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1、1六六年年级级英英语语 下下单单元元测测试试题题 (13)判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ ” 或或“ ”表示。表示。(6 分分) 1. rain play ( ) 2. know now ( ) 3. soup soap ( ) 4. class water ( ) 5. when who ( ) 6. south count ( ) 找出不同类的单词。找出不同类的单词。1、 A、water B 、jump C、run D、climb ( ) 2、 A、longer B、taller C、tired D、stronger ( )3、 A、teeth

2、B、length C、feet D、arm ( )4、 A、head B、hand C、taller D、leg ( )5、 A、big B、old C、tall D、how ( )写出下列单词的正确形式。写出下列单词的正确形式。meter(复数) _ watch(过去式)_ dive (现在分词)_ strong(比较级)_ play(过去式) _by (同音词)_ heavy(比较级 )_ happy(比较级)_do(过去式)_ fail(过去式)_ fat (比较级)_ read (过去式)_ big(比较级)_ am/is(过去式)_ konw(同音词)_fly(过去式)_ late(

3、比较级)_ foot (复数)_have 过去式_ fine 比较级_ long(名词) heavy(名词) tall(同义词) cm(完全形式) kg(完全形式) sick(反义词) buy(过去式)_英汉互译英汉互译:1.喝些热水 2.去游泳 _ _ 3.去钓鱼 4 .更瘦的 5.去郊游 6、跑开 7.更小的 8.虎鲸 9.站队 10.游泳能手 11.在长度方面 12.高得多 13.从.中跳出来 14.多重 15.潜入 16.感冒 17.havea headache_ 18.照像_19.滑冰_20.吃好吃的_ 21.划船 22.喉咙疼 23.别担心 24.看医生_25.吃些药 26.得了流

4、感 27.呆在床上 28.一场足球赛 29.赢得比赛 30.去远足 31.洗衣服 32.飞进湖里 33.五分钟后 34.绕口令 35.抹2香鲸 36.牙痛 37.进行一次长途旅行 38.在比赛结束时 39.大笑 40.感到无聊 读一读,选择正确答句读一读,选择正确答句(20(20 分分) )( ) 1. Does she teach math? A. I am 160 cm tall.( ) 2. How tall are you? B. I feel sick. ( ) 3. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.( ) 4. What

5、did you do last weekend? D. Yes, she does.( ) 5. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. I visited my grandparents.( ) 6. What day is it today? F. Its Wednesday.( ) 7. Where did you go yesterday? G. Its on January 1st.( ) 8. Is she playing the violin now? H. Come in, please.( ) 9. May I come

6、in? I. I went to Shanghai ( ) 10. When is your birthday? J. Yes, she is.根据句意完成单词。根据句意完成单词。1. There is something wrong with my head. I have a h_. 2. She eats too much hot food, so she has a s_ t_ now. 3. Why are you so h_ ? Because I have got a new story-book today.4. If youre b_ , you can come out a

7、nd play with other children. 5. My nose h_ . I feel sick now. 6. Liu Xiang wins in the Olympic Game. The Chinese people are all e_ .7. W_ the matter with you ? Nothing much. Dont worry . 8. How d_ Mike feel ? He is happy, because he is g_ on a trip.9.Did Lucy c a mountain 10.Last Saturday ,Candy v h

8、er uncle.按要求写句子:按要求写句子:31. He is five.( 对画线部分提问)2. She can see two birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问)3. The boy can see some flowers on the desk. (改为否定句)4. I would like something to drink. (改为一般疑问句)5. They like the picture. (改为一般疑问句)6. How are you today? (写出答语)_, _ 7.I climbed the mountain last year.(改为一般

9、疑问句) 8.I went to the Great Wall by train.(就划线部分提问) 9.My brother teaches English.(改为一般疑问句)10.I went to the USA on my holiday.(根据答句写问句)11.He studies in a middle school last year.(否定句) 12. We went to Hangzhou because my grandma was ill. 13. Tom runs faster than Helen. 根据答句,写出正确的问句。根据答句,写出正确的问句。1. A: _

10、? B: I feel sick. 2.Doctor: _ ? Mike: I have a fever.3. A: _ ? B: Tom is sad today. 4. A: _ ? B: I am not fine today. There is something wrong with my head. 连词成句。连词成句。1. people , in , some, sick , the , feel , winter (. ) 2. drinks, take, medicine, hot, and, drink, some (. ) 3. so, look , happy , today , you ( . ) 4. do , you , how , flu , have , feel, you, if , the ( ?) 5. matter, is , with , what, the, John ( ? ) 6.did , what , you , yesterday , do? 7.you , full , did , the , moon , see 8.went , I , to, park , a , yesterday


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