第四新教材三年级下第四单元第一课时:单元第一课时:1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2. 能够在语境中理解能够在语境中理解 Where is ? Its in/under the 的语用功能,的语用功能,并在图片

2、或动作等帮助下,理解并在图片或动作等帮助下,理解 Lets go home. Silly me!的意思。使的意思。使用用 Where is ?询问物品的位置并使用询问物品的位置并使用 Its in/under the 作答。作答。3. 能够朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。能够朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。4. 使用学过的文具、食品等拓展使用学过的文具、食品等拓展 Lets play 的练习内容。的练习内容。二、教学内容二、教学内容1、教材:、教材:A 部分部分 Lets talk 2、词汇:、词汇:desk , in, on, under3、句型:、句型:Wheres .? Its in / on

3、/ under.三、教学重难点三、教学重难点重点:运用新句型重点:运用新句型 Wheres .? Its in / on / under.询问和回答询问和回答物品所在位置。物品所在位置。难点:正确掌理解介词的用法。能在实际情景中自然运用提问和难点:正确掌理解介词的用法。能在实际情景中自然运用提问和回答物品所在位置回答物品所在位置 Wheres.? Its in / on / under.四、评价机制:课前把学生分成两组,一组是张鹏组,第二组是评价机制:课前把学生分成两组,一组是张鹏组,第二组是John 组。老师画桌子比赛,哪组回答的好,就能添一笔,看谁回答组。老师画桌子比赛,哪组回答的好,就能

4、添一笔,看谁回答的好,哪组先完成。就能得到文具和食物。的好,哪组先完成。就能得到文具和食物。五、Teaching stepsStep 1: Preparation1. Greating. Good moring!boys and girls.Today I am your new teacher. My name is Miss Zhang.Whats you name? Nice to meet you. Today Look! If you answer the questions well.You can get the gifts. 2. Warm up:Boys and girls.

5、 Look at the pencil-box. Show me your pencil-box. Show me your pencil, Show me your pen.Show me your ruler/eraser/book.把文具放在桌子上。把文具放在桌子上。Good!Lets chant ! I say I have. You say:Me too .OK!I have a pencil, Me too. I have a book, Me too. I have a ruler, Me too.I have a bag, Me too.Im going to school!

6、Me too.Lets put the pencil-box on the desk.加上肢体语言让学生明白意思。加上肢体语言让学生明白意思。 Put the pencil-box on the desk. Its on the desk.接着引出桌子教接着引出桌子教 读。读。This is my desk. I have a desk.SS:I have a desk. T:Me too. desk desk. I have a desk.出示词卡。出示词卡。(直接用直接用In不如不如On直观,纠直观,纠 结结)Step2 Presentaion 1.Good! LooK! Now,My p

7、encil-box is in the desk. Its in the desk. Uh-Oh! Wheres Zhang Pengs pencil-box?Ok, Lets listen watch and choose: Wheres Zhang Pengs pencil- box?A.Its on the desk. B.Its in the desk.Check the answer. You do a good job. Ok !Follow me, Its in the desk.In in in, in the desk.出示词卡。此时板书是出示词卡。此时板书是 Its in

8、the desk.领读板领读板书。书。操练梯度操练梯度: desk desk, in the desk. Its in the desk.Look! Where is the pencil-box? Help answer :Its in the desk.Where is the pencil/pen/ ruler/eraser? 逐步放手让生回答逐步放手让生回答 Its in the desk.2.Good.Can you ask me? 可以帮学生问可以帮学生问:Ss: Where is the pencil/pen/ ruler/eraser.? T:Its in the pencil

9、-box.逐步放手让生自己问。此时板书认读逐步放手让生自己问。此时板书认读 Where is the pencil?Its in the desk.T-SS, T-S1 ,T-S2.work in pairs.check.3.Oh, silly me! Where is my book? Can you see my book? 故意放在故意放在学生的桌子上。学生的桌子上。Oh.Yes, its on the desk. Follow me: on on on, on the desk Its on the desk. 出示词卡出示词卡 on 认读。操练认读。操练 Where is my bo

10、ok? Its on the desk. Where is my book? Its on the desk. Where is my book? Its on the desk. Where is my book? Its on the desk.用不同的书问。逐步放手用不同的书问。逐步放手让生回答并自问自答。让生回答并自问自答。Where is my book? Its on the desk. T-Ss,T-S1.work in pairs,check.用时间要少些。用时间要少些。4.Ok,boys and girls. Look at my pencil. Its in the pen

11、cil-box. But Zhang Pengs pencil is not in the pencil-box.Now,Wheres Zhang Pengs pencil?Lets listen again, listen watch and choose:Where is Zhang Pengs pencil?A:Its on the desk. B:Its under the book.Check the answer. Wonderful! Ok !Follow me, Its under the book.under under , under the book ,Its under

12、 the book.出示词卡出示词卡 under认读认读.Now,Lets play s guessing game. Please close your eyes .Ok! Guess!Where is my pencil-box? 让生猜让生猜 Its on/in/under the desk/bag?共?共猜两次。答案是猜两次。答案是 under the desk/in the bag.猜中的给奖励。紧接着操猜中的给奖励。紧接着操练练: Where is my pencil-box? Its under the desk.T-Ss,T-S1.work in pairs,check.Ste

13、p3 Practise1.Now open your books ,turn to page 38.Listen point and repeat.2.Listen point and repeat again.(待定)待定)3.Read by yourselves.4.Read in groups. (1)T-Ss (2)T-S1 (3) work in pairs (4)SsZhang Peng-SsJohn (5) S1-S2 S3-S4 (6)Act it out.(待定待定) Step4 Production1.Ok!You do a good job. Now Lets check

14、 you.课件上有题目。课件上有题目。(1)根据句意,选择正确的图片。)根据句意,选择正确的图片。(2)快闪快说。)快闪快说。2.新编对话新编对话 After school,we go home.We can ask mom/dad like this.放学回家后,我们可以这样请妈妈爸爸帮忙找东西。放学回家后,我们可以这样请妈妈爸爸帮忙找东西。老师示范如下:老师示范如下:Student1: Mom, Im thirsty(渴了)(渴了)? Where is the juice_?Mom:Look! Its_on_ the desk ?Student1: Yes.Thank you!A: Stu

15、dent1:Mom,Im hungry? where is my _?Mom: Look!Its_ the desk ?Student1: Yes!Thank you!B: Student2: Hello,Dad ,wheres my_?Dad: Its_ the bag?Student2:Oh,yes.Thanks. Dad.Step5 Progress1、 Sum upin / on / under 三个方位介词及三个方位介词及 Where is my /the?的用法。的用法。2、Homeworka.Listen and read 3 times.听录音,仿读对话听录音,仿读对话 3 遍遍b.Retell the dialogue. 背诵对话。背诵对话。板书如下:板书如下:Unit4 Where is my car?PartA Lets talk LetplayZhang Peng :Where is .?inJohn: Its on the desk.Under


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