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1、语法专项讲练形容词和副词语法精讲一、形容词和副词比较级的用法1表示倍数的三种句型(1).times as原级as.He can run three times as fast as John.他跑得有约翰的三倍快。语法精讲(2).times the size/length/width/height etc.of. This table is three times the size of that one. 这张桌子是那张的三倍长。 (3).times比较级than. This table is three times bigger than that one. 这张桌子比那张大三倍。语法精讲

2、(2011陕西卷)The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be the present one. A.as three times big as B. three times as big as C. as big as three times D. as big three times as考点链接语法精讲【解析】 考查倍数句型“倍数as 原级as.”。句意:正在新建的下届亚运会 体育场是这个体育场的三倍。故选B。 【答案】 B语法精讲2同等程度的比较 用as.as,the same.as.,such.as引导 。

3、He is a worker as good as Peter.(He is as good a worker as Peter.)他和彼得一样是个 好工人。 Linda is the same height as Jenny. 琳达和詹妮一样高。 Henry is such a good student as Peter. 亨利和彼得一样是个好学生。语法精讲3与比较级有关的结构及运用比较级 的注意事项 (1)“比较级than”表达一方超过或低于 另一方的情况 You look much younger than I do. 你看上去比我年轻多了。 She doesnt work harder

4、 than you(do) 她工作不如你努力。语法精讲(2)“比较级and比较级”意为“越来越 ” As summer is coming,the day is becoming longer and longer. 随着夏季的到来,白天变得越来越长。 (3)“the比较级,the比较级 ”意为“越就越”。 The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make. 你越仔细,你出的错就越少。语法精讲(4)“the比较级of the two名词”表示“两者中较的那个”。The taller of the two boys is my brot

5、her.两个男孩中较高的那位是我哥哥。语法精讲(1) (2011全国II) Mr. Stevenson is great to work for-I really couldnt ask for aboss. A. better B. good C. best D. still better 【解析】 根据Mr. Stevenson is great可 知,我真的找不到更好的老板,因此应用比较 级。故选A。 【答案】 A考点链接语法精讲(2)Do you think the weather is good enough for an outing? Yes,you couldnt hope f

6、or _at this time of the month. Athe nicest day Bthe nicer day Ca nicer day Da nice day语法精讲【解析】 通过题干得知,引题暗含着比较的意味。即:You couldnt hope for a nicer day than this at this time of the month.比较级表达最高级含义,意为“没有更好的了”。故选C。【答案】 C语法精讲(3)Are you satisfied with what he said at the meeting? No.It couldnt have been_.

7、 Aworse Bbetter Cso bad Dthe worst 【解析】 用比较级worse,表达不能 更糟糕的了,是最糟的,比较级形式表达最 高级含义。故选A。 【答案】 A语法精讲(5)比较级的修饰语:much,even,far,rather,still,any,no,a bit,a little,two metres,a great deal,a lot,by far等。Are you feeling any better now?你现在感觉好了吗?语法精讲(2009年高考全国卷)How much_she looked without her glasses! Awell Bgoo

8、d Cbest Dbetter 【解析】 句意:她不戴眼镜看起来好得 多!此句为感叹句,how可修饰形容词和副词, 但此题还考查much修饰比较级,故选D。 【答案】 D考点链接语法精讲二、形容词、副词最高级的用法1most前如没有定冠词the,就没有比较的意思,只是用来加强语气,有“很,非常”之意。This is a most interesting story.这是一个很有趣的故事。语法精讲2.最高级可被序数词以及much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等词语所修饰。Of all the

9、students,Jacks oral English is almost the best.在所有的学生中,杰克的英语口语几乎是最好的。语法精讲The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the Yellow River.目前正在建的那座桥是横跨黄河之上的桥当中最长的桥。Id like to buy the second most expensive camera.我想买仅次于最贵的照相机。语法精讲3否定比较级最高级 There is no greater love than that of a man who lays d

10、own his life for his friends. 为朋友而放弃生命的人的爱是最伟大的爱。 He has never spent a more worrying day. 他过了最担心的一天。 Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? 你住的离这儿那么远,你搭我的车吧。 Thank you.It couldnt be better. 谢谢,那再好不过了。语法精讲三、形容词、副词的特殊用法 1多个形容词修饰名词的排列顺序 限定词(these,those.)描绘性形容词( 表示人们观点的形容词,如beautiful,bad, cold

11、等)表示大小、长短、高低的形容词 表示形状的形容词(如round,square等)表 示年龄、新旧的形容词表示颜色的形容词 表示国籍或地区的形容词表示材料的形 容词(如wooden)表示用途、类别的形容词 被修饰的名词。语法精讲a beautiful old brown French handmade desk一张漂亮的褐色法国手工制作的旧桌子all these last few days最近的这些日子a light blue silk skirt一件浅蓝色丝裙another three English books另外三本英语书语法精讲some beautiful little red flo

12、wers一些美丽的小红花a beautiful white Japanese military jeep一辆漂亮的白色的日本军用吉普车the first beautiful little white Chinese wooden bridge第一座美丽的中国小白木桥语法精讲(1)(2009年西城抽样)Do you like the Chinese food served in American restaurants? Its not bad but I prefer _. AChinese food really BChinese real food Cfood Chinese real D

13、real Chinese food考点链接语法精讲【解析】 考查形容词排序。此处的中 心词是名词food,应位于形容词的后面,结 合题意可知强调的是“正宗的中国食物”。故 选D。 【答案】 D语法精讲(2)To all the famous artists surprise,the unknown womans two _ paintings are also on show in the art exhibition.Alittle blue oil Bblue little oilCoil blue little Dlittle oil blue语法精讲【解析】 本题考查多个形容词修饰名词

14、时的排列顺序。此题中的little表大小,属于特征形容词;blue表颜色,属于颜色形容词;根据多个形容词修饰名词时的排列顺序可知正确的排序为“two little blue oil paintings”。故选A。【答案】 A语法精讲2形容词作状语 形容词作状语表示伴随或结果,并不表 达动作的方式。 He went to bed,cold and hungry. 他又冷又饿地去睡觉了。 He lay in bed,wide awake. 他躺在床上醒着。 He is standing there,full of fear. 他非常担心地站在那里。语法精讲(2008年高考北京卷)After the

15、 long journey,the three of them went back home, _. Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tired Chungrily and tiredly Dhungrily and tired考点链接语法精讲【解析】 句意为“长途旅行后他们三人回家了,又累又饿”。由句式结构看,空格处应作为状语使用,四个选项中均使用了并列连词and,故and前后的词类应该一致,且英语中形容词或形容词短语可作为状语使用,表示主语的状态,故应选择B项。【答案】 B语法精讲3can not/never与enough或too连用表示“无论怎样都不过分;越越好”。You can not be careful enough/too careful to study.在学习方面,你再细心也不过分。Mary,look,what did I find?玛丽,你看,我找到什么了?语法精讲Oh,my lost key?I cant thank you too much.(I cant thank you much enough.)噢,我丢失的钥匙?太感谢你了。语法精讲I was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in a



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