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1、亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载八年级第一次英语月考试卷听力I. Listen and choose(5 分): (选出听到的句子中所含的单词或词组) ( ) 1.A. going camping B. visiting cousins C.babysitting my sister( ) 2.A. go fishing B. go sightseeing C.take a vacation( ) 3.A. give B. return C.take a vacation( ) 4.A. go

2、bike riding B. go sightseeing C.go fishing( ) 5.A. Hawaii B. Tokyo C.Sydney II.Listen and choose(5 分):(听对话,选择正确的选项回答问题)( ) 6.Wheres Tina going for vacation ?A.Shes going to Tibet. B.Shes going to Hangzhou. C.Shes staying at home( ) 7.How long is Tina staying ?A.For four days B.For one day C.For a we

3、ek( ) 8.Wheres Tom going for vacation ?A.Tibet. B.Hangzhou. C.Guangzhou( ) 9.Why is Tom staying just for four days ? A. Because he doesnt like the place. B. Because he doesnt like going away for too long. C. Because he wants to visit his friend in another place.( ) 10.Whats Tina doing in Tibet ? A.

4、Shes going hiking in the mountains. B. Shes visiting her grandmother. C. Shes visiting her friends. III.Listen and choose(10 分):(听短文,选择正确答案)( ) 11.How often does she exercise ?A. Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Every day.( ) 12.How often does she drink milk ?A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Every day

5、.( ) 13.Why does she eat junk food only once a week ? A. Becauce its not good for her health. B. Because she doesnt have enough money to buy more. C. Because she doesnt like it.( ) 14.How long does she sleep every night?A.Seven hours. B.Nine hours. C.Eight hours.( ) 15.What can help her to study bet

6、ter ?A.Good food and good rest. B.Good rest and exercise.C.Good food and exercise.亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载笔试IV.单项选择(10 分): ( D ) 1. Here _ the results of the student activity survey at Green High school.A. be B. am C. is D.are( A) 2.Good food and exercise _

7、me to study better.A. help B. helps C. is helping D.are helping( C ) 3.He thought about _ to Greece or Spain,but decided on Canada.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes(A ) 4.If you are weak and tired , maybe you have _ yin.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too( B ) 5.Can I ask you _ questions a

8、bout your vacation plans ?A. any B. some C. much D.no( C ) 6.This time I want to do _ .A. different something B. different anythingC. something different D. anything different( B ) 7.Show _ your photos when we get back to school.A. I B. me C. my D. mine( D ) 8.- How often do you watch TV .Tom ? - _

9、A. Half an hour. B.Three hours. C. Twice. D.Hardly ever.( A ) 9.Drinking milk is _ for health .A. good B. well C. better D.best( C) 10.I just finished _ my homework.A. do B.to do C. doing D.does V. 根剧短文内容,选择正确答案(10 分):Last month,Tom spent his holidsys in a small town. He stayed at a small hotel _11_

10、 the train station for many days.One night, before he 12 , he went to the owner of the hoteland asked, “ Will you please wake ne up at 13_ tomorrow morning(明天早晨)?I have to catch the five o clock train.” “Oh, sorry,” the owner said, “ I 14 get up so early.” Then Tom asked the owner , “ Have you got _

11、15_ alarm clock(闹钟)? _16_ it can help me .” “Yes, here you are, Sir.” The owner said. Tom thanked him and _17_ his room. However, when he _18_ the clock carefully , he found there was _19_ with it . Tom left his room and asked the owner again.“Excuse me , are you sure the clock will ring on time ?”

12、Tom asked.“ _20_ , Sir!” said the owner, “When you shake(摇晃) it at 4:45 in the morning , it will ring .”( A ) 11. A. near B. across C. on D. in front( B ) 12. A. lay in bed B. went to bed C. was in bed D. got to sleep( A ) 13. A. four-thirty B. five C. five-fifteen D. five-thirty( D ) 14. A. sometim

13、es B. often C.usually D. never(B ) 15. A. a B. an C. the D. some亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载( B ) 16. A. but B. Maybe C. If D. Or ( C ) 17. A. went back B. returned back C.went back to D. returned back to( D ) 18. A.looked B.saw C watched D.looked at( B) 19. A.wrong something B.something wrong C.nothing wrong D. wrong nothing( A ) 20.A. No B.No question C.Of course D.Youre welcome. VI.阅读(30 分):ALittle Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now hes in Grade Three. He lives not far fro


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