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1、整合营销 沟通1Objectives Know the tools of the marketing communications mix. Understand the process and advantages of integrated marketing communications. 举举出并定出并定义义 营销营销 沟通沟通组组 合的工具合的工具 讨论讨论 整合整合营营 销销沟通的沟通的过过 程与程与优优点点2Objectives Learn the steps in developing effective marketing communications. Understand

2、 methods for setting promotional budgets and the factors that affect the design of the promotion mix. 列出开展有效 营销 沟通的步骤 解释制定促销 预算的方法,以 及影响促销组 合 设计 的因素3 UPS is a $31 billion corporate giant UPS wanted to reposition itself as a supply chain solutions provider Developed new theme based on customer input

3、Implemented, “What Can Brown Do for You?” campaign Realigned its sales and marketing organization Ads, web sites, and salespeople deliver message dailyUPSUPSCase Study4 Marketing Communications Mix The specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company use

4、s to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives. 营销 沟通组合 将广告、人 员推销、销售 推广、公共关 系和直销工具 组合在一起, 用来达成公司 的广告和营销 目标。5 The Marketing Communications Environment is Changing: 变化的 沟通环 境6Mass markets have fragmented, causing marketers to shift away from mass marketingv Media fragmentation is increasing as w

5、ell Improvements in information technology are facilitating segmentation 由于大众市场变 得支离破碎,营销 人员逐渐放弃了大 众营销。v 媒体的分 离也在加速 信息技术的迅猛 发展加速了细分市 场营销 的过程。7 The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications Conflicting messages from different sources or promotional approaches can confuse company or brand images Th

6、e problem is particularly prevalent when functional specialists handle individual forms of marketing communications independently 对整合营销 沟 通的需求 从不同渠道和 促销方法所传达 的信息的冲突可 以使公司或品牌 形象变得混乱 当专业人员独 立地解决个人营 销沟通问题时这 一现象尤为普遍8 The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications The Web alone cannot be used to build

7、brands; brand awareness potential is limited Best bet is to wed traditional branding efforts with the interactivity and service capabilities of online communications Web efforts can enhance relationships 对整合营销 沟 通的需求 仅仅使用网站是 不能建立品牌的, 品牌潜在知名度是 有限的 最好的办法是把 传统的品牌建设方 法与互动和在线沟 通的服务能力结合 起来 网络可以加强联 系9Integ

8、rated Marketing Communications 整合营销 沟通The concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products.公司谨慎地 组合和搭配其 众多的沟通渠 道以传递 一个 关于其组织 和 产品的清晰、 一致、吸引人 的信息10Integrat

9、ed Marketing Communications 整合营销 沟通IMC implementation often requires the hiring of a MarCom manager.IMC的完成经 常需要雇佣一 个Marcom经 理11The Communication Process 沟通过程 Communications efforts should be viewed from the perspective of managing customer relationships over time. The communication process begins wi

10、th an audit of all potential contacts. 沟通的成就应该 随着时间的流逝 通过顾客关系管 理的状况而被观 察到 沟通过程的开始 是对所有潜在联 系进行审计12The Communication Process 沟通过程 Effective communication requires knowledge of how communication works. 有效沟通 需要了解 沟通是怎 样进 行的13Elements in the communication ProcessElements in the communication Process沟通沟通过

11、过过过程的要素程的要素The Communication Process Sender 发送人 Message 信息 Media 媒体 Receiver 接受者 Encoding 译码 Decoding 解码 Response 反应 Feedback 反馈 Noise Noise 噪音噪音沟通过过程14Developing Effective communication 发展有效沟通 Step 1: Identifying the Target Audience Affects decisions related to what, how, when, and where message wi

12、ll be said, as well as who will say it 第一步:识别 目标听众 影响相关决策, 包括说什么样的信 息、怎样说、什么 时候说、在什么地 方说,以及由谁来 说15Developing Effective communication 发展有效沟通 Step 2: Determining Communication ObjectivesSix buyer readiness stages 第二步:决 定沟通目标六个购买 者的准备就 绪阶 段16Buyer-Readiness StagesBuyer-Readiness StagesDeveloping Effect

13、ive Communication Awareness 知道 Knowledge 知识 Liking 爱好 Preference 偏 爱 Conviction 确信 Purchase 购 买发发展有效沟通六个六个购买购买购买购买 者的准者的准备备备备就就绪阶绪阶绪阶绪阶 段段17 Step 3: Designing a Message AIDA framework guides message design Message content contains appeals or themes designed to produce desired resultsv Rational appea

14、ls vEmotional appeals v Love, pride, joy, humor, fear, guilt, shamev Moral appeals 第三步:设计一个信息 AIDA构架指导信息设计 信息内容包含用来产生渴 望结果的呼吁或主题v合理的呼 吁v情感的呼 吁v爱心,自 豪,高兴,幽默 ,担心,内疚,羞 愧v精神的呼 吁Developing Effective communication 发展有效沟通18 Step 3: Designing a Message Message Structure: Key decisions are required with resp

15、ect to three message structure issues:v Whether or not to draw a conclusionv One-sided vs. two- sided argumentv Order of argument presentation Message Format: Design, layout, copy, color, shape, movement, words, sounds, voice, body language, dress, etc. 第三步:设计 一个信 息 信息结构:关键的决策 被要求尊重三个信息结构 问题v是否得出结论v一方面论点对 两方面论点v辩论陈 述顺 序 信息结构:设计 ,编排 ,复本,颜色,形状,动 作,字句,声音,嗓音,肢 体语言,服装,等等Developing Effective communication 发展有效沟通19 Step 4: Choosing Media Personal communication channelsv Includes face-to- face, phone, mail, and Internet chat communications


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