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1、- 1 -专题限时训练 应用文型书面表达(限时:每篇 20 分钟) (一) 假如你是李华,暑假在泰国旅游期间入住 The Bangkok Hotel 宾馆 504 房间,7 月 1 日入 住,8 日退房。你回家后发现一个中等大小的红色背包遗失在那里,内有几本旅游书籍,一 个白色 iPod、一张信用卡和少量现金。请用英语给该宾馆经理写一封信,请求他帮忙寻找并 寄回。 信件要点包括: 1陈述写信原因; 2. 简要描述该背包; 3说明其重要性; 4期待回复并感谢。 注意: 1词数 120 左右; 2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir,Yours sincerely, Li Hua(二

2、) 假如你是李华。你的两位朋友 Tom 与 Peter 几天前发生了争吵。3 月 9 日是 Peter 生日, Tom 想送他一个礼物来缓和关系,他特地发来邮件寻求你的建议。请你根据以下要点给 Tom 回一封邮件: 信的内容包括: 1礼物选择; 2你的理由; 3其他和解建议。 注意: 1词数 120 左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3邮件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 Dear Tom, Im glad to hear that you are considering making up with Peter. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua (三) 假如

3、你是李华,是红星外国语学校的学生会主席,根据双方约定,你们打算今年夏天去 英国 Studio School 进行四个星期的学习和旅游。请你写信给 Studio School,就下面事宜进行 通告。 1你们一行有 30 人,其中 2 位教师,18 个男生,10 个女生,希望他们安排寄宿家庭;2你们的计划为上午上课,下午到图书馆学习,晚上自由活动,周末安排旅游; 3盼望对方尽早发出正式邀请,以便办理正式手续。 注意:- 2 -1可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2词数 120 左右; 3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:办理手续 go through all the procedure

4、s 正式邀请函 formal invitation Dear Sir, Im Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union of Hongxing Foreign Language School. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua (四) 假定你是来自英国的高三学生 Tony,爱好广泛,性格开朗,到中国某高中学习中文。该 校流行音乐俱乐部正在招聘新成员,要求会某种乐器,嗓音好且有团队意识。你希望加入该 俱乐部。请用英语写一封申请信,要点如下: 1个人基本情况; 2加入俱乐部的目的及满足加入俱乐部的条件; 3自己的联系方式(

5、电话 87654321,邮箱 T)。 注意: 1词数 120 左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,Yours sincerely, Tony- 3 -专题限时训练【应用文型书面表达(一)】 (一) One possible version: Dear_Sir, Im so grateful for your good service during my stay in Thailand for a tour, but Im writing to ask a favour to find and send back my

6、 backpack which I left in your hotel. I checked in on July 1 and out on July 8.Setting off in a rush for the airport, I left the backpack in Room 504.Its a mediumsized and red leather backpack which contains some travelling books, a white iPod of the special edition, a credit card and some cash.All

7、in the backpack matter to me, especially the iPod, a precious gift from my father on my 18th birthday.So much do I cherish it that I feel upset for its loss. If you find it, would you please post it to me? The return address is on the envelope. Ill appreciate it very much if you can give me your ear

8、liest reply and thank you for anything you can do for me. Yours_sincerely, Li_Hua (二) One possible version: Dear_Tom, Im_glad_to_hear_that_you_are_considering_making_up_with_Peter.If I were you, I would consider a bike as a birthday present for him. As far as I know, Peter is always in poor health s

9、o he can take more exercise by riding a bike to build up his body.In the meanwhile, you can often go outing by bike together, which is helpful to rebuild your friendship.Besides, taking a bike is an environmentally friendly means of transport.Its convenient for him to get around as well. Apart from

10、giving him a gift, you can also adopt other means, such as travelling, seeing a movie, having dinner and going shopping.No matter what you do, being sincere is the most important.I really hope that you can be good friends forever. Best_wishes! Yours, Li_Hua (三) One possible version: Dear_Sir, Im_Li_

11、Hua,chairman_of_the_Students_Union_of_Hongxing_Foreign_Language_School.As is stated in the agreement, we plan to send 30 students and teachers to have a study tour in your school this summer.Now Id like to say something about our visit.Also theres something that wed like you to arrange for us. Our g

12、roup consists of two teachers and 28 students, of whom 18 are boys.It would be better if you could arrange host families so that we can have opportunities to practise our oral English.As for the activities, it is suggested we have English classes in the morning and study by ourselves in the library

13、in the afternoon.In the evening we want to be free and do whatever we like.On Saturdays and Sundays,wed like to visit some places of interest within the county. I would appreciate it if you could send us your formal invitation as soon as possible so that we can go through all the procedures. Best wi

14、shes! Yours sincerely, Li_Hua (四) One possible version: Dear_Sir/Madam,Im Tony, a Senior Three student from England.I have many interests, especially music.I am good at playing the guitar.I also love singing pop songs and people tell me my voice sounds - 4 -beautiful.In addition, I have a strong tea

15、m spirit.I want to improve my spoken Chinese by joining the club.When there is an activity, I will be more than happy to serve as the host, which, I believe, can strengthen my skills and improve my abilities.Whats more, I believe that I can make many Chinese friends there. I would appreciate it if you could allow me to join the club.Please email me at T or call me at 87654321. Yours_sincerely, Tony


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