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1、1【2017 考研】英语词汇总结(考研英语阅读、翻译部分高频词汇)网上个性化印刷服务 online personalized-printing services将照片上传到模板 upload photos into templates2015 DIY 个性日历 2015 DIY personalized calendars网络个性化印刷 online personalized printing独一无二 value uniquenessDIY 日历的数字版本 digital versions of DIY calendarsInternet-based banking 互联网银行privatel

2、y funded banks 民营银行WeBank 深圳前海微众银行physical branches 实体营业网点operational costs 运营成本micro-sized and small enterprises 小微企业Internet finance 互联网金融网上银行 online banking在线理财 online wealth management第三方支付 third-party payments公务交通费用 traffic subsidy公车 government vehicle/official car公车腐败 corruption involving gove

3、rnment vehicles/corruption in use of governmentvehicles公车私用 government cars used for private purpose考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!2私车消费公家报销 reimbursement of private car expenses公车照坐,车补照发 irregular subsidies公车浪费 waste involving government vehicles公车采购追求豪华 purchase of excessive

4、ly luxurious cars公车数量超标 an excessive number of government vehicles根除滥用特权车 root out abuse of vehicle privileges节省公帑 save public moneyIntangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产tangible cultural heritages 物质文化遗产The culture of chopsticks 筷箸文化国家级非物质文化遗产名录 the national nonmaterial cultural heritage list保护非物质遗产公

5、约the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible CulturalHeritage礼仪、膳食和生活哲学 etiquette, cuisine and living philosophy对遗产保护的长期疏忽 oblivion in the heritage protection field影响日渐式微 be threatened with losing their historical and cultural luster筷子节 the Chopsticks Festival奶业主产区 main dairy producing areas倒奶

6、杀牛现象 dump milk and even kill their cows生鲜乳 fresh milk同比下降 a year-on-year drop乳品加工企业 dairy processing enterprises考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!3停止收购鲜奶 stop purchasing fresh milk需求下降 fall in demand中小规模奶牛养殖户 middle-and small-sized milk farmers国内奶农 domestic dairy farmers大范围倒奶现象 l

7、arge-scale dumping of milk停牌 trading suspension复牌 resume tradinginsider trading 内幕交易price competition 价格战technological edges, human capital and production capacity 技术优势、人力资本和生产能力城际通勤族 inter-city commutersCommuter 通勤族高速列车网络不断扩大 expanding high-speed train network房价飙升 soaring property prices高铁通勤族 high-

8、speed train commuters高铁通勤族 high-speed train commuters白领们 white-collar workers缓解交通压力 ease traffic woes火车通勤族 train commutersscreening technology/blood testing technology 检测方法window period 窗口期考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!4volunteers blood donations 志愿者献血congenital heart disease

9、 先天性心脏病blood transfusion 输血no-fault blood transfusion case 输血误染compensation mechanism 救助机制车模 auto show model/car show model车展 auto/car show穿着暴露的 scantily-clad/over-revealing肉展 flesh shows回归车展本义 restore the essence of the exhibition营造文明车展 provide a more civilized atmosphere质量与技术 quality and technolog

10、y低俗竞争 vulgar competition局部模特 body parts model平面模特 still model时装模特 fashion model手模 hand model脚模 foot model唇模 lip model发模 hair model腿模 leg modelLeap second 闰秒考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!5leap year 闰年补偿地球自转速度不均 compensate for variations in the Earths speed原子钟 atomic clocks电磁波

11、electromagnetic wave国际原子时 InternationalAtomic Time,IAT世界时 Universal Time,UT格林尼治时间 Greenwich Mean Time,GMT微差 a tad out of whack同步 in synch协调世界时 Coordinated Universal Time,UTC国际时间计量标准 the worlds benchmark time standard造成了一些网站的瘫痪 cause the disruption of several websites服务器时钟 server clocks突然失灵 off the m

12、ark闰秒弥补 leap smear专车服务 tailored taxi service高等收入人群 high-end passengers起步价 flag-down rate/ flag-fall rate提供的服务更好 boast better service载客盈利 take passengers for profit私家车车主 private car owners叫车软件 taxi-hailing apps考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!6黑车 black cabs的士发牌制度 taxi licensing s

13、ystem出租车短缺 cab shortagemourning day 哀悼日默哀 silent tribute网上悼念 online tributememorial service 悼念仪式降半旗 flags will be at half staff展开大规模搜捕 stage a huge manhunt向警方投降 surrender to police临时集会 impromptu rallies安全警戒最高级别 highest state of alert个人征信业务 personal credit information operation征信机构 credit agency/orga

14、nization个人信用信息 personal credit information个人信用信息基础数据库 personal credit database多维度的 multidimensional信用报告 credit report大数据分析 big data analysis社会融资 private financing流动性指标 liquidity measure新增贷款 new loans考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!7股票、债券融资 stock financing and bond financing直接融资

15、 direct financing货币政策 monetary policy小幅降息 the interest rates will be cut by a small margin2015年存款准备金率可能会有0.5至1.5个百分点的下调the required reserve ratiowill be cut by 0.5-1.5 percentage points税号|纳税人识别号 tax ID税务登记证 tax registration certificate社会保障号码 social security number签订劳动合同 sign work contracts缴纳社会保险 pay

16、 insurance购置地产 buy properties追踪个人收入及个人资产的来源 track individuals sources of income and personalassets犬瘟热病毒 canine distemper virus CDV犬瘟热 canine distemper病毒性疾病 a viral disease直接接触 direct contact高烧 high fever眼睛发炎 eye inflammation咳嗽 coughing呕吐 vomiting腹泻 diarrhea考试点:w w w . ka o s h id ia n . c o m考试点版权所有,未经允许,不得转载!8嗜睡 lethargy消毒隔离 disinfection and quarantinejob-hopping peak 跳槽潮white-collar workers 白领annual bonuses 年终奖涨薪 higher salary increases换工作 switch jobs/ seek new jobs 或者 look for a new pos


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