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1、1Unit 1Spellinggnaw apply visualize patriotic outrageous starvationenthusiasm intercollegiate tremor tackling noveltypainkiller massage portable athlete slanderouslydonate oriental dragon soccer severe addict1. outrageous 2. athlete 3. nickname 4. participate5. rugby 6. enthusiasm 7. opponent 8. rep

2、utation9. jersey 10. intellectual 11. promising 12. coachII. DictationA. Ever since the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, theyve had their critics. Every form of competitive activity attracts trouble. But part of the aim of the Games, when they were first held in Ancient Greece, was to discourage

3、war between states by engaging them in a friendlier kind of competition.The spirit of competition in the Games does a lot of good getting people to forget their differences in a communal activity. Any competitor or spectator at the Games or in the Olympic Village will tell you that the atmosphere of

4、 friendship there is unforgettable, as if the world were one big family.These Games are the biggest international gathering of any kind in the world. Not only do they bring sportsmen together, but they unite a world public. Isnt this a sufficient reason for continuing them? As long as the majority w

5、ants it, these Games will continue.1.Translation1. He is the managers son, but that alone does not qualify him to criticize out work. 2. Mr. Smith took up photography as a hobby after he retired from teaching.2.By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price and that house has the advantage

6、 of convenient transportation.4.It seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.5.The eager students crowded into the lecture hall to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University. 6.She, like thousands of others, is greatly fascinated by this work of art.7.It w

7、as not until I got married that I could afford to buy a house of my own.B. The transport problem in Lavenport has been growing because in this cosmopolitan city there are too many people but there is not enough space. The population has been increasing very quickly in recent years and now Lavenport

8、has become very crowded. Hardly any city / Very few cities in the world is / are as crowded as Lavenport. Since 1851 the people in this port city have been reclaiming land from the sea and today it is difficult to imagine what the original shoreline looked like. But over the years, reclamation schem

9、es 2have been growing more and more expensive and today there is hardly any place left where reclamation is possible. The harbour is one of the busiest in the world. Each day about five million passengers make use of some kind of public transport or other in Lavenport.3Unit 2Dictation A: The motion

10、picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts. The filmmaker is a writer using language, a musician using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and color. He is a sculptor moulding forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the camera as th

11、e major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world. Using the camera and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the filmmaker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can

12、be extended to seem like an endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the filmmaker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story.Not all films are made to tell stories or to be shown in theatres. Filmmakers can also use thei

13、r craft for other purposes than to create a work of art and entertainment.Spellingcritical shears hedge adapt autonomy punch explosive pellet jelly dynamitecompetent scissors credit sovereignty catcall administrative tumble trigger wharf judo1.prosperous 2.autonomy 3.rehearsal 4.audience5.stunt 6.st

14、retch 7.bullet 8.explosive9.scene 10.gallop 11.microphone 12.wrestlingTranslation1.Can you produce any evidence that he was not at home that night?2.Whatever was said here just now must be kept secret. 3.If the trip costs no more than 100 yuan, you can count me in.4.Every night before going to bed,

15、Mr. Smith goes round the house to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked and that all the lights are off.He did tell you the truth, but you simply did not believe him.5.My delay in answering his letter worried him so much that he made a non-stop flight to come to see me.6.When I told him that his father had been sent to hospital because of a heart attack, he looked as if he didnt care.7.The bus suddenly stopped; a heavy bag fell from the rack above him and landed on his head.W


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