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1、摘要随着当前科学技术的飞速发展,电力在社会生产及其生活中起到了重要作用,但是在电力传输的过程中也产生了很多问题,这些问题会影响电能质量,对生产生活造成很大危害,所以对电能质量各指标的检测显得尤为重要。与计算机技术相结合,是测试仪器发展的主流,由此而产生的虚拟仪器技术,已经成为测试仪器技术中的重要领域。本课题将虚拟仪器技术引入电网谐波测试之中,LabVIEW 作为虚拟仪器的软件平台,使用 FFT 算法进行谐波分析。论文首先分析了电能质量及谐波的概念以及谐波的产生原因,危害,国内外谐波研究现状以及谐波测量算法,介绍了虚拟仪器的开发技术,系统所依据的基本理论以及系统软硬件开发平台。然后详细说明了系统

2、软件体系结构,采用 LABVIEW 软件分析电力系统中谐波信号的方法,利用 labview 软件模拟正弦波信号,设计程序,LabVIEW 的软件应用程序设计。对采样的数据使用 FFT 算法进行实时谐波分析。关键词:LabVIEW,谐波虚拟仪器,FFTAbstractThe mainstream of test instruments development is that it is combined with the computer technology. Therefore virtual instruments technology has become an important fi

3、eld of test instruments technology. In this paper the virtual instrument technology is used to the power system harmonics measurement and the virtual instrument on harmonics analysis is developed and stud ied using a computer and UA301A data acquisition as the hardware platform and LabVIEW as the so

4、ftware platform of the virtual instrument. FFT algorithm is used for harmonics analysis. First ly it is the analysis of the harmonics hazards, the harmonics research status in home and aboard and the measurement algorithms on harmonics in the paper . Then it introduces the development technology of

5、virtual instruments, the basic theory that the system depends on and the hardware and software development platform of the system, and then a detailed description of the system software architecture is shown, including the interface driving program design between the data acquirement and LabVIEW and

6、 the software application program design using the way of the quasi-synchronous sampling and synchronous sampling to acquire data of the signal. FFT algorithm is used to make the realtime harmonics analysis. Finally it carrys through a simulation, the experiment circuit design and the measurement of

7、 parameters of the experiment system. The software of the system is composed by the human-machine interface, data transmission and data processing. The measurement functions of the main interface in the system include three modules-spectrum measurements, harmonics analysis and power measurements. Th

8、e measured data are saved to excel format and the shown graphics are saved to bmp format. Through the simulation and the measurement of parameters in experiment system, it proves that the design of the system is reasonable and feasible. Key Words: LabVIEW, Harmonics, Virtual Instrument s, FFT目录 摘要.1

9、Abstract.2第第 1 1 章章 绪绪 论论.11.1 课题背景.11.2 选题内容.11.3 选题意义.270 年代以来,由于电力电子技术的飞速发展,各种电力电子装置在电力系统、工业、交通及家庭中的应用日益广泛,谐波所造成的危害也日趋严重。世界各国都对谐波问题予以充分的关注。国际上召开了多次有关谐波问题的学术会议,不少国家和国际学术组织都制定了限制电力系统谐波和用电设备谐波的标准和规定。.2第第 2 2 章章 电能质量电能质量.32.1 电能质量定义.32.2 电能质量的主要指标.32.2.1 电压允许偏差.32.2.2 频率偏差.32.2.3 谐波含量.3谐波含量.32.2.4 电压波动.42.3 电能质量的检测.42.4 我国电力产业现状.52.5 电能质量新发展.52.6 电能质量问题的解决之道.6第第 3 3 章章 谐波谐波.83.1 谐波定义.83.2 谐波产生原理.



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